/ɪˈmiːdiət/ |
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1 | happening or done now , without any delay 立即的;即刻的 |
| Our government must take immediate action. 我们的政府必须立即采取行动。 |
| The rebels demanded the immediate release of the prisoners. 叛乱者要求立即释放犯人。 |
| Restrictions on advertising had an immediate impact on rates of teenage smoking. 限制广告对青少年吸烟率有立竿见影的效果。 |
| with immediate effect (=starting now) I handed in my resignation, with immediate effect. 即刻生效 |
| 1a | your immediate reaction to something is the first thing you think , feel , or do when it happens (反应)第一时间的,立即的 | | My immediate response was to say yes. 我的第一反应就是同意。 | | The announcement brought immediate denunciation from environmental bodies. 该声明立即招来了环保团体的谴责。 | |
| 1b | existing now and needing urgent action 紧急的;紧迫的 | | There doesn’ t seem to be any immediate danger. 似乎不存在任何迫近的危险。 | | The French threat was the most immediate and damaging. 来自法国的威胁最为紧迫,也最具危害性。 | |
| 1c | existing in the period of time directly before or after an event 最接近的;紧接的 | | in the immediate prewar period 在战争即将爆发的那段时期 | | immediate aftermath terrible pictures of the immediate aftermath of the earthquake 关于地震刚刚过后的景象的骇人图片 | | the immediate future The two men have different plans for the immediate future. 这两人对眼前的日子抱有不同的打算。 | |
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2 | only before noun immediate aims, wishes, or needs are of the greatest importance and are dealt with first (目标、愿望或需要)首要的,当前的 |
| Our immediate aim is to qualify for next year’ s finals. 我们的首要目标是取得进入明年决赛圈的资格。 |
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3 | only before noun someone in an immediate relationship to you is closely connected to you 紧密的;直接的 |
| She is my immediate superior (=the person directly in charge of me) . 她是我的顶头上司。 |
| members of the President’ s immediate entourage 总统的贴身随从人员 |
| immediate family (=your parents, children, brothers, and sisters) People who have immediate family on the plane are asked to contact this number. 直系亲属 |
| 3a | the person who comes directly before or after you in a particular job or relationship 前任/继任 | | a decision made by his immediate predecessor at the Foreign Office 由外交部他的前任作出的决定 | |
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4 | only before noun next to a place or person , or a very small distance away from them 邻近的;附近的 |
| immediate vicinity (=area) There are several pleasant walks in the immediate vicinity. 邻近地区 |
Words frequently used with immediate | immediate 的常见搭配词 | | area, locality, neighbour, neighbourhood, surroundings, vicinity, | 4 | | |