/ˈhevn/ |
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1 | Heaven the place where God is believed to live . Some people believe that good people go to Heaven when they die , and bad people go to Hell 天国;天堂 |
| Christians believe that Jesus ascended into Heaven. 基督徒相信耶稣升入了天堂。 |
| 1a | God , or God’ s power 上帝;上帝的力量 | | I pray to Heaven it may be so. 我向上帝祈祷但愿如此。 | |
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2 | the heavens plural literary the sky 苍天;苍穹 |
| The heavens shook with thunder. 雷声震撼了天宇。 |
| 2a | the place where God or the gods are believed to live 天国;天堂 | |
- | for heaven’ s sake/sakes mainly spoken |
| used for emphasizing that you are annoyed or impatient with someone |
| 天哪,哎呀(表示生气或不耐烦) |
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| Oh, for heaven’ s sake! Anyone would think this was difficult! 天哪!谁都会觉得这很难! |
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- | God/Lord in heaven spoken |
| used for showing that you are extremely annoyed |
| 天哪(表示极为生气) |
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- | heaven help us |
| used for saying that you hope something will not happen |
| 老天保佑;但愿不要 |
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| Heaven help us if there’ s a fire. 老天保佑我们,别发生火灾。 |
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- | heaven help us/them/the person who etc spoken |
| used for saying that if something happens, the result will be very bad for the person mentioned |
| 我们/他们/…的人等会倒大霉的 |
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| Heaven help anyone who tries to stop them. 任何企图制止他们的人都会倒大霉的。 |
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- | heaven (only/alone) knows spoken |
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1 | used for emphasizing what you are saying 一定,确实, 无疑(用以加强语气) | It was her first holiday in years, and heaven knows she needed it. 这是她多年来的头一次假期,她确实非常需要这个假期。 | |
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2 | spoken used for saying that you do not know something or cannot imagine it 天晓得怎样/什么/为什么等 | Heaven knows what will happen now. 天晓得现在会发生什么事。 | |
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3 | spoken used for emphasizing that something has happened a lot or too much 太/太多/太久 | I’ ve had heaven knows how many people in here looking for you! 我这儿有太多的人在找你! | |
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- | heaven preserve me/us from spoken |
| used for saying that you dislike someone or something very much |
| 我/我们非常讨厌(某人或某事物) |
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- | heavens/good heavens spoken |
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1 | used for showing that you are very surprised 天哪(表示非常惊讶) | Good heavens, is that the time? 天哪!时间到了吗? | |
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2 | used for emphasizing what you are saying (用以加强语气) | ‘Is that dog yours?’ ‘Heavens, no.’ “那是你的狗吗?”“才不是呢。” | |
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- | heavens above spoken |
| used for showing that you are very surprised |
| 天哪(表示非常惊讶) |
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- | the heavens open |
| used for saying that very heavy rain starts to fall |
| 大雨倾盆而下 |
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- | how/who/what etc in heaven’ s name spoken |
| used for strongly emphasizing a question |
| 究竟是怎样/谁/什么等 |
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| Where in heaven’ s name did you get that hat? 你究竟是在哪儿搞到那顶帽子的? |
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- | I thought I’ d died and gone to heaven spoken |
| used for emphasizing that you enjoyed something very much |
| 我觉得快乐极了(用于强调) |
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- | made in heaven |
| a marriage or relationship that is made in heaven is very happy and successful |
| (婚姻或关系)天作之合的,幸福美满的 |
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| The merger of the two companies wasn’ t exactly a match made in heaven. 这两家公司的合并并非是完全的天作之合。 |
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- | move heaven and earth (to do sth) |
| to do everything that it is possible to do in order to make something happen |
| 竭尽全力(做某事) |
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- | smell/stink to high heaven informal |
| to smell extremely bad |
| 臭气熏天 |
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- | under heaven literary |
| in the whole world |
| 全世界;天底下 |
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See also | - seventh heaven | |