

单词 hold
hold 1 ★★★
1  T  to carry something using your hands or arms 握着;拿着

Can you hold my bag for a moment? 你能帮我拿一会儿手提包吗?

hold sth in/under/between sth He held the book in his hand. 他手里拿着书。

She was holding the catalogue under her arm. 她把目录夹在腋下。

Barry was holding a coin between his finger and thumb. 巴里用食指和拇指捏着一枚硬币。

1a to carry something using another part of your body (用身体的其他部位)支承,托住

He held the sandwich between his teeth. 他咬住三明治。

1b to carry another person 抱

She was holding a baby in her arms. 她抱着婴儿。

2  T  to support something or someone or stop them moving 支撑;按住;使不动

Can you hold this parcel for me so I can tape it up? 你能帮我压住包裹让我捆扎一下吗?

He was held by a single rope. 一条绳子就把他给捆住了。

He was holding the steering wheel with his knees. 他用双膝顶住方向盘。

hold sth steady We had to hold our cups steady as the boat rocked. 由于船在摇晃,我们不得不拿稳杯子。

hold sth shut/still/apart etc Hold the ruler still. 把尺子拿稳,不要动。

3  T  to put a part of your body into a particular position 使(身体部位)处于某种姿势

She was holding her hand to her heart. 她用手捂着胸口。

Ruth held her head in her hands. 露丝双手抱着头。

4  T  to put your arms around someone for a long time because you love them or because they are unhappy 搂;抱

He sat beside her and held her. 他坐在她身旁搂着她。

hold sb tight/close She kissed him and held him tight. 她亲吻他并紧紧地抱着他。

5  T  to have something inside 容纳

The corner cupboard holds a TV and CD player. 这个角柜里有一台电视和一台激光唱机。

5a to be able to fit an amount of something inside 可容纳

How much does this jug hold? 这个壶容量有多大?

The stadium holds 80,000 people. 这个体育场能容纳80000人。

6  T  if you hold a meeting or event , you organize it 组织;召集

The government agreed to hold a referendum. 政府同意进行一次全民公决。

6a if a meeting or event is held in a particular place , or at a particular time , it takes place there at that time (在某地或某时)召开,举行

The presidential election was held on April 26. 总统选举在4月26日举行。

7  T  to have something , for example a job 拥有,担任(职务等)

She is the first woman to hold this post. 她是第一个担任这一职务的女性。

He held a position of trust and responsibility. 他担任了一个责任重大的职务。

hold office President Mitterrand held office for 14 years. 密特朗总统当政14年。

7a to have an opinion about something 对(某事物)持有某种看法

She certainly holds some interesting views. 她无疑持有一些很有意思的观点。

7b to own money or property 拥有(金钱或财产)

Three per cent of our shares are now held by US investors. 现在我们有3%的股票在美国投资者的手中。

7c to have a document that allows you to do something 持有

He holds a US passport. 他持有美国护照。

8  T  formal   to have a particular quality 具有(某种特性)

The project holds a great deal of promise. 这一项目前景一片光明。

He holds no authority over us. 他无权管我们。

8a used for talking about the feelings that something makes you have . For example , if something holds no fear for you , you are not afraid of it 使具有(某种感觉)

Food still held no appeal. 食物仍不具有吸引力。

Water seems to hold a fascination for him. 水似乎对他具有极大的吸引力。

8b if your face or voice holds a particular emotion , it shows it (脸部或声音)流露出(某种感情)

His eyes held a look of desperation. 他的眼里流露出绝望的神色。

9  T  to keep information , for example on a computer 保存(如在计算机中)

His data was held on disk. 他的资料保存在磁盘里。

I wanted to see what information the police held on me. 我想看看警方收集了我的哪些资料。

9a to keep someone somewhere as a prisoner 拘留

They were arrested and held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. 他们被依照反恐条例逮捕并拘留。

hold sb at gunpoint The family were held at gunpoint overnight. 这一家人整夜都处于枪口的威逼之下。

hold sb prisoner/hostage/captive The four men had been held captive for over two years. 这4个人被关押了两年多。

9b to not give something that someone wants to another person 保留

hold a table/reservation/room/seat They said they’ d hold the reservation for 24 hours. 他们说预订会保留24小时。

