/ˈleɪbə/ |
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1 | U the workers in a particular country , industry , or company considered as a group 工人;劳工;工人阶级;体力劳动者 |
| the declining demand for labour in agriculture 农业方面对劳工需求量的下降 |
| a plentiful supply of cheap labour 廉价劳动力的大量供应 |
| skilled/unskilled labour The demand for skilled labour in the building industry is high. 建筑行业对熟练工人的需求量很大。 |
| casual labour (=not regularly employed) Hotel managers need skilled staff and can’ t afford to rely on casual labour. 临时工人 |
| 1a | the organizations to which workers belong , or their leaders, considered as a group 工会 | | a meeting between management and labour 劳资双方的会议 | | organized labour In the 1960s the strength of organized labour was becoming more apparent. 在20世纪60年代,有组织的工会力量变得越来越明显。 | |
| 1b | relating to or involving workers 与劳工有关的;涉及劳工的 | | a labour dispute 劳资纠纷 | | The company is passing its higher labour costs on to its customers. 该公司将其较高的劳工费用转嫁给顾客。 | |
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2 | U work 劳动;工作 |
| the traditional division of labour between men and women in the home 男女在家中传统的劳动分工 |
| The price quoted includes the cost of all labour and materials. 所报价格包括所有的劳务费和材料费。 |
| 2a | work , especially hard physical work 劳动;(尤指)艰苦的体力劳动 | | In return for his labours, he receives food and shelter. 他以他辛苦的劳动换取食物和栖身之所。 | |
| 2b | the benefits of your hard work 从艰苦的劳动中获得的收益 | |
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3 | singular/U the process by which a baby is pushed from its mother’ s body when it is being born 分娩(过程) |
| drugs to ensure pain-free labour and delivery 确保无痛分娩的药物 |
| go into labour She went into labour early this morning. 她今天早上很早就开始分娩了。 |
| be in labour His wife was in labour for six hours. 他妻子的分娩长达6个小时。 |
| 3a | relating to a woman’ s labour during childbirth 与分娩有关的 | | labour pains 分娩时的阵痛 | | a labour ward 产房 | |