

单词 area
area ★★★
1  C  a particular subject , type of activity etc 领域;方面;活动类型

Mathematics is a subject which has links with all other curriculum areas. 数学是一门与所有其他学科领域都有联系的学科。

What is your main area of concern? 你的兴趣主要在哪方面?

His particular area of expertise is engineering. 他的专长是在工程学领域。

2  C  a part of a city , town , country etc 地区;区域

Bus services in rural areas are not very good. 乡村的公交设施不是太好。

I went on a tour of Vancouver and the surrounding area. 我去了趟温哥华及其周边地区。

+of My family has lived in this area of England for years. 我家在英格兰的这个地区住了好多年。

2a a part of a building , space etc used for a particular purpose (用作特殊用途的)区域,场地

You can park only in designated areas (=places available for this purpose) . 你只能在指定区域内停车。

Visitors should wait in the reception area. 来访者应在接待处等候。

3  C  a place on the surface of something such as a part of your body (身体等表面的)区,部位

Be sure to apply sunblock to sensitive areas of your skin. 一定要把防晒霜抹在皮肤的敏感部位。

4 area  C/U  the amount of space that the surface of a place or shape covers. Area is expressed in square units, such as square kilometres or square miles 面积

The surface area of the screen should be at least one square metre. 屏幕面积至少要有1平方米。

5 the area  singular  the penalty area on a football field (足球场的)罚球区

He scored from the edge of the area. 他从罚球区边缘进球得分。





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