

单词 freely
freely ★★
1 without being stopped or controlled by rules or laws 自由地;无拘束地

a freely elected government 自由选举的政府

Players can move freely between clubs. 球员们可以在俱乐部之间自由转会。

The shares could be traded freely on the open market. 股票可以在公开的市场上自由地交易。

2 easily and smoothly , without being stopped or interrupted 通畅地;无阻碍地

The traffic is moving quite freely this morning. 今天上午交通相当顺畅。

3 generously or in a willing way 慷慨地;自愿地

Please give freely to support our cause. 请为我们的事业慷慨解囊。

4 not in an exact way , but giving a general idea of the meaning of something 粗略地;大概地

Freely translated, ‘quid pro quo’ means ‘something for something’ . 大致可以翻译为“以物易物”。

5 without trying to hide anything 毫不掩饰地;坦率地;公开地

He freely admits he is jealous. 他坦率地承认自己感到忌妒。

6 something that is freely available is easy to obtain or buy 容易得到地;容易买到地




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