9c to stop a train , plane etc from leaving at the right time , so that someone who is late can get on it (火车)延迟离站;(飞机)推迟起飞
9d to stop someone from leaving or from doing what they want 管住;约束住

It seemed that no man could hold her for long. 似乎没有男人能长久地留住她。

9e to keep someone interested in something 吸引某人的注意/兴趣

It’ s hard to hold their attention for more than 15 minutes. 吸引他们的注意力达15分钟以上是很难的。

10  T  to continue to have a particular feeling , especially a bad one 持续怀有(某种感情,尤指坏的感情)

I no longer hold any resentment towards him. 我不再恨他了。

hold a grudge He’ s not someone who holds a grudge. 他不是一个爱记恨的人。

10a to keep an idea or picture in your mind (头脑中)保持(想法或形象)

I tried to hold his image in my mind as I walked away. 我走时试图在脑海里记住他的形象。

11  I  to continue to support something without breaking or being damaged 顶住;支撑住

I don’ t know if the walls will hold. 我不知道这些墙能否顶得住。

11a  I/T  to stay or keep something at a particular level 保持(在某种水平)

The price has been held at £2, the same as last year. 价格跟去年一样,始终保持在2英镑。

hold steady The coffee market should hold steady for the next few months. 咖啡市场在今后的几个月里应保持平稳。

11b  I  if a promise or offer holds, it still exists (许诺或提议)有效,适用

They were pessimistic about the ceasefire holding until the spring. 他们对停火持续到春季感到悲观。

We need to find out if his offer still holds. 我们得查明他的报价是否仍然有效。

11c  I  if your luck or the weather holds, it continues to be good 继续交好运;(天气)保持晴好
11d  I/T  to stay in the same position , for example when you are exercising 保持(某种姿势)

Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax. 保持这种姿势几秒钟,然后放松。

11e  T  to continue to play or sing a note without stopping 延长(音符);继续演奏(或唱)(某音符)

Hold that last note for a count of four. 把最后那个音保持四拍。

11f to still exist or still be valuable 仍然存在;仍然有价值

These assurances only hold good while he remains in office. 只有在他的任期内这些保证才有效。

12  T  used for saying what people believe 认为

+(that) Conventional wisdom held that he would resign. 人们依常识推断他会辞职。

One school of thought holds that very few people reach their full potential. 有一种思想流派认为,几乎没有人能充分发挥自己的潜能。

12a if a court or judge holds that something is true , the court or judge says that it is true (法院或法官)裁定

+(that) The court held that the defendants were guilty of trespass. 法院裁定,被告犯有非法侵入罪。

be held to be sth The clause was held to be unreasonable. 这项条款被裁定是不合理的。

be held to have done sth The plaintiff was held to have acted reasonably. 人们认为原告的做法合情合理。

12b to be believed by a lot of people 被广泛地/被通常地/被普遍地认为

It was a commonly held view in those days. 在当时,这是个很寻常的看法。

+(that) It was widely held the management was out of touch with the workers. 管理人员被广泛认为脱离了工人。

12c to feel that something or someone is very important to you 珍视(或看重)某物/某人

This government was a threat to everything he held dear. 这个政府对他所珍爱的一切都是一种威胁。

12d to admire or respect someone very much 极羡慕(或尊敬)某人
12e to believe that someone is responsible for something 认为某人负有责任
12f used for saying what happened according to a traditional story 传说

Tradition holds Jesus Christ was born on this site. 传说耶稣基督生于此地。

13  I/T  to wait to speak to someone on the telephone . You can also say that you hold the line 不挂断电话

‘Do you want to call back later?’ ‘No, I’ ll hold.’ “你要一会儿再打过来吗?”“不,我等着。”

Can you hold the line, please? 请你不要挂断电话好吗?

