

单词 invest
invest ★★★
VERB  I   
to use your money with the aim of making a profit from it , for example by buying property or buying shares in a company 投资

How much do you have to invest? 你必须投多少资?

+in He began investing in the stock market at an early age. 他早年时就开始投资股票。

invest sth in sth Banks and private individuals invested $20 million in the scheme. 银行和私人投资了2000万英镑到该方案中。

invest heavily (=invest a lot of money) We’ ve invested heavily in foreign markets. 大量投资;重点投资

inˈvest in
1 invest in sth: to buy something , especially something that you need and will use a lot 购买(尤指自己需要并长期使用的东西)

I think it’ s time I invested in a new computer. 我想该投资买台新计算机了。

2 invest sth in doing sth: to use something such as time or effort for a particular purpose 投入(时间或精力等)做(某事)

You have to be willing to invest a lot of time in taking care of elderly parents. 你必须心甘情愿地投入大量的时间来照料年迈的双亲。

3 invest in sthinvest sth in sth: to spend money on something in order to improve it or make it more successful (为改善或提高某物而)投资(某物)

This government believes in investing in education. 该政府确信投资教育有好处。

inˈvest with
PHRASAL VB  T  usually passive
1 formal   to give something or someone a particular quality 赋予(某物或某人)以(某种性质)

Nature has invested these animals with a capacity for not showing fear. 自然界赋予了这些动物一种不显露恐惧的本领。

2 to give a person or organization power , influence , or authority 把(权势或职权)授予(某人或某组织)

The Secret Service is invested with the authority to guard the president and his family. 特工处被授予了保卫总统及其家庭的职权。





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