

单词 have
have ★★★
weak /əv/
strong /hæv/
  Have can be used in the following ways:
have 有以下用法
  as an auxiliary verb in perfect tenses of verbs (followed by a past participle)在动词的完成时态中作助动词(后接过去分词): We have lived here for 20 years. 我们在这儿已经住了20年。 Who’ s eaten all the grapes? 谁把葡萄都给吃掉了? (used without a following past participle)后不接过去分词: Ellen hasn’ t finished, but I have. 埃伦还未完成,而我已经完成了。 Questions, negatives, and question tags using the auxiliary verb have are formed without do 用助动词have 构成的疑问句、否定句和反意疑问句不带do: Has the meeting finished? 会议结束了吗? You haven’ t eaten anything. 你什么都还没吃。 The customers haven’ t complained, have they? 目前还没有顾客投诉,是吗?
  as a transitive verb used in descriptions, and for talking about possession, relationships, or the state that someone or something is in用作及物动词,用于描写性语句中,谈论某人拥有某物、某人与他人的相互关系或所处的状态: She has dark curly hair. 她有一头乌黑的鬈发。 He had two sisters. 他有两个姐妹。 This use of have is never in progressive or passive forms. Have got is often used instead of have for these meanings, especially in spoken English and informal writinghave 的这种用法从不用在进行时态或被动态中。表示这些意思时, 经常用have got 替代have, 尤其在口语和非正式文体中: Alan’ s got a new bike. 艾伦有一辆新自行车。 Questions and negatives can be formed by using have got , have alone, or do 疑问句和否定句可以由have got, have或do构成: Have you got any money? 你有钱吗? Have you any money? 你有钱吗? Do you have any money? 你有钱吗? We haven’ t got any money. 我们没钱。 We haven’ t any money. 我们没钱。 We don’ t have any money. 我们没钱。 Question tags are formed with have when the main verb is have got 当主要动词是have got 时, 反意疑问句由have 构成: They’ ve got a lovely garden, haven’ t they? 他们的花园很漂亮,不是吗?
  as a transitive verb used for talking about actions and experiences用作及物动词,用于谈论行动和经历: Let’ s have a swim before lunch. 我们午饭前游一会儿泳吧! I had a good time at the party. 在聚会上我玩得很痛快。 This use of have can sometimes be in the progressive but is almost never in the passive have 的这种用法有时可以用在进行时态中,但几乎从不用在被动态中: She’ s having a baby. 她要生孩子了。 Are you having a drink? 你要喝杯酒吗? Have got is not used, and neither short forms of have nor weak forms of pronunciation are ever used in these meanings. Questions, negatives, and question tags are formed with do 表示这些意思时,不用have got, 也不用have 的简写形式和弱读形式。疑问句、否定句和反意疑问句由do 构成: Did you have a nice walk? 散步开心吗? I didn’ t have breakfast this morning. 今早我没吃饭。 They had quite a bad accident, didn’ t they? 他们出很严重的事故了,不是吗?
  as a transitive verb (followed by an object and then a participle or infinitive without ‘to’ )用作及物动词(后接宾语,再接分词或接不带to 的不定式): How often do you have your hair cut? 你多久理一次发? I’ ll have someone clean out your room. 我会叫人把你的房间打扫干净。 This use of have can be in the progressivehave的这种用法可以用在进行时态中: I’ m having all the carpets cleaned. 我正要把所有的地毯弄干净。 Questions, negatives, and question tags are formed with do 疑问句、否定句和疑问尾句由do 构成: Did you have the engine checked? 发动机你检查了吗?
  as a verb used for talking about what is necessary (followed by a verb in the infinitive with ‘to’ )用作动词,用于谈论必须有的事(后接以带to 的不定式的形式出现的动词): I had to wait for an hour. 我不得不等了1个小时。 (followed by ‘to’ without a verb in the infinitive)后接不带动词的不定式): We’ ll fight for our rights if we have to. 如果必要的话,我们会为自己的权利而战。 This use of have can be in the progressivehave 的这种用法可以用在进行时态中: I was having to work every weekend. 那时我每周末都得加班。 Have got to is often used instead of have to , especially in spoken English and in informal writing经常用来代替have to, 尤其在口语和非正式文体中: You’ ve got to show your passport. 你得出示护照。 Questions can be formed using do , have got , or have alone疑问句可以由do, have got 构成, 也可以单独由have 构成: Do we have to pay now? 我们现在就得付款吗? Have we got to pay now? 我们现在就得付款吗? Have we to pay now? 我们现在就得付款吗? Negative sentences are usually formed with do or have got 否定句通常由do 或have got 构成: You don’ t have to pay yet. 你现在还不必付款。 You haven’ t got to pay yet. 你现在还不必付款。 Question tags are usually formed with do 反意疑问句通常由do 构成: We have to take a test, don’ t we? 我们得休息一下了,不是吗?
1 never progressive used for forming perfect tenses
1a used for forming the perfect tenses of verbs. The perfect tenses are used for talking about what happened or began before now or another point in time (用来构成动词的完成时态)