14  T  in an election , to succeed in keeping control of a particular area (竞选中)保住

The seat was held by Labour with a reduced majority. 工党保住了席位,但在得票数上的优势有所减少。

14a if an army holds an area , it has control of it and stops it being captured (军队)据守
-   hold the chilli/mustard/cream etc AMERICAN spoken
used for telling someone not to give you a particular thing , especially a type of food

Give me a hot dog, and hold the mustard. 给我来个热狗,不要芥末。

-   hold a course
to keep sailing or travelling in the same direction
-   hold your drink
to be able to drink a lot of alcohol without getting drunk
-   hold sb’ s gaze
to look at someone who is looking at you , without moving your eyes away
-   hold hands
to put your hand around someone else’ s hand

She was holding hands with Mike. 她正握着迈克的手。

They all held hands and prayed. 他们手挽着手祈祷。

Hold my hand while we cross the road. 过马路时拉着我的手。

-   hold your head up/high
to not be ashamed of yourself
-   hold it spoken
1 used for telling someone not to move 别动

Just hold it right there! Where do you think you’ re going with that? 站在那儿别动!你想带着那个东西上哪儿去?

2 used for telling someone to wait 等着

Hold it, you two, wait for us! 等一等,你们俩,等等我们!

3 used for showing that something has made you angry or surprised 等一等(用于表示某事使人生气或惊奇)

Hold it a minute! Are you saying he’ s not coming? 等一等!你是说他不来了?

-   hold the key
to make it possible to explain or solve something

Tourism holds the key to the region’ s recovery. 旅游业能使这一地区的经济得以复苏。

-   hold your own
to be as good as other more experienced or stronger people , for example in an argument or discussion
-   hold the road
if a vehicle holds the road well , it is easy to control , even when you drive fast around bends
-   hold still spoken
used for telling someone not to move

Hold still while I brush your hair. 我给你梳头时不要动。

-   hold that thought mainly AMERICAN spoken
used for telling someone not to forget something
-   hold tight spoken
1 used for telling someone to hold something , so that they do not drop it or so that they do not fall 抓紧;抓牢

Hold tight when we go round the corner! 拐弯时请抓好把手!

2 used for telling someone to wait and not do anything or not worry 等着;别急

Hold tight there and I’ ll go and get him. 在那儿等着,我去把他找来。

-   hold true
to be true or remain true
-   hold yourself
the way that you hold yourself is the way that you sit , stand , or move

He held himself with an easy confidence. 他显得洒脱自信。

-   what the future holds
what is likely to happen in the future
  Words frequently used with hold
  hold 的常见搭配词
  nouns   conference, demonstration, election, inquiry, meeting, rally, referendum, seminar, talks,
ˌhold aˈgainst
PHRASAL VB  T  usually in negatives
hold sth against sb: to feel angry with someone , because of something that they have done in the past 因(某事)怨恨(某人)

He knows it was an accident – I don’ t think he’ ll hold it against her. 他知道那是个意外事故。我想他不会因此而怨恨她。

ˌhold ˈback
1  T  to stop someone or something from moving forwards 阻挡;抑制

Ollie had to hold Tom back to prevent him retaliating. 奥利不得不把汤姆挡住,阻止他报复。

Her hair was held back by two clips. 她的头发用两个小夹子往后夹了起来。

2  T  to stop something or someone from succeeding as they should 阻碍…的成功(或发展)

Her parents worried that her classmates were holding her back. 她父母担心她的同学会影响她的学业。

3  I/T  to decide not to do or say something , or to make someone decide not to do or say something 克制住自己(使不做或不说某事)

He held back, remembering the mistake he had made before. 想起曾经犯过的错误,他克制住了自己。

4  T  to not show what you are thinking or feeling 控制(念头或情感)

Joe held back his anger. 乔忍住了怒火。

She bit her lip to hold back the tears. 她咬着嘴唇强忍住眼泪。

5  T  to not allow someone to have something , for example money 扣住(钱等)

They held back the final payment because they weren’ t satisfied with the work. 他们拒付尾款,因为他们对所干的活儿不满意。

ˌhold ˈdown
1 to hold someone who is lying down , so that they cannot move 把…按倒在地

Four people held him down. 4个人把他按倒在地。

2 to hold something so it does not move upwards 压下
3 to prevent something from developing or to prevent someone from doing what they want 抑制;限制

