

单词 itself
itself ★★★
  Itself is a reflexive pronoun , being the reflexive form of it . It can be used especially in the following ways:
itself 是it 的反身代词,尤有以下用法
  as an object that refers to the same thing that is the subject of the sentence or that was mentioned earlier in the sentence用作宾语(指代句子主语所指的事物或指代之前提到过的事物): The machine switches itself off when it has finished printing. 这台机器在完成打印之后会自动关机。 The civil war divided the country against itself. 内战使国家内部分裂对抗。
  after a singular noun or pronoun for emphasis(用于名词或代词的单数形式之后表强调): The document itself is divided into three parts. 该文件本身被分成3个部分。 That itself is the problem. 那本身就是问题所在。
1 used for showing that a thing , group , animal , or baby that does something is also affected by the action or is involved in it (用于表示某事物、群体、动物或婴儿受自身行为的影响)它自身,它本身

It will be several months before the young bird can feed itself. 幼鸟需要几个月的时间才能够自己进食。

Can the government in Freetown defend itself against rebel attacks? 弗里敦政府能够保卫自己免受叛乱袭击吗?

2 used for referring back to something already mentioned in the same sentence (用于回指同一个句中提到的事物)

Roosevelt’ s reforms were designed to save American capitalism from itself. 罗斯福的改革专为拯救美国资本主义自身而制定。

We want to create a society that is at ease with itself. 我们想创造一个自身安逸自在的社会。

3 used for emphasizing that you are referring to a particular thing and not to anything else (用于强调特定的事物)自身,本身

The problem lies in the software and not in the computer itself. 问题出在软件上,而不是计算机本身。

Before we begin the ceremony itself, there are one or two things I should explain. 在我们正式开始这个仪式之前,有一两件事情我必须作一下解释。

4 used for saying that someone or something has a lot of a particular quality (用于表示某人或某物具有许多某种特质)

The nurses had been kindness itself to Leonora. 护士们过去一直对莉奥诺拉非常好。

Applying online is simplicity itself. 网上申请非常简单。

-   (all) by itself
1 not near any others 单独地;孤零零地

His house stood by itself on the edge of the village. 他的房子孤零零地坐落在村庄的边上。

2 without help or without being made to do something 无需外力地;自动地

The door opens by itself as you approach it. 当你靠近的时候门就会自动打开。

The baby will soon be able to stand up all by itself. 这个婴儿很快就能自己站起来。

3 used for showing that one particular thing is the only thing involved 就…自身;仅…本身

Nuclear power by itself cannot provide for all our energy needs. 仅核能本身并不能提供我们所需的全部能源。

-   in itself/of itself
used for emphasizing that what you are saying about one particular thing is true without even considering anything else

Some of the medicines were out of date, which was in itself dangerous. 其中一些药品已经过期,这本身就很危险。

Using someone else’ s name is not of itself a crime, unless there is an intention to commit a fraud. 使用他人的名字本身并不是犯罪,除非存有诈骗动机。

-   (all) to itself
not shared with others

This is such a complex matter that it merits a chapter to itself. 这是一个非常复杂的问题,需要另立一个章节。





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