

单词 glow
glow 1
VERB  I   
1 to shine with a soft light 发光

His desk light glowed in the darkness of the big room. 他的台灯在黑漆漆的大屋子中熠熠生辉。

1a if something very hot glows, it looks red or orange and burns without producing flames (无焰地)燃烧,发红光

The tip of a cigarette glowed in the dark doorway. 烟头在黑暗的门口闪烁着。

1b if a place or object glows with colour , it has a lot of bright colours (色彩)鲜艳夺目

The interiors of the churches glow with rich colour. 教堂内部色彩丰富,绚丽夺目。

2 to show strong and happy emotion , especially in your face 红光满面;容光焕发

When he talks about them, he positively glows. 只要一提起他们,他就肯定会非常兴奋。

+with She glowed with happiness. 她高兴地满面红光。

the faces of parents glowing with pride 父母的脸上洋溢着自豪

2a if your eyes glow with an emotion , they show that emotion very clearly (眼睛因为某种情感而)发亮

His eyes glowed with an extraordinary fervour. 他的眼中闪耀着极度热情的光芒。

3 if your face or body is glowing , it looks pink or red , for example because you are healthy or embarrassed (身体或脸部)红润,发红

The girl’ s skin glowed and her eyes were bright. 女孩的皮肤红润,眼睛明亮。

+with young men glowing with health 肤色健康红润的小伙子们





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