She proved that being a woman wouldn’ t hold her down. 她证明她没有因自己是一个女人而使发展受到限制。

4 to stop prices or numbers from rising 控制(物价或数目)的上升

a deal to hold down wages and prices 控制工资和物价上涨的协议

5 to succeed in keeping a job 保住(工作)

Half of them have never held down a proper job. 他们中有一半的人从没保住过一份真正的工作。

ˌhold ˈforth
1  I  to talk for a long time about something that is important to you , often in a way that other people think is boring 发表长篇大论;夸夸其谈

Dave was holding forth on the subject of politics. 戴夫在大谈政治。

2  T  literary   to hold something so that other people can reach it or see it 提供;展示
ˌhold ˈin
1 to not allow your feelings to show 克制(情感);忍住

It can be bad for you to hold in anger. 压抑怒火会不利于健康。

2 to stop something from moving outwards 约束;控制住

I was trying desperately to hold my tummy in. 我拼命忍着不吐出来。

ˌhold ˈoff
1  I  to delay doing something deliberately 推迟;拖延

He may decide to hold off for a few days. 他可能决定推迟几天。

+on How much longer can they hold off on political reform? 他们的政治改革会再推迟多久?

hold off doing sth She held off calling him until the last possible moment. 她一直拖到最后一刻才给他打电话。

2  T  to stop someone who is trying to attack you from coming close 使不能靠近;抵挡住

I held them off with bricks and stones. 我用砖头和石头阻止他们靠近。

3  T  mainly journalism   to stop an opponent from starting to win or lead 阻止(对手取胜或领先)

Can Woods hold off Singh to take his second Masters? 伍兹能阻止辛格第二次获得大师赛的胜利吗?

4  T  to stop something from happening 阻止(某事发生)

They can hold off the vote until the election. 他们等不及选举就想投票了。

5  I  if rain or snow holds off , it does not fall , although you expected it to (雨或雪)延缓,迟迟不下
ˌhold ˈon
1 to hold something tightly or carefully so that you do not drop it or do not fall 抓牢

hold on tight Hold on tight everyone – the driver’ s getting ready to go. 大家扶好,司机要开车了。

2 to wait 等待;等候

We’ ll hold on another minute, then we’ ll have to go. 我们再等一分钟,然后我们就得走了。

Can you hurry up in the bathroom – I can’ t hold on much longer. 你用洗手间能快点吗?我憋不住了。

3 to keep trying to win or succeed 坚持(求取胜利或成功)

Aberdeen held on to go level with Motherwell. 阿伯丁坚持着,希望与马瑟韦尔打个平局。

4 always in imperative used for telling someone to wait 等一下

Hold on! You forgot your card! 等一等!你把手提包给忘了!

4a used for telling someone to listen or think 听着;想想看

Hold on, that won’ t work. 听着,那是行不通的。

Now hold on a minute! I never said that. 听着!我从没那么说过。

ˌhold ˈon to or ˌhold ˈonto 
1 hold on to sth: to hold something tightly or carefully so that you do not drop it or do not fall 抓住(某物)

Hold on to the seat in front when we go round the corner. 我们拐弯时要抓牢前面的座椅。

Hold onto your bag, won’ t you? 抓牢手提包,好吗?

2 hold on to sth: to not lose something or not let someone else have it 保留(某物)

Hold on to the instructions in case you have any problems. 使用说明书要留着,以防有什么问题。

3 hold on to sth: to continue feeling or believing something 继续感到;仍然相信

I always held on to the belief that one day he would succeed. 我始终相信他有朝一日会成功。

4 hold on to sb: to stop someone from leaving you or from doing what they want 不让(某人)离开;不让(某人)做想做的事

A mother can’ t hold on to her children for ever. 母亲不能把孩子永远留在身边。

ˌhold ˈout
1  T  to hold something where other people can reach it 伸出;端出

Gail held out her glass to be refilled. 盖尔把自己的杯子递过去再次斟满。

hold out your hand She held out her hand to him. 她向他伸出了手。

2  I  to continue to be enough or continue to exist 维持;继续存在

How long will your money hold out? 你的钱能维持多久?

