

单词 friend
friend ★★★
1  C  someone you know well and like that is not a member of your family 朋友;友人

She’ s visiting friends in Scotland. 她在苏格兰看望朋友们。

close/good/great friend Helga is a close friend of mine. 赫尔佳是我的一位密友。

old friend (=one that you have had for a long time) He’ s meeting an old friend for lunch. 老朋友

friends and relatives/neighbours/acquaintances We stayed with various friends and relatives. 我们和许多亲戚朋友呆在一起。

friend of the family/family friend May I introduce Peter Flint, a very old friend of the family. 我来介绍一下彼得·弗林特,我们家的老朋友。

circle of friends (=group of friends) She has a wide circle of friends. 朋友圈子

1a used for referring to a person without mentioning their name 朋友(用来指代不想提及名字的人)

I’ ll ask my friend at the office if she knows. 我问问我办公室的朋友看她是否知道。

The letter was signed simply ‘A friend’ . 信上的签名只有“一位朋友”。

1b  plural  if two people are friends, each one is a friend of the other 朋友;朋友关系

They used to be good friends, but they’ ve fallen out recently. 他们过去是好朋友,但最近闹翻了。

A lot of couples remain friends after their marriage ends. 许多夫妇在婚姻结束以后仍然保持着朋友关系。

+with I’ ve been friends with him for years. 我和他是多年的朋友。

2  C  a country that has a good relationship with another country 友好国家

Japan is a valued friend and partner of this country. 日本是该国看重的友好国家和伙伴。

3  C  someone who supports a particular organization , political movement etc, especially by giving them money (组织或政治运动等的)支持者,(尤指)赞助者

Annabel is a friend of the Metropolitan Museum. 安纳贝尔是大都会博物馆的赞助者。

-   friends in high places
people who are powerful and important and who will help you
-   just (good) friends
used for emphasizing that two people are not having a romantic relationship . People sometimes use this expression to suggest that two people really are having a romantic relationship , even though they claim they are not .
-   make friends
1 to become friends 交朋友

+with They made friends with the children next door. 他们和隔壁的孩子们交上了朋友。

2 to form friendships 建立友谊

You’ ll make a lot of new friends at college. 你在大学里将结交许多新的朋友。

-   no friend of
used for emphasizing that you oppose someone or something

I personally am no friend of feminism. 我个人绝不支持女权主义。

  Words frequently used with friend
  friend 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   best, close, closest, dear, good, great, lifelong, old, trusted,




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