/grəʊ/ |
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1 | I if children or animals grow , they become taller or larger (儿童或动物)长大,生长,发育 |
| ‘Hasn’ t Michael grown?’ said my aunt. “迈克尔还没长大吗?”我姨妈说道。 |
| grow several inches/a lot/very tall etc She must have grown at least four inches since I saw her last. 自从我上次见到她之后,她肯定长高了至少4英寸。 |
| grow to a size/height/length In the right conditions, shellfish can grow to considerable sizes. 在适当的条件下,贝类动物可以长得相当大。 |
| Some of these creatures grew to a length of over twelve feet. 这些动物有的长到12英尺多长。 |
| fully grown (=having grown to full size) a fully grown lion 完全长大的;发育成熟的 |
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2 | I if plants or trees grow , they develop and get larger or taller (植物或树木)长高,长大 |
| plants that grow naturally in peat bogs 在泥炭沼泽地带自然生长的植物 |
| The redwood tree can grow over 80 metres tall. 红杉树可以长到80多米高。 |
| grow to maturity We left some of the better trees and let them grow to maturity. 我们留下了一些较好的树让它们长大。 |
| 2a | I if trees or plants grow somewhere , they exist there (树木或植物)生长 | | The trees grew almost to the water’ s edge. 那些树几乎长到了水边。 | |
| 2b | T if you grow plants, you look after them and help them to develop 种植,栽培(植物) | | the country’ s largest rice-growing area 国家最大的稻米种植地 | | They grew all their own vegetables. 所有的蔬菜都是他们自己种的。 | | Various crops are grown here. 这里种植了各种农作物。 | | grow sth from sth I’ ve grown these geraniums from seed. 我用种子栽培出了这些天竺葵。 | |
| 2c | I/T if bacteria , cells, or crystals grow , they develop . You can also say that scientists grow these things. (细菌、细胞或晶体)发育;培育(细菌、细胞或晶体) | |
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3 | I if your hair or nails grow , they become longer (毛发或指甲)长长 |
| 3a | T if you grow your hair or nails, you let them become longer 蓄,留(毛发或指甲) | |
| 3b | to start to let the hair on your face grow , so that you will have a beard or moustache 蓄须;留胡子 | |
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4 | I to increase in size 增长;增大 |
| The problem continues to grow. 问题越来越严重。 |
| The world’ s population was growing faster than predicted. 世界人口比预期增长得快。 |
| By 1997, the town had grown big enough to need a school of its own. 到1997年,这个镇的规模已经发展到需要一所自己的学校了。 |
| +to a ripple of laughter that grew to a delighted roar 变成开怀大笑的轻柔笑声 |
| grow longer The waiting list for housing is growing longer every year. 等待住房的人数每年都在增加。 |
| grow in size/number/amount The database will grow in size as necessary. 数据库会根据需要扩大容量。 |
| grow at a fast/record etc rate By now the road network was growing at an alarming rate. 目前公路网络仍在以令人担忧的高速度发展。 |
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5 | I if a business or the economy grows, more money is used in it and it becomes more successful (商业、经济)发展 |
| In the early part of the century, the industry grew steadily. 在世纪之初,工业稳步发展。 |
| grow by 10%/20% etc The economy has grown by 7% over the past year. 在过去的一年里,经济实现了7%的增长。 |
| 5a | T to make a business or the economy grow 使(商业、经济)发展 | | He has spent the past seven years growing his business. 过去7年他一直在扩展生意。 | |
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6 | I if feelings or qualities grow , they become stronger (感情、素质)增强,变得更强烈 |
| She could feel the anger growing inside her. 她能感到自己心头的怒气在上升。 |
| Fears were growing for his safety. 对他的安全越来越担心。 |
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7 | I +in if someone or something grows in a quality , they begin to have more of that quality 变得越来越… |
| She was growing in confidence every day. 她变得一天比一天自信。 |
| The area has gradually grown in importance. 这个地区逐渐地变得越来越重要了。 |
| grow in popularity In recent years cycling has grown in popularity. 近些年来自行车运动变得流行起来。 |
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8 | I if you grow , the emotional or spiritual part of your character becomes stronger 变得成熟(或坚强) |
| People need to be able to grow and develop in relationships. 人人应该能够变得越来越成熟并且善于培养发展各种关系。 |
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9 | linking verb literary used for saying that someone or something gradually starts to have a feeling or quality (逐渐)变得 |
| The nights were growing darker. 夜变得越来越黑了。 |
