

单词 however
however ★★★
  However can be used in the following ways:
however 有以下用法
  as a way of showing how a sentence is related to what has already been said用来表示一个句子是如何与已经说过的事联系起来的: Prices have been rising. It is unlikely, however, that this increase will continue. 物价一直在上涨,不过这种上涨不太可能持续下去。
  as an adverb (before an adjective or adverb)用作副词(用于形容词或副词前): However hard he tried, he could not control his feelings. 不管费多大的劲,他都无法控制自己的感情。 (before ‘much’ or ‘many’ )用于much 或many 前: However much they earn, they will never be satisfied. 他们不管挣多少钱都永远不会满足。 (starting a question): However did you manage to make him change his mind? 你到底是怎样让他改变主意的?
  as a conjunction (joining two clauses)用作连词(连接两个分句): You can arrange the furniture however you want. 你想怎么摆这些家具都行。 However you look at it, it’ s an enormous problem. 不管你怎么看,这都是个大问题。
1 used for giving surprising information
used when you are saying something that seems surprising after your previous statement , or that makes your previous statement seem less true 然而;但是

The president was confident of success. His advisers were not so sure, however. 总统对成功充满信心,不过他的顾问们却没有那么自信。

Diamond mining is a highly profitable industry. There are, however, certain risks involved. 钻石开采是个高利润的产业,但其中也有某些风险。

2 used for changing the subject
used when you are changing the subject (用于改变话题)不过,但是

I’ m delighted I could be here today. However, I didn’ t come here to talk about myself. 今天能在这儿,我感到很高兴。但是,我来这儿不是为了谈论自己。

3 when the amount or degree does not make a difference
used for saying that it makes no difference how good , bad , difficult etc something is or how much there is of something 不管多么;无论多么

however good/well/bad/badly/hard etc She would still love him however badly he behaved. 不管他表现多差,她都仍然会爱他。

If you take money from the fund, however small the amount, you must record it in this book . 如果你取用基金的钱,不管数目多小,都必须登记在这个本子上。

however much/many We’ re determined to have a wonderful holiday, however much it costs. 不管要花多少钱,我们都决心好好度个假。

However many times you explain things, you can never get him to understand. 不管你把事情解释多少遍,你都无法让他明白。

however long sth takes We are determined to solve this problem, however long it takes. 不管花多少时间,我们都决心要解决这个问题。

4 spoken   used for emphasizing ‘how’
used instead of ‘how’ in questions for emphasizing that you think something is surprising (用于疑问句中代替how,表示强调)究竟怎样,到底如何

‘The original documents got lost.’ ‘However did that happen?’ “原件丢失了。”“这到底是怎么搞的?”

5 in whatever way
in whatever way someone chooses 不管用什么方法(或方式)

We let the kids decorate their rooms however they want to. 我们让孩子们想怎么布置房间就怎么布置房间。

However you look at it, this is very worrying news. 不管你怎么看这都是一条非常令人担忧的消息。





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