

单词 kill
kill 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to make a person or other living thing die 杀死;弄死

Each year thousands of people are killed and injured on the roads. 每年都有数以千计的人在交通事故中丧生或受伤。

Many people believe that killing animals for sport is morally wrong. 许多人认为以捕杀动物为乐是不道德的。

Speed kills. 超速驾驶会出人命。

1a to make yourself die 自杀

He tried to kill himself with an overdose of drugs. 他试图服用过量药物来结束自己的生命。

2  T  always progressive informal   if part of your body is killing you , it is causing you a lot of pain 使疼痛难忍

My back’ s killing me. 我的后背疼死了。

2a  T  to make you feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使累倒

Those stairs kill me every time! 上那些楼梯每次都累得我要命!

2b to work too hard , and make yourself very tired 呕心沥血;殚精竭虑;使自己过分劳累

She killed herself to get that project finished on time. 她为了准时完成那个项目而殚精竭虑。

3  T  to spend time doing a particular activity while you are waiting for something 消磨(时光);打发(时间)

We killed a few hours watching videos. 我们看录像打发了几个小时的时间。

kill time Shopping can be a good way to kill time at the airport. 在机场,购物可能是消磨时间的一个好方法。

4  T  to stop something from continuing 制止;扼杀;消灭

The group effectively killed speculation that a merger was about to take place. 该集团有效地消除了人们关于要合并的疑虑。

4a to stop pain 止(痛)

The nurse will give you something to kill the pain. 护士会给你一些止痛药。

4b a remark that kills a conversation makes people stop talking 使(谈话)中止

Jack can really kill a conversation with his ideas on politics. 杰克的政治观点真的会使谈话无法继续下去。

4c to decide not to publish or broadcast a news story 决定不刊登,决定不播放(某新闻)
4d to switch lights off 关(灯)

Can you kill the lights? 你能把灯关了吗?

-   if it kills you informal
used for emphasizing that you will do something even if it is extremely difficult

I’ m going to pass this exam if it kills me. 这门考试再难我也要通过。

-   I’ ll kill him/her/them spoken
used for saying that you are very angry with someone

Wait until I get my hands on him! I’ ll kill him. 等我抓到他,我要把他宰了!

-   kill or cure
an action you take that will either destroy something or save it completely
-   kill two birds with one stone
to achieve two aims with one action
-   kill yourself laughing informal
to laugh a lot
-   sth won’ t kill sb informal
used for saying that something is not as difficult or unpleasant as it seems

A shower of rain won’ t kill you. 一阵雨要不了你的命。

ˌkill ˈoff
to destroy living things so that most or all of them are dead 使(生物)大量死亡,使灭绝

Antibiotics may kill off beneficial bacteria. 抗生素可能会杀死大量有益细菌。

a to make something stop or fail completely 使完全停止;使彻底失败

The BBC has decided to kill off some of its best-loved programmes. 英国广播公司已经决定停播一些其最受欢迎的节目。

Other ways of saying :  kill
kill 的其他表达方式
murder to deliberately kill someone谋杀(故意杀害某人): She denied murdering her husband.她否认谋杀亲夫。
assassinate to kill an important or famous person, often for political reasons or for money暗杀(通常出于政治目的或为金钱刺杀重要或知名人士): Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.肯尼迪于1963年在达拉斯遇刺。
slaughter to kill a group of people in a very violent way or to kill farm animals屠杀,屠宰(以非常暴虐的方式杀害一群人或宰杀牲畜): Local militia then started to slaughter civilians.当地民兵接着开始屠杀平民。Thousands of cattle have been slaughtered since the outbreak of the disease.自从该疾病爆发以来,成千上万的牛已遭屠宰。
massacre to kill a very large number of people in a violent or cruel way大屠杀,残杀(以暴虐或残忍的方式杀害大量的人): Roman soldiers massacred several hundred villagers.罗马士兵残杀了数百名村民。
wipe out to kill an entire group of people or animals so that there are none left灭绝(杀光人或动物): These animals can wipe out entire colonies of bees.这些动物会使所有的蜂群灭绝。
exterminate to deliberately kill all the people or animals in a place or area, especially animals that are dangerous or dirty灭绝,扑灭(消灭某个地方或地区的人或动物,尤指消灭危险或肮脏的动物): We’ ll need to hire someone to exterminate the rats.我们需要雇人来灭鼠。
execute to kill someone legally as a punishment for a serious crime依法将(罪犯)处死: He was executed for treason.他因叛国罪而被处死。
put to death (formal) to execute someone将(某人)处死: The King ordered them to be put to death.国王下令将他们处死。
commit suicide to deliberately cause your own death自杀: She committed suicide in 1968.她于1968年自杀。
put down or put to sleep to kill an animal because it is ill or in pain and can never get well杀死(动物)以免除其痛苦;使受安乐死: We’ ve had to have our dog put to sleep.我们只好让狗安乐死。
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