

单词 hard
hard 1 ★★★
1 stiff , firm , and not easy to bend or break 坚硬的;坚实的

hard wooden benches 坚硬的木条凳

The plastic was chosen because it is very hard and durable. 选择塑料是因为它坚实耐用。

2 difficult to do 困难的;费力的

Some of the questions were very hard. 这些问题有的很难。

find sth hard I found the English exam quite hard. 我发现英语考试题目很难。

hard for sb to do sth It is hard for young people to get jobs in this area. 年轻人在这一地区找工作很难。

hard to do sth It’ s hard to explain why I love this place so much. 很难解释为什么我这么喜欢这个地方。

hard to believe I find it hard to believe that we’ re leaving England for good. 我很难相信我们将永远离开英格兰。

2a involving a lot of effort 辛苦的;费力的

Lifting stones this size is pretty hard work. 把这么大的石头抬起来是件很吃力的活儿。

I need to relax at the end of a hard day. 辛苦工作一天后我需要放松一下。

3 unpleasant and full of problems 难以忍受的;艰难的

My grandmother had a very hard life. 我祖母生活非常艰难。

The family has had a hard time recently. 近来这家人生活很艰难。

+on It’ s very hard on parents when their children are being bullied at school. 自己的孩子在学校里受到欺辱是很让父母难受的事。

4 strong and not easily frightened 强硬的;坚强的

He likes to pretend he’ s hard, but he’ s really soft underneath. 他喜欢假装强硬,但实际上内心很柔弱。

5 unkind or cruel 无情的;冷酷的

She was deeply hurt by his hard words. 他那番刻薄的话深深伤害了她。

+on Don’ t be too hard on her - she was only trying to help. 不要太苛责她了,她只不过想帮忙而己。

6 using a lot of physical force 用力的;用劲的

He gave the door a hard shove, and it opened. 他用力地推了一下门,门就开了。

7 hard water does not mix easily with soap because it contains a lot of minerals (水)硬的(含矿物质较多)
8 a hard winter is a very cold winter 严寒的;寒冷的
8a a hard frost is very severe (霜冻)严重的
9 only before noun hard facts are certain and can be proved 确凿的;可靠的

We need some hard evidence to support our claim. 我们需要一些确凿的证据来支持我们的说法。

-   as hard as nails informal
1 very strong and good at fighting 强硬的;强悍的
2 tending not to feel sympathy or other positive emotions 铁石心肠的;冷酷无情的
-   be hard on sth informal
to cause damage to something

Aerobics is quite hard on the knees. 做有氧健身运动会对膝盖造成很大的损伤。

-   do sth the hard way
to have a bad experience doing something , often when this is your own fault
-   give sb a hard time informal
to be unpleasant to someone or criticize them a lot
-   hard at it informal
doing something in a fast busy way
-   hard at work
working with a lot of effort
-   hard going informal
very difficult and needing a lot of effort
-   hard luck BRITISH spoken
1 used for saying that you feel sympathy for someone because something bad has happened to them 真不幸,真倒霉(用于表示同情)
2 used for saying that you do not feel any sympathy about something bad that has happened to someone 活该
-   hard right/left
a turn directly to the right or left

Take a hard right just after the school. 一过学校马上右转。

-   the hard stuff informal
strong alcoholic drinks
-   hard to come by informal
difficult to find or get

Small cars are quite hard to come by in the States. 在美国很难找到小型汽车。

-   hard to take/swallow
difficult to accept or deal with

His bad moods are a bit hard to take at times. 有时他的坏情绪让人很难接受。

-   learn the hard way
to learn how to do something by trying to do it and making a lot of mistakes
-   no hard feelings spoken
used for telling someone that you are not angry with them after an argument or disagreement
-   take a hard line
to deal with something in a very firm or strict way and refuse to change your opinion or decision

The government is taking a hard line over tax avoidance. 政府对逃税采取了强硬政策。





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