| Nina was growing bored. 尼娜变得越来越烦闷了。 |
| The king grew increasingly suspicious of his officials. 国王对他的大臣们越来越不信任了。 |
| grow used to/accustomed to Branson had grown accustomed to the old man’ s eccentricities. 布兰森已经对这个老人的古怪性格习以为常。 |
- | sth does not grow on trees mainly spoken |
| used for telling someone that they should not waste or ignore something , because it is valuable and not easy to get |
| (用于告诉某人不应浪费或忽视某物)某物不是能轻易获得的 |
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- | grow to love/hate/understand etc sth |
| if you grow to feel or understand something , you gradually start to feel or understand it |
| 逐渐爱上/恨/理解等某事物 |
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| They had grown to love the place and the people. 他们已逐渐爱上了这个地方和这里的人们。 |
| He had grown to realize that she would never change. 他逐渐意识到她永远都不会改变。 |
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Words frequently used with grow | grow 的常见搭配词 | adjectives | bored, impatient, restless, tired, | 9 | | |
- | ˌgrow aˈpart |
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| if people grow apart , their relationship gradually changes and they become less close 变得有隔阂 |
- | ˌgrow aˈway from |
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| grow away from sb: if you grow away from someone , your relationship gradually changes and you become less close to them 疏远(某人) |
- | ˌgrow ˈinto |
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1 | grow into sth/sb: to develop and become a particular thing or person 成长为;发展为 | This seedling should grow into a tall attractive plant. 这棵小苗会长成一株高大而漂亮的植物。 | | She had grown into a beautiful woman. 她已经出落成一个漂亮的女人了。 | |
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2 | grow into sth: if children grow into clothes , they become the right size to wear clothes that were too big (儿童)长得适合穿(原来嫌大的衣服) |
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3 | grow into sth: if you grow into a situation or activity , you gradually start knowing what to do because you have more experience 开始适应(环境或活动) | She needs time to grow into her new role. 她需要时间来适应新的角色。 | |
- | ˈgrow on |
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| grow on sb: if something or someone grows on you , you start to like them more 使(某人)越来越喜爱 | The new house slowly began to grow on her. 她开始慢慢地喜欢上这所新房子了。 | |
- | ˌgrow ˈout |
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| if coloured , cut , or permed hair grows out , it grows so that it no longer has the colour or style that it had (头发的染色、发型)消失 |
- | ˌgrow ˈout of |
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1 | if children grow out of clothes , they grow bigger and the clothes become too small for them (儿童)长大而不能穿(原来的衣服) |
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2 | if someone grows out of a habit , they stop doing it , because they are older or wiser 因年龄增长而不再做(某事);因长大而放弃;长大不再有做(某事)的习惯 | They thought I would grow out of my fear of spiders. 他们认为我长大后就不会再害怕蜘蛛了。 | |
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3 | to develop from something , or exist as a result of it 产生于 | Other issues grew out of the policy review. 其他问题产生于对政策的回顾检讨。 | | The poems grew out of her disturbed imagination. 这些诗歌来源于她不安的想象。 | |
- | ˌgrow ˈup |
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1 | to change from being a baby or young child to being an older child or adult 长大;成年;成熟 | She’ s really starting to grow up now. 现在,她真的开始长大了。 | | 1a | used for talking about the things that happened while you were a child 成长 | | I grew up in London. 我在伦敦长大。 | | He never saw his father while he was growing up. 他从小到大从未见过他的父亲。 | | |
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2 | to stop behaving like a child , and become wiser 成熟 | It wasn’ t until my marriage ended that I really started to grow up. 直到我的婚姻破裂我才真正成熟起来。 | | 2a | used for telling someone to stop being silly and behaving like a child 别犯傻;成熟点儿 | | |
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3 | to start existing or being seen 形成;产生;发展 | the many small religious sects that grew up and flourished in the area 在该地区产生和兴盛起来的很多小教派 | |