

单词 half
half ★★★
  Half can be used in the following ways:
half 有以下用法
  as a predeterminer (followed by a word such as ‘a’ , ‘the’ , ‘this’ , or ‘his’ )用作前置限定词(后接a, the, this或his 之类的词): We live half a mile up the road. 我们住的地方沿这条路要走半英里。 I have to spend half my time looking after the children. 我得花一半的时间照料这些孩子。
  as a pronoun 用作代词: Let’ s share the prize money. You can have half. 我们来分奖金吧。你可以得一半。 (followed by ‘of’ )后接of: 48 is half of 96. 48是96的一半。 Half of us are still unemployed. 我们这些人中有半数仍然失业。 (following ‘in’ or ‘by’ )跟在in 或 by 后: Cut the apple in half. 把苹果切成两半。 The crime rate has been reduced by half. 犯罪率下降了一半。
  as an adjective (followed by a noun)用作形容词(后接名词): We ordered a half bottle of red wine. 我们要了半瓶红酒。 They sold 250 tickets in the first half hour. 他们在头半小时里售出了250张票。
  as an adverb (followed by an adjective, adverb, or preposition)用作副词(后接形容词、副词或介词): I was only half awake. 我刚醒了一半。 She spoke half in Italian and half in English. 她讲的话一半是意大利语,一半是英语。 (followed by a verb or participle)后接动词或分词: I only half understood what she was saying. 当时她说的话我只听懂了一半。 a half finished building 完工一半的楼房 (followed by ‘as’ )后接as: A nurse only earns half as much as a doctor. 护士挣的钱只有医生的一半。
  as a countable noun 用作可数名词: The group was divided into two halves. 这一组被一分为二。 Our team scored two goals in the second half. 我们队在下半场进了两个球。
  as a number 用作数词: Emma was talking well by the age of two and a half. 埃玛两岁半的时候说话就很流利了。
1 ½ or 50%
1a used for referring to one of two equal parts into which an amount , group , or object can be divided 一半;一半的

The rebel army now controls over half the country. 目前叛军控制了超过一半的国土。

The students spend half their time on practical work. 学生们把一半的时间花在实践工作上。

+of Prices rose by over 15% during the second half of 1988. 1988年的下半年物价上涨超过15%。

Would anyone like the other half of my pizza? 我的比萨饼的另一半有人要吗?

When we interviewed employees, nearly half of them complained of stress. 我们与雇员面谈时,有将近一半的人抱怨压力大。

divide/cut/split etc sth in half Peel the potatoes and cut them in half. 把马铃薯去皮,然后对半切。

1b used in numbers, measurements, and ages to mean ½ (用在数字、尺寸、年龄中)半

One and a half million people have been driven from their homes. 150万人已经被赶出家园。

Jasmine started school when she was four and a half. 贾斯敏4岁半时开始上学。

half an hour/a mile etc We had to wait half an hour for a bus. 我们只好等了半小时公共汽车。

half hour/mile etc She walked the half mile from Fleet Street back to her office. 她从舰队街步行半英里回到了自己的办公室。

half a dozen/a half dozen (=six) half a dozen eggs 半打

1c to make something 50% more/50% less 将某物增加/减少/削减一半

The risk of developing lung cancer has been reduced by half. 患肺癌的危险被降低了一半。

1d used for saying that an amount/number is 50% greater than another /amount/number 比某数量多一半

A flat in London costs half as much again as a similar flat in Glasgow. 在伦敦买一套公寓比在格拉斯哥买同样的一套公寓要多花一半的钱。

1e to share the cost of something with someone so that you each pay 50% (与某人)均摊费用

If we’ re going halves, we can afford to buy something really nice. 如果一人付一半的话,我们就能买得起非常好的东西。

1f used for saying that someone or something is made up of 50% of one thing and 50% of something else 一半…,一半…

half sth (and) half sth The fabric is half nylon, half cotton. 这种面料里尼龙和棉各占一半。

Marie is half Vietnamese, half French (=one of her parents is from Vietnam, the other is from France) . 玛丽有一半越南血统,一半法国血统。