Has anybody seen Dave this afternoon? 今天下午有人见到戴夫了吗?

I’ ve been looking for you everywhere. 我正到处找你。

She hadn’ t eaten anything for three days. 她已经3天没吃东西了。

‘Has Jerry done his homework?’ ‘No, he hasn’ t.’ “杰里的作业做完了吗?”“还没有。”

‘Have you washed your hands?’ ‘Of course I have.’ “手洗了吗?”“当然洗了。”

We didn’ t get a chance to talk to her, but I wish we had. 我们当时没有机会跟她谈,要是有机会就好了。

Young Benson’ s done very well, hasn’ t he? 小本森干得很好,是吧?

So, you’ ve decided to join the party, have you? 那么,你已经决定参加聚会了,是吗?

1b after you have done something/after something has happened to you 已经;曾经

Having spent over £100 on repairs, she wasn’ t expecting any more problems. 花了100多英镑修理费后,她觉得不会再出什么毛病了。

Having been warned of the danger, I took extra precautions. 被警告有危险后,我采取了额外的防备措施。

1c used for saying that something would have happened if the situation had been different 假如…;如果…

Had I realized what you were intending to do, I would have stopped you. 如果我当时知道你要做什么,我就会制止你了。

2 have  T  never progressive used for describing sb or sth
2a used for saying what the physical features of someone or something are 具有(某种特征)

Dr Morel had dark piercing eyes. 莫雷尔博士有一双敏锐的黑眼睛。

The room had a balcony facing the sea. 这个房间有个朝海的阳台。

I noticed that the old man hadn’ t got any teeth. 我发现那位老人一颗牙齿都没有。

2b used for saying what the qualities of someone’ s character are 具有,具备(某种品质)

Shackleton had all the qualities of a great leader. 沙克尔顿具备了一个伟大的领袖所应具有的一切品质。

Unfortunately, she hadn’ t got enough common sense to call the doctor. 可惜她不具备足够的常识,不知道给医生打电话。

have it in you/have what it takes (to do sth) (=have the necessary qualities to do something) It was Jane who led the protest. I never knew she had it in her. 有能力(做某事)

Do you think Ken’ s got what it takes to be good doctor? 你觉得肯能成为一名好医生吗?

3 have  T  never progressive used for showing possession
3a to own something 有;拥有

They have a house in Hanover Square. 他们在汉诺威广场有一幢房子。

If you had a computer, I could send the directions to you by email. 如果你有计算机的话,我就能把操作说明用电子邮件给你发过去。

3b to be holding something or carrying something with you 带有;持有

What’ s that you’ ve got in your hand? 你手里拿着什么东西?

