

单词 fold
fold 2
1  C  a bend or line on a piece of paper or cloth that you make when you press one part of it over another (纸或布的)折痕,褶缝

Make a second fold 5 centimetres above the first. 在第一条褶缝上方5厘米处再叠一条褶缝。

Open the paper flat and cut along the fold. 把纸展平并沿着折痕裁开。

2  C  usually plural a curved piece of cloth that hangs in a loose way (布的)褶,裥

the soft folds of the curtain 窗帘柔软的褶

Her elegant legs were hidden in the folds of her skirt. 她优美的双腿隐藏在裙褶里。

2a  C  an area of skin that hangs in a loose way on someone’ s body (皮肤的)皱皮,褶

folds of fat flesh 肥肉上的皱皮

3  C  a small area enclosed by a fence or wall in a field , used for keeping sheep 羊栏;羊圈
4  C  BRITISH  literary   an area of low land between hills 低谷

The village is hidden in a deep fold of the hills. 村子隐藏在山间深谷里。

5 the fold a group of people who share the same ideas or aims or who live or work together 具有共同思想(或目标)的人们;一起生活(或工作)的人们

in the fold He is now firmly back in the conservative fold. 他现在坚决地回到了保守派当中。

return/come back to the fold Emily longed to return to the family fold. 埃米莉渴望与家人团圆。

bring sb back to the fold We are hoping that these policies will bring reluctant voters back to the fold. 我们希望这些政策会使不愿投票的选民回到投票人的行列。

leave/stray from the fold Many Western Marxists left the Communist fold in the 1970s.





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