The fearsome creature was half man and half beast. 这可怕的怪物是半人半兽。

half and half (=50% of each) There used to be a lot more men than women in the medical school, but now it’ s about half and half. 相等的;对等的

2 partly
used for saying that something happens partly but not completely , or that something is partly in a particular state 部分地;在某种程度上

Through the half open door I could hear the sound of Alan’ s voice. 从半开着的门里我可以听到艾伦的声音。

The rocks were half under water. 礁石的一部分在水下。

Perhaps he half realized that there was nothing more he could do. 他可能多少意识到自己再没什么可以做的了。

half-empty/half-full a half-empty milk bottle 半空的牛奶瓶

3 used for emphasis
3a used for emphasizing how bad or extreme a situation is (用于强调情况极糟或极严重)

Your mother’ s been going half crazy worrying about you. 你母亲都快为你急疯了。

I seem to spend half my life cleaning up after those kids. 我似乎花了大半辈子时间跟在这些孩子身后收拾整理。

3b used for emphasizing what you are saying , or for emphasizing that you mean ‘yes’ 非常

I never thought we’ d win. We weren’ t half lucky. 我从没想过我们会赢。我们太幸运了。

‘Are you keen on motor racing?’ ‘Yeah, not half!’ “你喜欢赛车吗?”“是的,非常喜欢!”

4 period in a game
one of the two equal periods of time into which a game of football , basketball , hockey etc is divided (足球赛、篮球赛、曲棍球赛等的)半场,半局

Neither team scored in the first half. 前半场两队均无得分。

5 BRITISH  mainly spoken   beer
half a pint of a drink , especially beer 半品脱(啤酒)

A pint of lager and a half of Guinness, please. 请来一品脱淡啤酒,半品脱吉尼斯黑啤酒。

6 BRITISH  ticket
a ticket for a child or an old person , that only costs half the price that an adult usually pays 半(价)票

Two and two halves to London Bridge, please. 买去伦敦桥的两张全票和两张半票。

7 BRITISH  one of two areas in a sports field
one of the two equal areas of the field that are defended by either team in a game such as football (球赛场地的)半场
-   ...and a half mainly spoken
used for emphasizing that you think something is very big , very good etc

When Australia play England – that’ ll be a match and a half! 澳大利亚与英格兰的比赛会相当精彩!

-   given half a chance
used for saying that someone or something will do something if they get the opportunity
-   half a minute/second mainly spoken
an extremely short time

If you’ d only listen for half a minute, I could explain everything. 只要你愿意听一小会儿,我就会把一切都解释清楚的。

-   half past one/two etc
thirty minutes after one o’ clocktwo o’ clock etc

The shops close at half past five. 商店5点半关门。

-   half the battle
the most important part of what you have to do in order to achieve something

Winning people’ s trust is half the battle. 取得了人们的信任,成功就大有希望了。

-   half the fun/problem/trouble etc
a large part of the funproblemtrouble etc that is involved in something

Putting up the decorations is half the fun of Christmas. 过圣诞节的一大乐趣来自悬挂装饰品。

-   how the otherhalf lives
the way that people who are much richer or poorer than you spend their lives
-   not do things/anything by halves
to do things very thoroughly and with a lot of energy

He’ ll throw a great party – he doesn’ t do anything by halves. 他要举办一个盛大的聚会,他做事绝不马虎。

-   (not) be half the person/man/player etc you used to be
to be much less successful , happy , or strong than you used to be
-   not half as good/bad/much etc as
used for emphasizing that one person or thing is not nearly as goodbad etc as another

I never thought that Chaplin was half as funny as Buster Keaton. 我认为卓别林远不如巴斯特·基顿滑稽。

-   not halfbad spoken
used for saying that someone or something is good , especially when they are better than you expected them to be

It’ s one of the cheapest printers around, and it isn’ t half bad. 这是这里最便宜的打印机之一,而且质量相当不错。

-   sb’ s other/better half humorous
someone’ s wife , husband , or romantic partner
-   too clever/eager/cocky etc by half BRITISH spoken
used for showing that you do not approve of someone because they are cleverenthusiastic etc in a way that annoys you
-   you don’ t know/haven’ t heard the half of it spoken
used for telling someone that a situation is more shocking or complicated than they think
See also
mind 1




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