

单词 keep
keep 1 ★★★
1  I  to stay in a state , position , or place without changing or moving 保持(某种状态);留在(某个位置或地点)

Keep still while I brush your hair. 我给你梳头时别动。

People kept quiet because they were afraid of being found. 人们保持安静,因为他们害怕被发现。

I walked along the hall, keeping close to the side. 我紧挨着走廊的一侧往前走。

1a  T  to make someone or something stay in a state , position , or place 使保持(某种状态);使留在(某个位置或地点)

Keep her warm and give her plenty to drink. 注意给她保暖,多给她点水喝。

Police tried to keep the two rival groups apart. 警察试图把两个敌对的团体分开。

Why can’ t we just keep things simple? 我们为什么不能让事情就这样简单呢?

1b  T  keep sb/sth under sthto continue to watch or control something or someone 继续观察;继续控制

The patient is being kept under observation. 该病人正处于观察阶段。

keep sth under control They do not understand the importance of keeping costs under control. 他们不知道控制成本的重要性。

2  T  keep doing sth to do something many times or to continue doing it 反复做;继续做

I keep on telling you but you won’ t listen. 我反复对你说过,但你就是不听。

Keep taking the tablets. 继续服用这种药片。

I keep forgetting to put the answering machine on. 我老是忘记打开电话答录机。

2a  T  keep sb doing sthto make someone continue doing something 使(某人)继续做(某事)

Sorry to keep you waiting. 真抱歉,让你久等了。

She kept me talking for forty-five minutes. 她让我一连说了45分钟。

2b  T  keep sth doing sthto make something continue to operate or exist 使…继续运转;使…继续存在

We need more money to keep the farm going. 我们需要更多的钱来维持农场的运作。

2c  I/T  used when giving directions, to tell someone to continue in a particular direction (用于指路)继续前进,保持…方向

keep right/left/straight on Don’ t go left down Priory Road, keep straight on. 别左拐到普里奥里路,要一直往前走。

keep on/going Keep on until you reach the traffic lights. 一直往前走到红绿灯处。

3  T  to continue to have or own something 继续持有;保有;保留:

I think we should keep this one and sell the others. 我觉得我们应该留着这个,把其他的卖掉。

3a used when you allow someone else to have something (允许他人)保留

I’ ve got two copies, you can keep that one. 我有两份,你可以留下那一份。

She told the waiter to keep the change. 她告诉服务员不用找钱了。

3b used about things that are important to you 保持(自视为珍贵的东西)

How can I stay here and keep my self-respect? 我怎么才能既呆在这儿又保持自尊呢?

Most employees will keep their jobs when the company changes hands. 公司易主时,大部分员工将继续从事现有的工作。

4  T  to store something in a particular place so that you know where it is 存放;保管

Read this letter carefully, and keep it in a safe place. 仔细读一下这封信,然后把它放在一个安全的地方。

Where do you keep the washing powder? 你把洗衣粉放在哪儿?

4a to store information by writing it or putting it into a computer 记录,存储(信息于计算机内)

We keep all these transactions on file. 所有这些交易我们都存了档。

keep a record/keep records Some companies do not keep detailed records. 有些公司没有保存详细的记录。

keep a diary/journal Every member of the group has to keep a diary. 该小组的所有成员都得写日记。

5  T  to control something so that it stays within a limit 控制

Costs must be kept within reasonable limits. 费用必须控制在合理的范围内。

5a  I  +withinto stay within a limit 维持(在某限度内)

I am trying to keep within budget. 我在力争不超出预算。

6  T  to do what you said you would do 遵守,履行(诺言)

If you cannot keep your appointment, please let us know. 如果你无法赴约,请通知我们。

keep a promise I have tried to keep my promise. 我已努力遵守诺言。

keep your word He promised the family, and I think he will keep his word. 他向家人作过保证,我想他会说话算数的。

7  T  to provide money for yourself or someone else , in order to pay for the food , clothes , and other things that you or they need 供养;抚养;赡养

She keeps the family on two hundred pounds a week. 她靠每周两百英镑养活一家人。

keep sb in sth (=pay for them to buy it) His pay doesn’ t even keep the family in food. 出钱给某人买某物