Do you have a pen I could borrow? 你有没有笔可以借我用一下?

have sth on you I haven’ t got any money on me. 我身上没带钱。

4  T  never passive do or experience sth
4a to do something 做;进行;从事

have a look/walk/try etc Let’ s have a look at the damage. 让我们来看看损坏的情况。

I don’ t know if I can persuade her, but at least I can have a try. 我不知道能否说服她,但至少我会试一试。

You’ ll feel better when you’ ve had a rest. 休息一下你就会觉得好一些。

We’ re having a meeting on Thursday afternoon. 星期四下午我们要开个会。

4b to give birth 生;生育

Linda’ s going to have a baby. 琳达要生孩子了。

She was only sixteen when she had her first child. 她生第一个孩子的时候才16岁。

4c used for saying that something happens to you or you experience something 遭受;经受

We almost had an accident on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上差点儿出车祸。

Keith’ s been having a lot of problems with his computer. 基思的计算机出了一大堆毛病。

Humphrey is going into hospital to have a knee operation. 汉弗莱要住院动膝盖手术。

have a good time/a bad day etc Did you have a good time at the party? 你在聚会上玩得开心吗?

I’ ve had a terrible day at the office. 今天我在办公室里碰上了许多倒霉事。

have sth done (=something happens to you) While they were on holiday, they had their car broken into. 发生某事

4d used for saying that you hope someone enjoys something such as a journey , holiday , or period of time 祝(旅途、节日或某段时间等)愉快

Have a good weekend. See you on Monday. 周末愉快!星期一见。

5 have  T  never progressive used for stating a relationship
5a used for stating the relationship between someone and their family members (表示家庭成员之间的关系)有

They’ ve got two kids of their own. 他们有两个孩子。

She has a cousin living nearby. 她有个表亲住在附近。

5b used for stating the relationship between someone and their friends, enemies, people they work with etc (表示朋友、敌人、同事等之间的关系)有

I’ ve got a friend who works at the BBC. 我有个朋友在英国广播公司工作。

Gary knew he had some dangerous enemies. 加里明白他有一些危险的敌人。

I hear you’ ve got a new boss. 我听说你们换了新老板。

6  T  never passive eat or drink sth
to eat or drink something . This word is often used in polite offers and requests 吃,喝(用来表示礼貌的提议与请求)

Can I have another piece of that delicious cake? 那种好吃的蛋糕我能再吃一块吗?

Let me buy you a drink. What’ ll you have? 我请你喝杯饮料吧。你要喝什么?

Why don’ t you stay and have lunch with us? 你何不留下来跟我们一起吃午饭呢?

I’ ll have (=used for requesting food or drink in a restaurant) I’ ll have the roast beef, please. (用于在餐馆点菜)我要

7 have when you should or must do sth
7a have to do sthif you have to do something , you must do it because it is necessary 必须;不得不

I had to leave early to collect the children from school. 我必须早点儿走,我得去学校接孩子们。

If you want to use the fax machine, you’ ll have to ask Shirley. 如果你想用传真机的话,得问问雪莉。

We’ re having to be very careful not to upset our customers. 我们现在得非常小心,别让顾客生气。

There will have to be an official investigation into the accident. 对这场事故必须进行一次正式调查。

do not have to do sth (=it is not necessary) You don’ t have to come if you don’ t want to. 不必做某事

I’ m glad we haven’ t got to get up early tomorrow. 很高兴我们明天不必早起。

7b have sth to doif you have something to do , you must do it 有…要做

Mr Klein couldn’ t stay – he had something to attend to. 克莱因先生不能留下来,他有些事要办。

I can’ t stand here talking to you all day – I have work to do. 我不能整天站在这里跟你聊天,我得干活儿。

7c if you have a duty , responsibility etc, you should or must do something 有责任/义务(做某事)

I have a duty to report anything suspicious to the police. 我有责任向警方报告任何可疑的事。

Employers have an obligation to provide safe working conditions. 雇主有义务提供安全的工作环境。

8 have never progressive used for showing that sb can do sth
used in phrases to say that someone is able to do something (用在短语中,表示某人有能力做某事)

have the ability/power/authority (to do sth) It’ s clear that the country has the ability to produce nuclear weapons. 很清楚,这个国家有能力生产核武器。

