

单词 labour
labour 2
VERB  I   
1 formal   to work hard , especially physically 辛苦工作(尤指体力劳动)

Five generations of his family have laboured as fishermen. 他家5代人都是辛苦劳作的渔民。

1a to put a lot of effort into achieving something 费力地从事…

labour over sth At midnight she was still labouring over the accounts. 午夜时她仍在费劲地清点账目。

labour to do sth He laboured to make them understand his French. 他努力想让他们听懂他的法语。

2 to move very slowly and with difficulty 费力地行进

He laboured up the stairs with his bag of groceries. 他抱着一包食品杂货艰难地爬上楼梯。

-   labour the point
to continue explaining something or adding details after everyone clearly understands it

OK, OK, I get the idea – there’ s no need to labour the point! 好啦,好啦,我明白这意思了,没必要一说再说啦!

ˈlabour ˌunder
1 to exist or try to live in a situation where there are serious difficulties or problems 在(有很大困难或难题的)处境下生存(或设法生活)

Many countries labour under a huge burden of debt they cannot even begin to pay. 很多国家在沉重的债务下喘息,这些债务它们甚至还未开始偿还。

2 to continue doing something or believing something on the basis that something else is true , even though it is not (依据其他也许并不属实的事物)继续做(或相信)

labour under the illusion/delusion/mistaken conception etc Even after a decade, she still seems to labour under the illusion that she is Party leader. 即便过了10年,她似乎还抱有幻想,以为自己是党派的领导人。





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