/əˈraʊnd/ |
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1 | used for showing movement |
| 1a | moving in a circular way 环绕着;旋转 | | The Earth goes around the Sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 | | The wind makes the windmill’ s sails spin around. 风吹动风车翼板使其旋转。 | |
| 1b | moving to many different parts or areas 朝四周;向各处 | | We drove around looking for a hotel. 我们开车四处寻找旅馆。 | | I wish you’ d stop following me around. 我希望你不要再跟着我到处走了。 | | There’ s a rumour going around that she’ s leaving her job. 她要离职的谣言四处流传。 | |
| 1c | moving so that you face in the opposite direction 转到相反方向;转身 | | Martha heard a noise and spun around to see what it was. 玛莎听见有动静,转过身来想看看是什么。 | | When we got to the border, the guards made us turn around and go back. 我们到达边界时,卫兵让我们转身回去。 | |
| 1d | moving so that you get to the other side of something 到另一面;转向 | | At that moment a truck came rushing around the corner. 那时一辆卡车绕过街角冲过来。 | | Go around to the back of the house and see if anyone’ s in the garden. 转到屋后看看花园里是否有人。 | |
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2 | used for showing where sb/sth is |
| 2a | surrounding or enclosing something 围绕;环绕;包围 | | Arrange the chairs around the table. 把椅子摆在桌子四周。 | | Sam was sitting on the couch with his arm around Mandy’ s waist. 萨姆坐在长沙发上,手臂搂着曼迪的腰。 | | Everyone crowded around the little dog. 大家都围在小狗周围。 | | a charming cottage with beautiful woods all around 周围有漂亮森林环绕的迷人小屋 | |
| 2b | in many different parts or areas 在四周;到处 | | They have about 15 offices scattered around the country. 他们在全国约有15个办事处。 | | Why are all those clothes lying around on the floor? 为什么所有那些衣服都放在地上? | | The Games were watched by millions of people around the world. 全世界几百万人观看了这场运动会。 | |
| 2c | in or close to a place or area 在里面;在近旁;在附近 | | the quiet country roads around Chester 切斯特附近宁静的乡村道路 | | Is your wife around? I’ d like to talk to her. 你妻子在旁边吗?我想跟她谈谈。 | | in and around People living in and around the Chernobyl area were the worst affected. 住在切尔诺贝利地区及附近的民众受害最为严重。 | | somewhere around The factory is in Sacramento, or somewhere around there. 工厂在萨克拉门托或那附近的某个地方。 | | for miles around It’ s one of the most popular restaurants for miles around. 这是方圆几英里内最好的餐馆之一。 | |
| 2d | in a place with other people , because you live there or spend a lot of time there 在身边;在旁边 | | She said her husband hadn’ t been around when she really needed him. 她说她真正需要丈夫时他却不在身边。 | | The place gets so messy when the children are around. 孩子们在时这地方会变得乱七八糟的。 | | Brian had been around London for years, and knew all the right people. 布赖恩在伦敦多年,认识所有要人。 | |
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3 | searching , looking, or trying to find sth |
| 3a | used for saying that someone looks in different places because they want to find something 朝…四周;向四周(看) | | She walked in, glanced around the hall, and went out. 她走进来,朝大厅四周看了看,然后走了出去。 | | It seemed like someone had been snooping around in my office. 好象有人一直在窥探我的办公室。 | |
| 3b | used for saying that someone asks many people in order to find something 各处,到处(打听) | | I’ ll ask around and see if anyone has his address. 我要四处打听一下,看看有没有人知道他的地址。 | | It’ s a good idea to shop around to get the best deal on your insurance. 多走几家保险公司以买到最好的保险,这是个好主意。 | |
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4 | not an exact amount or number |
| 4a | used for showing that you are guessing a number or amount 大概;大约 | | There must have been around 500 people there. 那儿肯定有500人左右。 | | Damage was estimated at around £20 million. 损失估计大约有2000万英镑。 | |
| 4b | used for referring to a time that is not exact (时间上的)大约,大致 | | It was around that time that people started worrying about the ozone layer. 大约就在那时人们开始担心臭氧层。 | | We got back around 11. 我们在11点左右回来的。 | |
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5 | used for showing how sb is spending their time |
| 5a | spending time in a place not doing much 打发时间地;无所事事地 | | We got tired of waiting around. 我们厌倦了无所事事地空等。 | | A group of old men were sitting around playing cards. 一群老人在坐着打牌。 | | They spent the day lounging around the pool. 他们一整天无所事事地呆在池塘边。 | |
| 5b | wasting time and behaving in a stupid way 浪费时间地;游手好闲地 | | A bunch of kids was messing around outside the school. 一群孩子在校外闲荡。 | | I was fooling around and I broke my arm. 我在闲逛时弄断了胳膊。 | |
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6 | existing or available now |
| 6a | used for saying that a certain type of person , product etc exists or is available at this time 存在的;可得到的 | | There are some really good new video games around. 有一些真正不错的新电子游戏。 | |
| 6b | used for talking about the biggest/best etc thing that exists 现有最大/好/快等的 | | It’ s one of the biggest shopping centres around. 这是当今最大的购物中心之一。 | |
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7 | MAINLY AMERICAN concerning about a particular subject 关于;围绕着 |
| There is a lot of anxiety around the whole process of globalization. 人们对整个全球化进程存有不少焦虑不安的情绪。 |