

单词 habit
habit ★★★
1  C/U  something that you do often or regularly , often without thinking about it 习惯

healthy eating habits 健康的饮食习惯

a good/bad habit He had acquired some rather bad habits at college. 他在大学里养成了一些很坏的习惯。

be in the habit of doing sth They were in the habit of going for long walks. 他们习惯长时间地散步。

get in/into the habit of doing sth George has got into the habit of going to bed late. 乔治养成了晚睡的习惯。

out of habit/from force of habit (=because it is what you usually do) Whenever I walk by her building I look up at her window from sheer force of habit. 出于习惯

1a  C  something that you often do without intending to or without realizing that you are doing it , which can annoy other people (不自觉的)坏习惯,恶习

have the habit of doing sth He had the annoying habit of tapping the table when he was nervous. 他一紧张就会犯敲桌子的毛病。

1b  C  a physical need to do something regularly such as smoke cigarettes or take drugs 瘾;烟瘾;毒瘾

He started stealing to finance his heroin habit. 为了购买海洛因满足毒瘾,他开始偷窃。

kick/break the habit (=stop it) Over 10 million smokers have succeeded in kicking the habit. 戒烟;戒毒

2  C  a simple dress worn by nuns and other members of religious communities (修女、教士等穿的)衣服
-   habit of mind/thought
a usual way of thinking about something

Low expectations can become a habit of mind. 凡事都抱低期望会变成一种思维习惯。

-   not make a habit of doing sth/not be in the habit of doing sth
used for saying that you do not usually do something that you have just done

I don’ t make a habit of calling on clients unannounced. 我没有不事先打招呼就突然拜访客户的习惯。

-   old habitsdie hard spoken
used for saying that it is difficult to change a way of behaving that someone has had for many years
  Words frequently used with habit
  habit 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   annoying, bad, dirty, disgusting, filthy, unfortunate,




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