

单词 keen
keen 1 ★★★
1 wanting to do something or wanting other people to do something 渴望的;迫切想要的

be keen to do sth The government is keen to avoid further conflict with the unions. 政府迫切想避免和工会发生进一步冲突。

very/particularly keen We are very keen to encourage more local employers to work with us. 我们非常渴望能与更多的地方雇主进行合作。

be keen on doing sth The captain wasn’ t keen on having him in the team. 队长不想让他留在队里。

be keen for sb to do sth Of course I’ m keen for him to be successful. 我当然希望他能成功。

1a wanting to do something well 热情的;热心的

Many of our players are very young and keen. 我们的很多球员既年轻又充满热情。

The students in this class are all very keen. 这个班的学生都很积极向上。

2 only before noun very interested in an activity that you do often because you enjoy it 热衷的;着迷的

a keen cyclist/gardener/amateur historian 喜欢骑自行车的人/热衷于园艺的人/热衷于研究历史的业余爱好者

2a to be interested in something and enjoy it , especially an activity that you do often 喜欢某事的,对某事着迷的(尤指常进行的活动)

All the kids are keen on swimming. 这些孩子全都喜欢游泳。

He’ s also very keen on modern painters. 他也喜欢现代派画家。

mad keen on sth (=extremely keen) I was mad keen on horses then. 非常喜欢某物的

2b to like someone or think that they are attractive 喜欢某人的;认为某人有吸引力的

He seems pretty keen on her. 他似乎相当喜欢她。

dead keen (=extremely keen) I’ m telling you, she’ s dead keen on you. 非常喜欢的

3 very strong 非常强烈的

His business training was combined with a keen sense of duty. 他所受的商业训练和强烈的责任感结合在了一起。

a keen awareness of the importance of IT to industry 强烈意识到信息技术对于工业发展的重要性

a keen interest in sth Mr Lindsay always took a keen interest in his pupils’ achievements. 林赛先生总是很关注他学生的成就。

4 keen sight , hearing etc makes you very good at seeing things, hearing things etc (视觉、听觉等)敏锐的

Vultures are known for their extremely keen eyesight. 秃鹰以其极为敏锐的视觉而闻名。

I have a very keen sense of smell. 我的嗅觉很灵敏。

4a used about someone’ s mental abilities 才思敏捷的

a keen mind/brain/intellect 敏捷的头脑/敏锐的头脑/敏捷的思维

4b an ability to notice and recognize something 对某事物有敏锐的眼光

My friend’ s a tireless shopper with a keen eye for a bargain. 我的朋友购起物来不知疲倦,对便宜货有敏锐的眼光。

5 mainly literary   a keen wind is cold and strong (风)寒冷刺骨的,凛冽的
6 literary   a keen blade is very sharp (刀刃)非常锋利的
-   (as) keen as mustard BRITISH informal
very eager or enthusiastic
keenness  noun   U 




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