I’ m afraid I don’ t have the authority to approve the sale. 我恐怕没有权力批准这笔生意。

have permission/a right (to do sth) East Germans could not travel to the West unless they had special permission. 非经特别许可,东德人不能到西德旅游。

Everyone has a right to express their opinion. 人人有权发表自己的观点。

have the chance/opportunity (to do sth) Some of us never had the chance to go to university. 我们中有些人从来没有机会上大学。

9 have  T  never progressive contain or include sth
to contain or include parts, members etc 有, 包括(组成部分、成员等)

The Green Party now has nearly 50,000 members. 绿党现有近5万名党员。

The museum has two large rooms devoted to natural history. 这个博物馆有两间宽敞的博物学展室。

10 have  T  never progressive when sth is available
10a used for saying that a person , shop , hotel etc can offer you something to buy or use 有(表示人、商店、旅馆等能提供某物)

Have you got a double room for 23 June? 6月23日你们有双人间吗?

If you want the BBC Music Magazine, they have it at WH Smith’ s. 如果你要英国广播公司的音乐杂志,它们在W.H. 史密斯店里有售。

Have you got room for another one in your car? 你的车里还能再坐一个人吗?

10b if you have time for something , time is available for you to do it 有(时间做某事)

+for We’ ve just about got time for a quick swim before breakfast. 早饭前我们刚好有时间游一小会儿泳。

have time to do sth I didn’ t have time to cook anything. 我没有时间煮东西。

11 have  T  when sb is with you
used for saying that someone is visiting you or spending time with you 有…拜访;和…在一起

We have friends staying with us at present. 现在有几个朋友和我们在一起。

have sb with you I’ m afraid the manager’ s got someone with her at the moment. 恐怕眼下正有人拜访经理。

have guests/visitors/company I don’ t want the children fooling around when I have guests. 有来客时,我不愿意孩子们在周围胡闹。

12 have  T  never progressive used for saying what is in your mind
used for saying that there is an idea , a belief , or a feeling in your mind 有(某种想法、信仰或感觉)

I don’ t have any doubt at all about the success of our policies. 我对我们政策的成功没有任何怀疑。

Do you ever have a feeling that you’ re being watched? 你有没有被人监视着的感觉?

have an idea/plan/suggestion etc Has anyone got a better idea? 有人有更好的主意吗?

13  T  never passive make sth happen
to make something happen 产生;造成

have an effect/result/influence/impact Hutton’ s book had a major impact on public opinion in this country. 赫顿的书对该国的舆论产生了重大影响。

Any increase in the rate of inflation could have a serious effect on levels of unemployment. 哪怕通货膨胀率有一点儿提高都可能对失业水平产生严重影响。

13a  T  to make someone have a particular feeling or do something in a particular way 使;让

have sb worried/puzzled/in tears His sad story almost had us in tears. 他悲惨的经历几乎让我们流下了眼泪。

You had me worried for a moment – I thought you weren’ t coming. 你让我担心了一阵子,我以为你不来了。

have sb doing sth We need to have everyone sitting down at the same table. 我们得让大家坐在同一张桌子边上。

14  T  never passive arrange for sth to be done
to arrange for something to be done or for someone to do something 安排(某人)做某事

have sth done The place is looking much better since they had it redecorated. 自从他们请人重新装修后,这个地方看起来漂亮多了。

The Queen had her portrait painted by Pietro Annigoni. 女王请彼得罗·安尼戈尼给她画了肖像。

have sb do sth I’ ll have the porter bring your luggage up right away. 我会叫搬运工马上把你的行李拿上来。

15 have  T  never passive when sth happens near you and affects you
used for saying that something happens in an area , group , organization etc that affects people there (用来表示某地区、群体、组织等发生某事并对那儿的人造成影响)

They’ ve had snow up in Scotland. 他们苏格兰那边下了雪。

have had enough (of sth) (=not want something to happen any longer) The people of Northern Ireland have had enough of violence. 受够了(某事)

have sb doing sth Last year the place was so full we had people sleeping on the floor. 去年这个地方很挤,以致于我们让大家睡地板。

