

单词 heal
heal ★★
1  I  if an injury heals, the skin or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again (伤口)愈合

The wound took a long time to heal. 伤口过了很久才愈合。

1a  T  to make a part of the body healthy again after an injury 使愈合;治愈

Vitamin K is needed by the body for healing cuts and bruises. 人体需要维生素K来治愈刀伤和跌打伤。

1b  I/T  to make someone healthy again after they have been ill , especially using methods other than medicine (尤指通过非药物手段)(使)痊愈,(使)康复

The body will heal itself if given the chance. 如果给予机会的话,身体会自我康复的。

1c  I/T  if emotional problems heal , or something heals them , you become happy again (感情问题)(被)消除,(被)化解

She realized that the pain of her loss had never truly healed. 她意识到失败的痛苦从未真正消除。

1d  T  to repair damage to land 修复(对土地的破坏)

Nature has started to heal the scars left by the mines. 大自然开始修复矿山留给大地的伤痕。

2  T  to make people stop fighting and have a better relationship 止息(争斗);调停

He said it was time for the country’ s wounds to be healed. 他说该是结束对该国各种伤害的时候了。

heal a rift/division/breach The meeting was called in an effort to heal the rift between the two presidents. 这次会议的召议是为了消除两位主席之间的分歧。

ˌheal ˈover
if an injury heals over , new skin forms over it and it becomes healthy again (伤口长出新皮而)愈合
ˌheal ˈup
if an injury heals up , the skin or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again (伤口)长好,愈合

The cut wasn’ t healing up the way it should. 伤口愈合得很不正常。





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