

单词 judge
judge 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 someone whose job is to make decisions in a court of law 法官;审判员

The judge sentenced her to ninety days in prison. 法官判她监禁90天。

The judge dismissed their claim for compensation. 法官驳回了他们的索赔要求。

A High Court judge found him innocent. 高等法院的一名法官判他无罪。

go before a judge She was to go before a judge the next morning. 她第二天就要去见法官了。

1a used as a title before the name of a judge 法官(作为称呼用在法官的姓名前)

Judge Hyam ruled that the evidence was inadmissible. 海厄姆法官裁定该证据不予采信。

2 someone who decides who the winner of a competition will be (比赛的)裁判员,评委

All entries will be examined by a panel of judges. 所有的参赛作品都将经过评委会的审查。

2a someone who decides what action is correct when there is a disagreement 仲裁人

The referee is the sole judge of the rules. 仲裁员是这些规则的唯一仲裁人。

-   be a good/bad/shrewd etc judge of sth
to be someone whose opinions about something are usually right , wrong , intelligent etc

My sister is a very shrewd judge of character. 我姐姐是很会判断性格的人。

-   be no judge (of sth)
to not have enough knowledge to give an opinion about something

I’ m no judge of what makes people happy. 我无法判别什么事情能让人们高兴。

-   judge and jury
someone who makes all the decisions about something important , especially when other people think this is wrong

Who made you judge and jury over everybody? 谁让你对大家发号施令的?

-   let sb be the judge of sth
used for saying that someone should have their own opinion about something and not accept what they are told

Jane says I’ m good at cooking, but I’ ll let you be the judge of that! 简说我很会做菜,可我想还是让你自己来评判吧。

-   let me be the judge of that
used for telling someone angrily that you do not want their advice




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