

单词 how
how ★★★
  How can be used in the following ways:
how 有以下用法
  as an adverb (introducing a direct or indirect question)用作副词(引导直接或间接疑问句): How do you spell your last name? 你的姓怎么拼写? I don’ t know how the system works. 我不知道这个系统是如何运作的。 (introducing an exclamation)引导感叹句: How I hate the winter! 我多么讨厌冬天啊! (followed by an adjective or adverb)后接形容词或副词: How old is Peter? 彼得今年多大了? I didn’ t realize how clever she was. 我没想到她那么聪明。 It’ s surprising how quickly the weather can change. 天气竟然变得这么快。( (before ‘much’ , ‘many’ , ‘few’ , or ‘little’ )用于much, many, few, 或little前: How much do you earn? 你挣多少钱? (introducing a clause that is the subject, object, or complement of another clause)引导作为另一分句的主语、宾语或补语的分句: How I spend my free time is a private matter. 我的空闲时间怎么过是件私事。
  as a conjunction (connecting two clauses)用作连词(连接两个分句): You can live your life how you want. 你可以想怎么生活就怎么生活。
1 in what way
1a used for asking or talking about the method of doing something (用于询问或谈论做某事的方法)如何,怎样

How can I get from here to Oxford Street? 从这儿到牛津街我该怎么走?

‘We have to get out of this place.’ ‘Yes, but how?’ “我们得从这儿出去。”“是啊,可是怎么出去呢?”

Louis is the only person who understands how the system works. 路易斯是唯一知道这个系统如何运作的人。

How they ever made a profit is an absolute mystery. 他们当时是如何赢利的绝对是个谜。

how to do sth Would you show me how to send an email? 你能给我演示一下怎么发电子邮件吗?

1b used for asking or talking about the way someone behaves or the way something happens (用于询问或谈论某人的行为或某事发生的方式)

Just tell me how the story ends. 只要告诉我故事的结局就好了。

How did she react when you mentioned my name? 当你提到我的名字时她有什么反应?

1c used for asking or talking about the way in which one thing is different from or similar to another (用于询问或谈论两物相同或相异之处)

How does the new program differ from the old one? 新节目与旧节目的差异何在?

I don’ t see how this crisis is any worse than the one we had last year. 我看不出这次的危机怎么会比去年的那次更严重。

1d used for asking or talking about the way someone or something looks or sounds (用于询问或谈论某人或某物的外表或声音)

‘How do you like your coffee?’ ‘Just a little milk, please.’ “你要喝什么样的咖啡?”“请加一点牛奶。”

Cut her hair short if that’ s how she wants it. 如果她喜欢那样的话就把她的头发剪短。

How you look is not so important in radio broadcasting. 在无线电广播中人的长相不是很重要。

I hate how my voice sounds on tape. 我讨厌自己在录音带中的声音。

1e in whatever way 不管用什么方式

Now I’ ve left school I can dress how I want. 我现在已经离开学校了,可以爱怎么打扮就怎么打扮。

2 used for talking about quantity or degree
2a used for asking or saying what quantity , distance , age etc something is , or to what degree something is true (用于询问或谈论数量、距离、年龄或某事的真实程度等)多少,多么

I wonder how far we’ ve walked today. 我不知道我们今天已经走了多远。

How old is your sister? 你妹妹今年多大了?

I soon realized how difficult my job was going to be. 我很快就意识到我的工作会有多难。

how much/many I know how much time is wasted on unnecessary tasks. 我知道有多少时间被浪费在了不必要的工作上。

How many grandchildren have you now? 你现在有几个孙子、孙女?

2b used for asking the price of something …多少钱?

How much was that CD player of yours? 你那台CD机多少钱?

3 used for asking whether sth is good
3a used for asking what someone thinks about an experience (用于询问某人的感觉)怎么样

How was school today? 今天上学怎么样?

How’ s life in the army? 部队的生活怎么样?

how did sth go How did your driving test go? 你的驾驶考试情况怎么样?

3b used for asking about someone’ s health 某人的健康状况如何?

How’ s your father doing? Is he feeling any better? 你父亲的身体怎么样?好一些了吗?

3c used for asking someone about their progress or their general situation 情况怎样?/进展如何?/你近况如何?

‘How are you doing, Bill?’ ‘Oh, pretty well.’ “比尔,你近来怎样?”“哦,不错。”

‘How are things?’ ‘Much the same as usual.’ “情况怎么样?”“跟平常差不多。”

4 used for emphasis
4a used for emphasizing a particular fact or quality (用于强调)多么,何等

You know how much I love you. 你知道我有多爱你。

I was amazed at just how easy it is to shop on the Internet. 网上购物竟然那么容易,真让我惊讶。

How wonderful! This means we can all travel together. 太妙了!这意味着我们可以一起旅行了。

How kind of you to say all those nice things about me! 你真是太好了,说了我那么多的好话!

4b used for emphasizing that what has just been said is true to a very great degreeThis is often used for showing that you do not approve of something (用于强调)可不是,当然啦,那还用说(该词常表示不赞成某事)

‘Cindy seems to have a problem with men.’ ‘And how!’ “辛迪似乎跟男人相处有点困难。”“那还用说!”

5 used for introducing a fact
used for referring to a particular fact that you want to mention (用于引出想要谈及的事实)

I remember how they used to have those huge roaring fires in the winter. 我记得他们过去经常在冬天生起熊熊燃烧的炉火。

Isn’ t it strange how no one ever mentions his name nowadays? 如今竟然没有一个人提到他的名字,这不奇怪吗?

-   how about...? spoken
1 used for suggesting what someone may like to do or choose , or a time or place that may be suitable (你以为)…怎么样?

How about dinner tonight? 今晚一起吃个饭怎么样?

How about Friday evening? Would that be convenient? 星期五晚上怎么样?方便吗?

how about doing sth? How about joining us for a game of bridge? 和我们一起玩桥牌,好不好?

2 used for asking about another person or thing , in addition to the ones that have already been mentioned (用于询问另一个人或物)…怎么样?

How about Philip? Is he coming too? 菲利普怎么样?他也要来吗?

I’ m having coffee. How about you? 我要咖啡,你呢?

3 used for asking about another aspect of the situation that you have started to discuss (用于询问刚开始谈论的情况的另一方面)…怎么样?

How about computer skills? Have you had any special training? 电脑技术怎么样?你有没有受过什么特殊的培训?

-   how about that?/how do you like that? spoken
used when you are referring to something that is very surprising , annoying , or exciting

So I’ m going to be your new boss. How about that? 这么说我要成为你的新老板了。你有何想法?

-   how can/could sb (do sth)? spoken
used for saying that you think someone’ s behaviour is very surprising or very bad

How can anyone believe such nonsense? 怎么会有人相信这样的胡说八道?

How could you be so cruel? 你怎么能这么残忍呢?

-   howcome? spoken
used when you want to know why something has happened or why a particular situation exists

How come you’ re not at work today? 你今天怎么没上班?

-   how do you do? spoken formal
used as a polite greeting when you meet someone for the first time , especially when they have introduced themselves or have been introduced
-   how so?/how’ s that? spoken
used for asking someone to explain the reason for the statement they have just made

‘If the dam is built, a lot of people will suffer.’ ‘How so?’ “如果水坝建起来,许多人就要遭殃。”“为什么?”

-   how’ s that for...? spoken
used for asking someone to notice an example of a particular quality

The papers are all here ready for you to sign. How’ s that for efficiency? 所有的文件都在这儿,就等你签字了。效率多高!

See also
mean 1




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