

单词 kick
kick 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to hit something or someone with your foot 踢

Mum! Jimmy kicked me! 妈妈,吉米踢我!

Some children will bite and kick when they get angry. 有些孩子生气时会又咬又踢。

kick sth totowardsaway from sth He kicked the bottle towards the bin and missed. 他把瓶子踢向垃圾箱,但是没踢进。

kick sth around A couple of children were kicking an empty can around. 几个孩子正在把一只空罐子踢来踢去。

kick sth openclosedshut Southgate kicked the door open. 索思盖特踢开了门。

kick sb in the stomach/face/head etc She felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach. 她觉得自己好像被踢中了腹部。

1a to hit a ball with your foot in a game such as football 踢(球)

the pleasure of kicking a ball across a stretch of grass 将球踢过草地的乐趣

2  I/T  to move your legs as if you were kicking something 踢(腿)

Take your baby’ s nappy off and let her kick a bit. 取掉你宝宝的尿布,让她踢踢腿。

3  T  informal   to stop doing something that is bad for you 戒除(恶习)

Amanda has finally managed to kick smoking. 阿曼达最后总算戒了烟。

kick the habit Do you smoke and want to kick the habit? 你是不是吸烟而又想戒掉呢?

4  T  to hit a horse’ s sides with your heels to make it move forward (用脚后跟)蹬(马使其前进)

Flora kicked her horse into a canter. 弗洛拉蹬了蹬马,让它慢跑起来。

-   be kicked upstairs informal
to be given a job or position that seems more important but has less power
-   kick (sb’ s) ass mainly AMERICAN impolite
to punish or defeat someone

If he gives you any problems, let me know and I’ ll kick his ass. 要是他给你惹麻烦,告诉我一声,我会教训他的。

-   kick (some) ass/butt mainly AMERICAN impolite
to show someone what you are capable of doing or achieving, especially in a very determined way

Let’ s get out there and kick some ass! 我们出去露两手吧!

-   kick the bucket humorous
to die
-   kick sb in the teeth informal
to upset someone or make them feel disappointed , especially when they are trying hard to achieve something
-   kick sth into touch BRITISH
to stop discussing an idea , suggestion , problem etc because it is clear that you cannot achieve or solve it

That issue has now been kicked into touch. 那个问题现已不再讨论了。

-   kick the shit out of sb impolite
to attack someone physically in a very violent way
-   kick sb when they are down
to attack or criticize someone when they are already in a weak position
-   kick your heels BRITISH
to waste time waiting for someone or something

They were forced to kick their heels for nearly a quarter of an hour. 他们被迫白等了一刻钟左右。

-   kick yourself
to be very annoyed because you have made a mistake , missed an opportunity etc

He kicked himself for not having made the obvious connection. 连这么明显的联系都没意识到,他很懊恼。

ˈkick aˌgainst
kick against sbsth: to react against someone or something that you do not like but cannot change 反对;反抗

Katherine has an instinct for kicking against the establishment. 凯瑟琳生性反叛权势。

ˌkick aˈround or ˌkick aˈbout 
1  T  to discuss an idea or suggestion in an informal way 非正式讨论;随便谈论

We kicked around a few ideas. 我们随便谈了一些想法。

2  T  kick sb around: to treat someone in an unkind and unfair way 虐待;欺凌;不公正地对待

He told reporters they wouldn’ t be able to kick him around any more. 他告诉记者他们再也无法欺侮他了。

3  I  if something is kicking around , you have it but you are not sure exactly where it is 被乱丢;被乱放

There’ s a tin of chocolates kicking around somewhere. 有罐巧克力不知被扔在哪儿了。

3a  I  if ideas or suggestions are kicking around , they exist but no one is doing much about them (观点或建议)不大受重视
3b  I/T  kick around sthif people are kicking around , or kicking around a place , they are in that place without any definite plans 漫无目的地闲逛;游荡

Two friends and I decided to kick around the Loch Tay area for a few days. 我和两个朋友决定在泰湾地区闲游几日。

ˌkick ˈback
to relax 放松;休息

It was time to kick back and forget the worries of the day. 该是放松放松,把一天的烦恼都忘掉的时候了。

ˌkick ˈin
1  I  informal   to start to have an effect 开始起作用;见效;生效

The medicine took some time to kick in. 这药需要些时间才能见效。

The new rules kicked in last year. 新规则去年开始生效。

2  I/T  AMERICAN  to give something , especially money 捐助(尤指钱款)

Sweden has kicked in about $10 million a year since 1993. 自1993年以来,瑞典每年捐助约1000万美元。

-   kick sb’ s face/teeth/head in
to hurt someone badly by kicking them

The hoodlums kicked Jones’ s teeth in before making off with his money. 这些无赖把琼斯踢成重伤,又抢走了他的钱。

-   kick the door in
to break a door by kicking it

When the police came, they had to kick the door in to get into the flat. 警察来的时候只好踹开门进入那套公寓。

ˌkick ˈoff
1  I/T  informal   to begin , or to begin something 开始

The show kicks off this week at the Moscone Centre in San Francisco. 演出于本周在旧金山的莫斯康中心开演。

+with I’ d like to kick off with a quick look at last month’ s sales figures. 我想先大致看看上个月的销售数字。

2  T  to make your shoes come off by shaking your feet 摇晃脚甩掉(鞋)

Phyllis kicked off her sandals. 菲莉斯甩掉了凉鞋。

3  I  when a football match kicks off , the players start it by kicking the ball (足球比赛)开球

The game kicks off at 7.30. 比赛于7点30分开始。

4  T  kick sb off sth: informal   to force someone to leave a place or activity 迫使(某人)离开

He was kicked off the course for failing to hand in any work. 由于什么作业都没交,他被取消了修读那门课的资格。

ˌkick ˈout
to force someone to leave a place or organization 强迫(某人)离开;开除

kick sb out of sth Sonia’ s been kicked out of her house. 索尼娅已被撵出家门。

ˌkick ˈup
kick up sth: to make something go up into the air 扬起;掀起

The storm kicked up waves big enough to destroy homes. 暴风雨掀起的巨浪足以摧毁房屋。

-   kick up a fuss/stink/row informal
to complain very angrily about someone or something

The decision was changed after he kicked up a fuss. 在他大吵大闹之后,决定被改变了。

See also
drag 1




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