

单词 future
future 1 ★★★
1 the future the time that follows the present time 将来;未来;今后

It’ s important to plan for the future. 为将来做好打算很重要。

These young people are the leaders of the future. 这些年轻人是未来的领袖。

in the future Check if the computer can be upgraded in the future. 检查一下电脑以后能否升级。

in the near/not-too-distant/immediate future (=soon) I have no plans to go abroad in the near future. 在最近的/不太遥远的将来

what the future holds/will bring (=what will happen) She has no idea what the future might hold for her. 今后会发生的事

look to the future (=plan what you will do in the future) He can now look to the future with confidence again. 计划未来

1a events that have not yet taken place 未来的事;前景

The future will depend on our willingness to conserve energy now. 未来将取决于我们现在是否愿意保护能源。

1b  C  the opportunity for someone to develop or succeed 前途

Jack went on holiday to think about his future. 杰克为了思考自己的前途问题外出度假。

uncertain/painful/bleak etc future The people of Grozny face an uncertain future. 格罗兹尼人民前途未卜。

a bright future Joe has a bright future in athletics. 乔在体育方面前途光明。

have a future (=be successful) You won’ t have much of a future unless you start working harder. 有前途;会成功

1c  C  the chance that something will continue to exist or be successful 继续存在的可能性;成功的可能性;前途

We need to safeguard our planet’ s future. 我们需要保卫我们星球的未来。

We see no future in continuing the negotiations. 我们看不出继续谈判会有什么成效。

+of The future of the business is in doubt. 生意能否成功还不能确定。

1d  C  someone or something that will make something continue or succeed 希望;未来

Children are this country’ s future. 儿童是这个国家的希望。

2 the future linguistics   the future tense of a verb (动词的)将来时态
3 futures  plural  business   contracts to buy or sell shares, goods , or currency (= money of a country) at an agreed price to be delivered at a time in the future 期货;期货交易
-   in (the) future
from the present time continuing forwards in time

In future, ask before you borrow my clothes. 今后借我的衣服前先说一声。

See also




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