8  T  to own animals and look after them 饲养

A few cows are kept to provide milk, cheese, and cream. 养了几头牛以提供牛奶、乳酪和奶油。

I have been keeping tropical fish for twenty years. 我养热带鱼已经有20年了。

9  I  if food or other substances keep for a particular period of time , they stay in good condition for that period of time (食品等)保质,保鲜,保持不坏

Perfume doesn’ t keep indefinitely, you know. 你知道香水是没法无限期保质的。

+for The sauce will keep for two weeks in the fridge. 调味汁放在冰箱里可保质两周。

10  I  always progressive spoken   used for asking if someone is well (用于询问某人的身体状况)保持健康

Are you keeping well? 你身体好吗?

How are you keeping? 你身体怎么样?

11  T  spoken   to delay someone 耽搁;拖延

What kept you? 是什么事耽搁了你?

I won’ t keep you long. 我不会耽误你太长时间。

-   keep at it
to continue doing something even if you want to stop

The secret of dieting is to keep at it. 节食的秘诀在于坚持。

-   keep going
1 to continue to do something although it is difficult 坚持下去

They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted. 即使感到筋疲力尽,他们还是迫使自己坚持下去。

2 to continue moving without stopping 继续前行

The truck kept going and disappeared from view. 卡车继续行驶,消失在视野之外。

-   keep sth to yourself
to not tell anyone else about something

I want you to keep this to yourself! 我要你保守这事的秘密!

-   keep yourself to yourself
to stay alone or with your family rather than spending time with other people

They were a quiet couple who kept themselves to themselves. 这对夫妇喜欢清静,不喜欢与他人交往。

-   you can’ t keep a good man/woman down spoken
used when someone who you like or approve of has managed to deal with criticism or a difficulty
ˌkeep aˈway
keep sb/sth away: to avoid someone or something , or to make someone else do this (使)避开;(使)不靠近

I’ ve told him to keep away, but he won’ t listen. 我叫他离远点,但他就是不听。

+from You should keep away from fried foods. 你应该远离油炸食品。

You can’ t keep the kids away from the computer. 你无法不让孩子玩电脑。

ˌkeep ˈback
1 to not tell someone something or not show how you feel 隐瞒;不谈

He said he was fine, but I knew he was keeping something back. 他说他没事,但我知道他在隐瞒着什么。

2 to keep part of an amount of money that belongs to someone or is owed to them 扣下,留下(一部分钱)

He kept back £50 for himself. 他给自己留下了50英镑。

3 to keep part of something so that you can use it later 留出(以备将来使用)

Keep back some strawberries for decoration. 留些草莓作装饰用吧。

4 if you keep back laughter or tears, you stop yourself laughing or crying 忍住,抑制住(笑声或泪水)

She struggled to keep back her tears. 她竭力忍住泪水。

ˌkeep ˈdown
1 to control something and prevent it from increasing in size or number 控制,压缩(规模或数量的增长)

We have to try and keep costs down. 我们得尽量控制成本。

The cats help to keep down the rats. 猫有助于控制老鼠的数量。

2 to stop someone from achieving what they are capable of achieving 压制

Even if you’ re intelligent, they still try to keep you down. 即使你很有才智,他们也还是要压制你。

3 to succeed in keeping food in your stomach although you feel as if you want to vomit 不使(胃中食物)吐出

I’ d eat something if I thought I could keep it down. 要是我认为我能不吐,我会吃点东西的。

-   keep it down spoken
used for telling someone to be quieter

Keep it down, I’ m trying to get some work done. 安静点,我在努力做点正事呢。

ˈkeep from
1 keep sb/sth from doing sth: to prevent someone from doing something or prevent something from happening 阻止(某人做某事);防止(某事发生)

These worries kept her from sleeping properly. 这些烦恼使她睡不好觉

The troops withheld fire to keep the situation from escalating. 为了避免事态升级,部队停火了。

2 keep sth from sb: to not tell someone something 隐瞒

I kept the news from him for a while. 这消息我向他隐瞒了一段时间。

ˌkeep ˈin
to make someone stay in a place , especially in school as a punishment 使(某人)留在(某处);(尤指)把…关晚学,罚…课后留校

