

单词 gear
gear 1 ★★
1  C/U  the part of an engine that changes engine power into movement . Most cars in the UK have 5 or 6 gears that you operate yourself (排)挡(在英国汽车大多有5至6挡)

change gear Helen changed gear as she approached the junction. 海伦在接近道路交叉口时换了挡。

first/second/reverse etc gear At forty miles an hour you should be in fourth gear. 时速40英里的时候,你应该挂4挡。

low/high gear Always use a low gear when driving down a steep hill. 当你驾车驶下很陡的山路时,一定要用低速挡。

grind/crash the gears (=make a noise when changing gear because you do not do it correctly) You’ ll ruin the gearbox if you keep grinding the gears like that. 摩擦/拉错排挡(因错误操作而使排挡咣当作响)

in gear (=with one of the gears connected so that the power of the engine will make the wheels move) The car won’ t move unless you’ re in gear. 挂上挡

out of gear (=with no gears connected) Take the car out of gear. 不挂挡;挂空挡

2  U  the special clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity 服装;用具;装备

Don’ t forget to bring walking gear. 不要忘记带上休闲装。

We took down the tent and packed all the gear away. 我们拆下帐篷,把所有的用具都打包带走。

police dressed in riot gear 身穿防暴服的警察

3  U  a machine or part of a machine that does a particular job 机器;装置

Firefighters with heavy lifting gear battled to free the survivors from the wreckage. 消防队员带上很重的升降起重装置,奋力解救废墟里面的幸存者。

4  U  informal   clothes , especially fashionable ones . This is a rather old-fashioned word and is often used humorously. (尤指)时髦服装(过时用语,现多用于幽默)
5  U  informal   illegal drugs, especially heroin 毒品;(尤指)海洛因
-   get/click into gear
to start working effectively or making progress

Her electoral campaign is finally getting into gear. 她的竞选活动终于有了进展。

Suddenly my brain clicked into gear and I realized what was happening. 突然我的脑子开了窍,意识到正在发生什么事。

-   in/into top gear
working very fast or effectively
-   move/shift up a gear
to start working much more effectively or quickly , or with more energy
-   put/throw sth out of gear
to stop something from working as it should




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