

单词 arrive
arrive ★★★
VERB  I   
1 to reach a place , after having been somewhere else 到达;抵达

What time does your plane arrive? 你乘坐的飞机什么时候到达?

I finally arrived home at five in the morning. 我终于在早上5点到家了。

+at/in Four police officers suddenly arrived at their house. 4位警官突然来到他们家。

1a to reach a place after having been sent or ordered from somewhere else 送到;寄达

A letter arrived for you this morning. 今早有一封寄给你的信。

Our furniture arrived safely by truck yesterday. 我们的家具昨天用卡车安全送达了。

1b if information arrives, it is published or heard somewhere (信息)发布;听到(消息)

Reports are just arriving about the earthquake in Mexico. 刚刚才听到有关墨西哥地震的报道。

1c to come to a place in order to live there permanently 来到(某地定居)

Her parents arrived in America in 1926. 她父母于1926年来到美国。

1d to join an organization or start a new job 加入;参加

She was just 21 when she arrived at the Daily Mail as a trainee reporter. 她来到《每日邮报》当见习记者时才21岁。

2 to happen , take place , or begin to exist 发生;出现;诞生

When radar arrived, the course of the war changed. 当雷达出现后,战争的进程改变了。

3 if a baby arrives, it is born (婴儿)出生

Sally was four when her baby brother arrived. 萨莉4岁时小弟弟出生了。

4 informal   to achieve an aim , especially after a lot of effort (尤指付出大量努力后)成功

Running their own business, they felt they had finally arrived. 在经营自己的生意时,他们感到终于成功了。

arˈrive at
arrive at sth: to reach a result , decision , or solution to a problem 得出(结果);作出(决定);找到(解决办法)

How did they arrive at that figure? 他们怎么得出那个数字的?

The two studies arrive at very different conclusions. 两项研究得出大不相同的结果。





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