I wonder whether her stamina will hold out. 我想知道她的耐力到底行不行。

3  I  to continue to defend a place that is being attacked 抵挡进攻;坚守

We can only hold out for a few more hours. 我们只能再守几个小时了。

-   hold out hope
to think that something is likely to happen or succeed

I don’ t hold out much hope that they’ ll come. 我对他们的到来不抱多大希望。

-   hold out a possibility/prospect/promise etc
to say or show that something may or will happen

She held out the possibility of prisoners being released. 她表示囚犯有被释放的可能。

ˌhold ˈout for
hold out for sth: to not accept an offer because you want a better one (因想得到更大的利益而)拒绝接受(提议)

They’ ve been holding out for an even higher price. 他们一直故意拖延以谋求更高的价格。

ˌhold ˈout on
hold out on sb/sth: to not tell someone something 瞒住

They’ ve been holding out on the details of the plan. 他们一直在隐瞒计划的细节。

ˌhold ˈover
1 hold sth over sb: to hold something above someone or something 将(某物)举过(某人或某物)

She ran out with an umbrella and held it over my head. 她拿着伞跑出来,打在我的头顶。

2 hold sth over sb: to threaten to tell something you know about someone in order to force them to do something 以(某事)要挟(某人)
3 to do something or deal with something at a later time or date 推迟做(或处理某事)

One session was held over until this evening. 一次会议被推迟到今天晚上召开。

They intend to hold the article over for the next edition. 他们计划把这篇文章推迟到下一版刊发。

4 AMERICAN  to let something continue 让(某事)继续
ˈhold to
1 hold to sth: to do what you have promised or decided 坚守;忠于

The western democracies held to their policy of non-intervention. 西方民主国家坚守它们的不干涉政策。

2 hold to sth: to continue having particular beliefs or standards 坚持(信念或标准)

She still holds to the view that violence is never justified. 她始终坚持暴力永远是不正当的这一观点。

3 hold sb to sth: to make someone do what they have promised or decided 使(某人)遵守(诺言或决定)

They didn’ t hold me to a month’ s notice. 他们没有非要我遵守提前一个月通知的规定。

3a a friendly way of accepting an invitation or offer for a later date 我向你保证我一定会…(用于友好地表示接受邀请或提议)
4 hold sb to sth: to make someone continue to behave according to particular beliefs or standards 使(某人)按(某种信仰或标准)行事

Anyone appointed to this position should be held to the highest ethical standards. 任何受命担任此职务的人都必须按照最高的道德标准行事。

ˌhold toˈgether
1 to remain in one piece and not break apart , or to make something do this (使)连在一起

The trousers were held together with a safety pin. 这裤子是用别针别住的。

2 to stay together and continue to have a good relationship in a difficult situation (使)团结;(使)保持良好关系

How can any family hold together under these circumstances? 在这种情况下哪里有家庭能保持团结呢?

I was trying to hold my marriage together. 我在努力维系自己的婚姻。

ˌhold ˈup
1  T  to hold something in a high position , so that people can see it 举起;抬起

She held up her hand for silence. 她举起手示意安静。

2  T  to support someone or something so that they do not fall down 支撑

Her legs were almost too shaky to hold her up. 她的腿抖得几乎支撑不住身体了。

3  T  often passive to cause a delay or make someone late 耽搁;延迟;使停顿

Sorry I’ m late, but my train was held up. 对不起,我迟到了,我的火车晚点了。

She got held up at work. 她的工作停顿下来了。

4  T  to steal from a business , from a vehicle , or from people by threatening violence 拦劫;抢劫

An armed raider held up the village store last week. 上星期一个武装劫匪抢劫了这家乡村商店。

5  I  to remain strong or in a fairly good condition 保持强壮;维持良好状态

There were fears that her ankle might not hold up for the competition. 人们担心她的踝关节在这次比赛中无法保持良好状态。

Prices had held up well until late 1997. 物价直至1997年年底前都保持得很好。

ˌhold ˈup as
PHRASAL VB  T  often passive
hold sb up as sth: to say that someone or something is an example of something , usually something good 将(某人或某物)作为(榜样)

He was held up as a hero. 他被树为英雄。

We were held up as the best example of working practice. 我们被列为实习的最佳榜样。

ˈhold with
-   not hold with sth mainly spoken
to not approve of an activity or action
See also
fast 2




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