

单词 introduce
introduce ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to tell someone another person’ s name when they meet for the first time 介绍;引见;使相互认识

Have you two been introduced? 给你们俩介绍过了吗?

introduce sb to sb I would like to introduce you to my friend Martin. 我想把你介绍给我的朋友马丁。

introduce yourself He introduced himself as (=said his name was) Major Desmond Morton. 他自我介绍说他是德斯蒙德·莫顿少校。

2 to bring something into existence or use for the first time 引入;引进;推行

Schools have been forced to introduce harsher disciplinary measures. 学校被迫推行更加严厉的纪律措施。

a recently introduced laptop computer 新近引进的笔记本电脑

2a to start to use a new system , process , or law for the first time 采用;推行

They intend to introduce legislation to prevent human cloning. 他们打算引入立法来阻止人类克隆。

2b to bring something such as a plant or animal into a country or environment for the first time 引入,传入,引进(植物、动物等)

Be careful what other fish you introduce into the aquarium. 小心你引进水族馆的其他鱼类。

introduce sth to/into sth Chocolate was introduced to Europe from Mexico. 巧克力是从墨西哥引入欧洲的。

3 to provide someone with a new experience , activity , or opportunity to learn something 使…体验;使…经历;使…接触

introduce sb to sth She’ s introducing the children to literature from Asian countries. 她正在让孩子们接触亚洲文学。

4 to tell an audience about a programme , performer , performance etc that they are going to see or hear 介绍(节目、表演者、表演等)

It is my pleasure to introduce tonight’ s speaker. 我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。





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