

单词 hang
hang 1 ★★★
1  T  to put something somewhere so that the top part is held in position but the bottom part can move freely 悬挂;吊

Hang your jacket there. 把夹克衫挂在那儿。

hang sth on/over sth Philip hung his hat on a hook behind the door. 菲利普把自己的帽子挂在门后的衣钩上。

She hung her bag over the chair. 她把包挂在椅子上。

1a  I  to be fixed so that the top part is held in position but the bottom part can move freely 被悬挂;被吊起

+from A row of saucepans hung from hooks above the sink. 一排平底锅挂在水槽上方的挂钩上。

+on The children’ s coats were hanging on pegs behind the door. 孩子们的外套挂在门后的衣钉上。

1b  I  if your hair hangs down , it is long and not tied (头发)垂下,披下

+over Her dark hair hung down over her shoulders. 她的黑头发披在肩上。

hang loose His long hair hung loose. 他的长发松散地垂下来。

1c  I  if clothes hang well , they look neat and attractive when you wear them (衣服)有垂感
2  T  to fix a picture , mirror etc onto a wall 挂,悬挂(图画、镜子等)

The portrait will now be hung in the National Gallery. 这幅画像将在国家美术馆悬挂展出。

2a  I  if a picture , mirror etc hangs somewhere , it is fixed to a wall there (图画、镜子等)悬挂(于某处)

A large mirror hung over the fireplace. 一面大镜子悬挂在壁炉上方。

2b  T  if a wall or room is hung with pictures, there are pictures on the walls 在…上挂(图片等)
3  T  to kill someone by putting a rope around their neck and making them fall 吊死;绞死

He was hanged for murder in 1942. 他于1942年因谋杀而被处以绞刑。

be found hanged A prisoner was found hanged in her cell. 一个女囚犯被发现吊死在自己的牢房里。

hang yourself After his wife left, he tried to hang himself. 妻子离开后,他企图上吊自杀。

3a  I  to die in this way 上吊而死

They knew if she was found guilty she would hang. 他们知道,如果她被证明有罪,她就会上吊自杀。

4  T  to fix paper to a wall as decoration 贴(墙纸等)

We spent the afternoon hanging wallpaper in our bedroom. 我们花了整个下午的时间贴卧室的墙纸。

4a to fix a door into position 安装(门)

It took us ages to hang the new front door. 我们用了好长的时间才把新大门安装上。

5  I  if something such as smoke or a smell hangs in the air , it remains there 悬浮;飘浮

+over/in A thick mist hung over the fields. 田野上空浓雾弥漫。

A smell of stale tobacco hung in the room. 一种发霉的烟草味弥漫在整个房间里。

6  I  mainly literary   if something hangs in the sky , it is seen there 悬,挂(在空中)

A crescent moon hung low over the lake. 就在湖水的上方悬着一弯新月。

7 hang  I  informal   to spend time in a particular place or with particular people 逗留;闲荡;鬼混

+with At the weekend I like to just hang with my friends. 周末我只爱和朋友厮混在一起。

-   hang by a thread
to be very likely to fail

His career now hung by a thread. 他的事业现在岌岌可危。

-   hang (on) in there informal
to continue doing something in a determined way even though it is difficult
-   hang a left/right AMERICAN spoken
to turn left or right when you are driving
-   hang sth BRITISH spoken old-fashioned
used for saying that something is not important
-   hang your head
to look downwards because you feel ashamed
ˌhang aˈround or ˌhang aˈbout  ˌhang ˈround 
hang around sth: to spend time in a place waiting or doing nothing (在某处)闲呆着

I hung around outside, waiting for the others. 我呆在外面等其他的人。

-   hang around spoken
used for telling someone to wait
-   not hang around
to move or do something quickly

Let’ s not hang around or we’ ll be late! 别再磨蹭了,不然我们要迟到了!

ˌhang aˈround with or ˌhang ˈround with  ˌhang aˈbout with 
hang around with sb: to spend time with someone 与…厮混

Marie always hung around with boys. 玛丽总是跟男孩子们厮混。

ˌhang ˈback
to not do something immediately because you are not confident or you do not feel certain about it 退缩;踌躇不前;犹豫不决
ˌhang ˈon
1  I  to hold tightly to something 紧紧握住;抓住不放
2  I  informal   to wait or be patient (耐心)等待

I think we should hang on and see the end of the game. 我想我们应该耐心等等,看看比赛的结果。

3  T  hang on sth: to depend on something 依赖于;取决于

Everything hangs on the result of the last race. 一切都取决于最后一场比赛的结果。

-   hang on sb’ s every word
to listen very carefully to what someone is saying
ˌhang ˈonto
hang onto sth: to keep something 保留;保有

She still hung onto her wedding ring, even after the divorce. 即使在离婚后她仍保留着结婚戒指。

ˌhang ˈout
1  I  to lean out of a window so that the top part of your body is outside 探出身子

+of Two students were hanging out of the second floor window. 有两个学生正从二楼的窗口探出身来。

2  T  to hang wet clothes outside to dry 把(湿衣服)晾出去
3  I  informal   hang17

She knew all the clubs where he usually hung out. 他时常光顾的那些夜总会她全都知道。

ˈhang ˌover
hang over sb/sth: if something hangs over you , you worry about it or feel upset about it 威胁;使忧虑;使烦恼

The threat of homelessness hangs over hundreds of families. 成百上千的家庭面临着无家可归的威胁。

A sense of doom hung over the town. 一种末日将要来临的可怕预感笼罩着全镇。

ˌhang ˈround
ˌhang ˈround with
ˌhang toˈgether
if something hangs together , the different parts of it combine well so that it seems well planned and organized 连贯;一致

The speech doesn’ t really hang together. 这个发言不是很连贯。

ˌhang ˈup
1  I  to put the telephone down at the end of a conversation 放下听筒;挂断电话

Greg hung up and sat back in his chair. 格雷格挂断电话,坐回到自己的椅子上。

+on ‘Get lost!’ she shouted, and hung up on me. “别烦我!”她嚷道,然后挂断了我的电话。

2  T  to hang a piece of clothing on something 把…挂起来

The women hung up their coats and sat down. 女士们把外套挂起来后坐了下来。

3  T  informal   to stop using something because you are no longer doing a particular sport or activity (因不再使用而)把…收起来

Nicola has decided it’ s time to hang up her dancing shoes. 尼古拉决定是该收起自己的舞鞋的时候了。

-   hang up your hat informal
to leave your job , especially when you are old enough to stop working
See also
fire 1




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