Take lots of snacks or you’ ll have the kids complaining. 多带些点心去,不然孩子们会抱怨的。

16 have  T  never progressive used for showing how sth is placed or arranged
used for saying that you have put something in a particular position or arranged it in a particular way 放置;摆放

Ralph had his back to the door, so he didn’ t see me come in. 拉尔夫背靠着门,所以他没看见我进来。

She’ s got her hair tied up in a bun today. 今天她把头发挽成了小圆髻。

He’ d got the book open in front of him. 他把书打开放在面前。

17 have  T  never progressive suffer from an illness or injury
to suffer from an illness , disease , injury , or pain 经受,遭受(疾病或伤痛)

I’ ve got a terrible headache. 我头疼得厉害。

James had malaria while he was working in West Africa. 詹姆斯在西非工作时得过疟疾。

The X-rays show that he has a broken ankle. X光片显示他的踝骨断了。

18 have  T  never progressive receive sth
18a to receive a letter , message , or telephone call 收到,接到(信、消息或电话)

I had a letter from my bank manager yesterday. 昨天我收到银行经理的一封信。

We’ ve not had any news from home. 我们尚未收到家里的任何消息。

You have a phone call – do you want to take it in your office? 有你的电话,你要在自己的办公室里接吗?

18b to receive help or advice 得到(帮助或建议)

She had a lot of help and support from her friends. 她从朋友处得到了许多帮助和支持。

18c to receive complaints or criticism 收到(投诉或批评)

The airline has had thousands of complaints about delays and cancelled flights. 该航空公司收到了许许多多关于飞机延误和取消航班的投诉。

19 have  I  have to do sth never progressive when sth must be true
used for showing that you are certain something happens or is true , or for showing that you hope very much that it happens or is true 一定是;一定会

Things have to get better – they can’ t get any worse. 情况一定会好起来,不可能再糟了。

He’ s just got to come, or I’ ll die! 他肯定会来,如果不来我就去死!

20 have  T  never progressive be employed in a job
to be responsible for doing a particular job or the work of an official position 有(工作或官方职务)

have a job/position/post etc He can’ t pay the rent because he hasn’ t got a job. 他无法交房租,因为他没有工作。

Foley had a junior post in the Foreign Office. 福利在外交部担任一个小职务。

21 have  T  never progressive when there is an arrangement to do sth
used for saying that something has been planned or arranged for a particular time 有(计划或安排)

I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow afternoon. 我明天下午跟牙医有预约。

Geoffrey’ s got lectures all day tomorrow. 杰弗里明天一整天都有讲座。

22 have  T  never progressive hold sb
to be holding someone by a particular part of their body so that they cannot get away 抓住(某人身体的特定部分)

have sb by sth I couldn’ t get away – he had me by the arm. 我跑不掉,他抓住了我的手臂。

23  T  never progressive employ sb
if you have someone who does a particular job , they work for you , usually in a much lower position 雇用(某人)

We have a man who comes in and cuts the grass once a fortnight. 我们雇了个人每两星期来剪一次草。

24  T  never progressive informal   have sex with sb
to have sex with someone 与(某人)性交

He thinks he can have any woman he wants. 他认为他可以跟任何一个他想要的女人发生性关系。

-   sb had better/best do sth mainly spoken
used for saying what someone should do

You’ d better be careful. 你最好小心一些。

We’ d best not say anything to my parents. 我们最好什么都不要告诉我父母。

-   have been had spoken
to have been tricked or cheated, especially by having to pay too much money for something

The picture’ s a fake – you’ ve been had. 这幅画是个赝品,你上当了。

-   have (got) sth all to yourself
to have a place or time that you do not have to share with anyone else , so that you are free to do what you want in it

I’ ll have the house all to myself next week. 下星期这房子就归我独享了。

-   have (got) it coming informal
to deserve something bad that happens to you
-   have (got) it made informal
to be in a very good situation
-   have (got) sb (right/just/exactly) where you want them
to be in a situation in which you can do what you want to someone or defeat them easily
-   have (got) sth ready/done/finished
to have finished work on something so that it is ready
-   have had it spoken
1 if someone has had it , they are in serious trouble , or they are going to fail (某人)陷入麻烦,将要失败

