

单词 hope
hope 2 ★★★
1  C/U  the feeling or belief that something you want to happen is likely to happen 期望;希望;指望

+for These young people have no hope for the future. 这些年轻人对前途不抱期望。

full of hope She arrived in London, young and full of hope. 她来到了伦敦,年纪轻轻,满怀希望。

offer/give hope to sb The new budget did offer more hope to unemployed disabled people. 新的预算案确实给了失业的残疾人更多的希望。

sb’ s hope is that My hope is that one day she will forgive me. 我的希望是有一天她会原谅我。

+of The team’ s hopes of a championship are fading fast. 这个队获得冠军的希望正在迅速破灭。

2  C/U  a chance that something good will happen (发生好事的)可能性,机会

+of There is little hope of any improvement in his condition. 他的处境几乎没有任何改善的可能。

+(that) Is there any hope that she will change her mind? 她有可能改变主意吗?

hope of doing sth Rescuers refused to give up all hope of finding more survivors. 救援人员拒绝放弃找到更多幸存者的机会。

sb’ s only hope Our only hope was to get her to a hospital fast. 我们唯一的希望就是迅速将她送进医院。

2a a chance for success , or a person who you believe has a chance of succeeding 成功的可能性;被寄予希望的人

Henman is Britain’ s brightest tennis hope. 亨曼是英国最有希望的网球选手。

+for Our children are our greatest hope for the future. 孩子们是我们未来最大的希望所在。

best hope A coalition government offers the country its best hope for peace. 联合政府将最有可能为这个国家带来和平。

last hope Many people saw the new president as their last hope for political change. 许多人都把新总统看作政治变革的最后希望。

2b a slight but real possibility of success 一线希望

The transplant offers Lucy and her parents a new glimmer of hope. 器官移植给露西和她的父母带来一线新的希望。

3  C  usually singular something that you wish for 期望的事

the hope is that The hope is that he will eventually come to his senses. 希望他最终会醒悟过来。

sb’ s hope is to I know it’ s unrealistic, but his hope is to win a scholarship. 他的希望是获取一份奖学金,虽然我知道这是不现实的。

-   beyond (all) hope
so much or so badly that it will never get better

The political situation in the country has deteriorated beyond all hope. 这个国家的政治局势糟糕到了不可救药的地步。

-   get sb’ s hopes up/build sb’ s hopes (up)/raise sb’ s hopes
to make someone expect something they want even though you are not certain it will happen

I don’ t want to raise her hopes about the promotion until I’ m sure. 在我确定之前不想让她对晋升抱很大希望。

-   have high/great hopes for sb
to hope and expect that someone will be very successful
-   hope springs eternal often humorous
used for saying that there is always a chance that something you wish for might happen
-   in the hope that/of
wanting something to happen

Police are carrying out house-to-house enquiries in the hope of finding the missing girl. 警方正在挨家挨户地询问以期找到失踪的女孩。

-   lose/give up hope
to stop believing that something you want to happen might be possible
-   not have a hope in hell
to have no chance of achieving something
-   not hold out (much) hope
to have little hope that something will happen
-   some hope/not a hope BRITISH spoken
used for saying that there is no chance of something happening
  Words frequently used with hope
  hope 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   faint, false, forlorn, vain,
  nouns   flicker, gleam, glimmer, ray,




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