

单词 anyway
anyway ★★★
1 despite sth else
despite something that you have previously mentioned 尽管如此;无论如何

Even if the drug is banned, a lot of people will go on using it anyway. 即使毒品被禁,很多人无论如何还是会继续服用。

No one expected house prices to fall, but anyway that’ s exactly what happened. 没人预料到房价会跌,但不管怎样那确实发生了。

2 when sth is not important
used when stating a particular fact that shows that something just mentioned is not important (用于表明某事不重要)反正

I don’ t understand politics, and anyway I’ m not really interested. 我不懂政治,反正我也不是真的感兴趣。

‘Sorry about the stain.’ ‘Never mind, I was going to have it cleaned anyway.’ “很抱歉弄上了污渍。”“不要紧,反正我要把它洗了。”

3 used for changing the subject
used when you are changing the subject of a conversation back to what you were talking about earlier (用于转回先前的话题)不管怎么说

Anyway, as I was saying, things really have started to improve. 不管怎样,正如我所说,情况确实开始有所改善。

4 used for ending a conversation
used for ending a conversation , or for showing that you have come to the end of what you are telling someone 总之

Anyway, in the end we decided to stay at home. 总之,我们最后决定呆在家里。

It was all Kevin’ s fault. That’ s what I think anyway. 这全是凯文的错,总之我就是这么想的。

5 when sth is not surprising
used for saying that something is not surprising (用于表明某事不奇怪)

Of course, there’ s a lot more crime. Anyway, what do you expect with such high unemployment? 当然,犯罪案件更多了,可话说回来,这么高的失业率你还能指望什么呢?

6 used for limiting a statement
used when adding a statement that limits what you have just said 至少

It’ s something I can’ t tell you – not just now, anyway. 这事我不能告诉你,至少现在不行。

He would never blame his wife, not in public, anyway. 他决不会责备妻子,至少不会当众责备。

7 used for asking for the real reason
used for asking about the real reason for something 究竟;到底

What did you come here for anyway? 你到底为什么来这儿?

8 used when telling a story
used for introducing what happened next (用于引出后面发生的事)

Alan told me to get a doctor. So anyway, I phoned Dr Bentley. 艾伦让我去找个医生,所以我就打电话给本特利医生。





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