They were kept in after school. 放学后,他们被留校了。

If he takes her to hospital they might keep her in. 如果他送她上医院,他们也许会让她住院。

ˌkeep ˈin with
keep in with sb: to stay friendly with someone , especially someone who can help you 与(尤指有帮助的人)友好相处
ˌkeep ˈoff
1 to not touch something or prevent something from touching something (使)不碰;(使)不靠近

Keep the flies off the food. 别让苍蝇飞近食物。

Keep your hands off, it’ s mine. 把你的手拿开,这是我的。

2 to not go onto a particular area of land 不得进入(某处)

Dogs must be kept off the beach. 狗不得进入海滩。

Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草地。

3 to avoid particular things, such as foods or subjects of conversation 避开(某种食物);不提(某个话题)

I’ m trying to keep off fatty foods. 我尽量不吃油腻的食物。

keep sb off sth Keep him off politics, for goodness sake. 看在上帝的份上,别让他参与政治。

ˌkeep ˈon
1  T  keep on doing sth: to continue doing something 继续,不停(做某事)

My sister kept on asking me question after question. 我妹妹不停地问我一个又一个的问题。

2  T  to continue to employ someone 继续雇用;继续留用

Only highly skilled people were kept on after the merger. 合并后,只有那些技术娴熟的人会被继续留用。

3  I  informal   to continue talking about something in a way that annoys people 讲个不停;没完没了地谈论

+about I don’ t know why you keep on about this. 我不明白你怎么老是唠叨这件事。

ˌkeep ˈout
keep sb/sth out: to prevent someone or something from entering a place 阻止…进入

Cars should be kept out of the city centre. 汽车不应该进入市中心。

-   keep out
used on signs to tell people not to go into a place
ˌkeep ˈout of
keep out of sth: to not become involved with something 不卷入;不参与

You keep out of this. It’ s none of your concern. 不要插手,这不关你的事。

ˈkeep to
1 keep sth to sth: to prevent an amount or number from passing a limit 限制,控制(在某一数量限度内)

You should keep your intake of alcohol to a minimum. 你应当把饮酒量控制在最低限度。

2 keep to sth: to follow an agreement or a rule , by doing what you should do or what you said you would do 遵守,信守(协定或规则)

Try to keep to a regular timetable of waking and sleeping. 要尽量遵循有规律的作息时间。

Always keep to the speed limit. 时刻遵守限速要求。

3 keep to sth: to stay on a path , road etc when you are going somewhere 沿着…走

You must keep to the path. 你必须沿着这条路走。

They kept to the side of the field. 他们沿着田边走。

4 keep to sth: to write or talk about the subject you have started to talk about , and not any other 不离(题)

I wish he’ d just keep to the point. 我希望他别离题。

ˌkeep ˈup
1  I  to move at the same speed as someone or something 跟上;不落后

Try to keep up! 努力跟上!

keep up with sb He had to hurry to keep up with her. 他只好加快脚步跟上她。

1a to change or learn at the same speed as other people or things 跟上,赶上(其他人或其他事物的变化或进步)

By studying hard she managed to keep up. 她靠努力学习而迎头赶上了。

keep up with sb We always try to keep up with our competitors. 我们一直在尽力赶上竞争对手。

2  I  +with: to continue to learn about something 不断获知(某事的情况)

We try to keep up with what’ s happening. 我们努力跟进事态的发展情况。

3  T  to continue to do something 继续做

We’ re on a winning streak – hopefully we can keep it up. 近来我们连连获胜,但愿能够再接再厉。

Keep up the good work. 继续好好干。

The trade unions continued to keep up pressure for higher wages. 工会继续施压,要求提高工资。

3a to continue to pretend that something is true 继续假装

She tried to appear cheerful but couldn’ t keep it up. 她想表现得高兴点,但却装不出来。

His family kept up the pretence that he had been ill. 他的家人继续假装他生病了。

4  T  keep sb up: to prevent someone from going to bed 使熬夜

It’ s late, I’ d better not keep you up any longer. 时间很晚了,我最好别再耽搁你了。

See also
eye 1
house 1




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