If the boss hears what you’ ve been doing, you’ ve had it. 如果老板得知你一直在干的事,你会有麻烦的。

When they scored that second goal, I knew we’ d had it. 当他们进了第2个球时,我就知道我们败局已定。

2 if something has had it , it cannot be used any longer because it is in such bad condition (某物)坏得没法使用

I’ m afraid my old bike’ s just about had it. 恐怕我的旧自行车已经坏得不能骑了。

3 to be so annoyed with someone or something that you do not want to be involved with them any longer 吃够了苦头;受够了

+with He says he’ s had it with politics. 他说他已吃够了政治的苦头。

have had it up to here (=be extremely annoyed) I’ ve had it up to here with Kevin – he never stops complaining. 极为生气

-   rumour/word/legend has it that
used for showing that you are reporting something that you have heard when you are not sure whether it is really true

Rumour has it that her husband is not the father of the child. 传说她丈夫不是这孩子的父亲。

-   sb won’ t have sth
used for saying that someone does not allow something

I’ m not having that kind of behaviour in my class. 我不允许我的课堂上有这样的行为。

sb won’ t/can’ t have sb doing sth We can’ t have strangers wandering about the place. 我们不允许陌生人在此处闲逛。

-   you have me there
used for telling someone that you do not know the answer to their question
ˈhave against or have ˈgot against 
PHRASAL VB  T  never progressive
1 have sth against sb: to dislike someone or not approve of them for a particular reason 出于(某种理由)而讨厌(某人);对(某人)有看法

I don’ t know what he’ s got against me, but he’ s always criticizing my work. 我不知道他为什么不喜欢我,不过他老是批评我的工作。

have nothing against sb/not have anything against sb (=have no reason to dislike someone) We’ ve nothing against him personally, it’ s just that we don’ t trust politicians. 没有理由讨厌某人

2 have sth against sth: to be opposed to a plan or suggestion for a particular reason 出于(某种理由)而反对(某计划或建议)

I think it’ s a brilliant idea. What have you got against it? 我觉得这个主意非常妙。你为什么反对呢?

have nothing against sth/not have anything against sth (=not have any reason to be opposed to something) I’ ve got nothing against intelligence tests, as long as they’ re done properly. 没有理由反对某事

ˌhave aˈway
-   have it away BRITISH informal
to have sex with someone
ˌhave ˈin
PHRASAL VB  T  never progressive
1 have in have sb in: if you have someone in , they have come to your house , office , factory etc to do some work there 请(某人)来干活

They’ ve got the builders in this week. 这星期他们请来了建筑工人。

We’ ve had the health and safety inspectors in, asking all sorts of questions. 我们请来了健康安全督察员,咨询了各种各样的问题。

2 have sb in: BRITISH  if you have a friend or neighbour in , they come to your house and have a meal or a drink with you 请(朋友或邻居)来家里吃饭(或喝酒)

We’ re having a few people in for drinks on Saturday. 星期六我们要请一些人来家里喝酒。

3 have in have sth in: BRITISH  to have a supply of something that you regularly use in your house , for example food , drink , or fuel 家里有(常备的食物、饮料或燃料等)

Stay for lunch; we’ ve got plenty of food in. 留下来吃午饭吧;我们家里有许多吃的。

4 have in have sth in: if a shop has something in , it is available in the shop for you to buy 店里有(某物)

We’ ll have some more guide books in next week. 我们店里下星期会增加一些指南书。

ˌhave ˈin for
-   have (got) it in for sb informal
to want to cause trouble for someone because you dislike them

The police stopped him again last night. He thinks they’ ve got it in for him. 警察昨晚又拦住了他。他觉得他们在跟他过不去。

