

单词 increase
increase 1 ★★★
 I  to become larger in amount or number 增加;增大;增长

Our costs increased dramatically over the last decade. 我们的成本在过去的10年中急剧增长。

+by The population has increased by 15 per cent. 人口增长了15%。

+in The club has been increasing in popularity. 俱乐部越来越受欢迎。

+with The chances of having twins increase with a mother’ s age. 母亲年龄越大,生育双胞胎的几率就越大。

an increasing number/proportion etc An increasing number of people are choosing not to have children. 越来越多的人选择不要孩子。

a  T  to make something become larger in amount or number 使增加;使增大;使增长

We have managed to increase the number of patients treated. 我们已设法提高了收治病人的数量。

Sunbathing increases your risk of getting skin cancer. 日光浴会增大你患皮肤癌的几率。

Other ways of saying :  increase
be/go up to increase: used for talking about prices or levels(使)(价格或水平)增长;(使)上涨: House prices went up a further 12 per cent last year.去年房价又上涨了12%。
push up to make something increase: used for talking about prices or levels: It is feared that the new taxes will push up fuel prices.恐怕新税种会促使油价上涨。
rise to increase增长;上升: The number of complaints rose to record levels.投诉量上升到创纪录的水平。
soar to increase quickly and to a very high level: used mainly in journalism剧增,飙升(主要用于新闻报道中): Share prices have soared to an all-time high.股价飙升至历史新高。
rocket or skyrocket (informal) to increase quickly and suddenly: used mainly in journalism突然激增(主要用于新闻报道中): Bad weather means fresh fruit prices are set to rocket.坏天气意味着新鲜水果的价格定会猛涨。
mount to increase steadily持续增长: The chairman is under mounting pressure to resign.董事长受到的辞职压力越来越大。
be on the increase to be increasing steadily在持续增加: New cases of breast cancer seem to be on the increase.看起来患乳腺癌的新病例在逐步增加。
double to increase to twice the original amount or level翻倍,增长到原来的两倍: Oil prices have more than doubled since last year.自去年以来,油价已翻了不止一倍。
treble to increase to three times the original amount or level增长到原来的三倍: The last six months have seen the company’ s value treble.在过去的6个月中公司的股值增加了两倍。




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