ˌhave ˈoff
-   have it off (with sb) BRITISH very informal
to have sex with someone
ˌhave ˈon or have ˌgot ˈon 
PHRASAL VB  T  never progressive
1 have sth on: to be wearing particular clothes , shoes etc 穿着;戴着

Melissa had her new dress on. 梅利莎穿上了她的新连衣裙。

I couldn’ t see properly. I didn’ t have my glasses on. 我看不清楚。我没戴眼镜。

have nothing on (=be wearing no clothes) Of course he was cold – he’ d got practically nothing on. 没穿衣服;光着身子

2 have sth on: if you have the radio , television , heating etc on , you have switched it on and it is working 开着(收音机、电视机、加热装置等)

I can’ t talk to him while he’ s got the television on. 他开着电视机时我没法跟他说话。

We haven’ t had the air conditioning on all summer. 我们整个夏天都没有开空调。

3 have sth on sb: to have information about someone that shows they have done something dishonest or illegal 掌握(某人骗人或违法的)证据

They haven’ t got anything on Marlowe, so they can’ t arrest him. 他们没有掌握马洛的任何证据,所以不能逮捕他。

4 have sth on: to have arranged to do something at a particular time , so that you are not available to do anything else 安排好做(某事)

+for Do you have anything on for tomorrow afternoon? 你明天下午有什么安排吗?

-   be having sb on BRITISH informal
to be trying to make someone believe something that is not true , as a joke
ˌhave ˈout
have sth out: to have a tooth removed from your mouth or an organ removed from your body 拔(牙);切除(身体某一器官)
-   have it out
to talk to someone honestly and directly about a problem that is causing disagreement , or about something they have done that is making you angry

+with He decided to have it out with Rose there and then. 他决定当场坦率地说出他与罗斯之间的问题。

ˌhave ˈover
PHRASAL VB  T  never passive
have sb over: if you have someone over , they come to your house to visit you or to stay with you 请(某人)来家里

We’ re having the Simpsons over for supper on Tuesday evening. 我们打算请辛普森一家星期二晚上来吃饭。

ˌhave ˈround
PHRASAL VB  T  never passive BRITISH 
have sb round: if you have someone round , especially someone who lives near you , they come to your house 请(某人,尤指住在附近者)到家中

Cathy’ s parents are having us round for a meal tomorrow. 凯茜的父母准备请我们明天过去吃饭。

Have you had anyone round trying to sell you insurance? 你让人上你家推销保险了吗?

ˌhave ˈup
have sb up: often passive to send someone to a court of law because they have been accused of a crime 传唤(某人)出庭;(法庭)传讯(某人)

+for He’ s been had up for dangerous driving once or twice before. 此前他曾因危险驾车而被传唤过一两次。

Usage note: have
In conversation or informal writing the auxiliary use of have is often shortened.在会话或非正式文体中,have 的这种助动词用法常被简缩。Have can be shortened to ’ ve, has can be shortened to ’ s, and had can be shortened to ’ dhave 可简缩为 ’ve, has可简缩为 ’s, had可简缩为 ’d:They’ ve already left.他们已经离开了。John’ s lost his ticket.约翰把票丢了。I’ d forgotten to tell you.我忘了告诉你。 These short forms can be followed by ‘not’ to make negative sentences这些简缩形式可以后接not, 构成否定句:I’ ve not seen anyone.我谁都没见着。She’ d not arrived.她还没到。The ordinary transitive uses of have are not usually shortened, though ’ ve and ’ d forms are sometimes possiblehave 的一般及物动词用法通常不简缩,不过有时’ve和’d 这类形式也是可以的:I’ ve a sister who lives in York.我有个姐姐住在纽约。Short forms are usually used before ‘got’ 简缩形式通常用于got 前: I’ ve got an idea.我有个主意。Jack’ s got the tickets.杰克拿到了票。Negative forms can also be shortened否定形式也可以简缩: have not can be shortened to haven’ t, has not can be shortened to hasn’ t, and had not can be shortened to hadn’ t.可简缩为haven’t, has not 可简缩为hasn’t, had not 可简缩为hadn’t。
See also




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