

单词 fly
fly 1 ★★★
1  I  to travel by plane 乘飞机旅行

Sometimes it’ s cheaper to fly. 有时乘飞机旅行更便宜。

+from/to I flew from London to Amsterdam to meet the other members of the group. 我乘飞机从伦敦到阿姆斯特丹去会见小组的其他成员。

+into We flew into Heathrow on Monday evening. 我们星期一晚上乘飞机抵达希思罗机场。

1a  I  if a plane flies , it moves through the air (飞机)飞,飞行

The bombers were flying over enemy territory. 轰炸机正在飞越敌方领空。

1b  T  to take people or goods somewhere by plane 用飞机运送

They flew her home for urgent medical treatment. 他们用飞机送她回家进行紧急治疗。

fly sb/sth in/out Helicopters are helping to fly out survivors. 直升机在帮忙将幸存者运送出来。

1c  I/T  to control a plane when it is in the air 驾驶(飞机)

He had always wanted to learn to fly. 他一直想学驾驶飞机。

My grandfather flew bombers during the war. 我祖父在战争期间驾驶轰炸机。

a pilot who flew over 100 missions 执行过100多次飞行任务的飞行员

1d  T  to use a particular company when you are travelling by plane 搭乘(某个航空公司)的航班

I’ m flying British Midland this time. 我这次将搭乘英国米德兰航空公司的航班。

1e  T  to go across an area of water or land in a plane 飞越

How long does it take to fly the Atlantic? 飞越大西洋需要多长时间?

2  I  to use wings to move through the air 飞;飞行

Not all insects can fly. 并非所有昆虫都会飞。

+past/over/up etc A huge eagle came flying past. 一只巨鹰飞过来。

White gulls flew over our heads. 白色的海鸥在我们头顶上空飞翔。

3  I  to move very fast through the air 飞扬;飞溅

+past/by/towards/into A bullet flew past his head. 一颗子弹从他的头边呼啸而过。

Pieces of glass and concrete were flying in all directions. 玻璃和混凝土碎片在向四周飞溅。

3a to move or go very quickly 飞跑;飞奔;疾驶

+into/along/through/out We flew into each other’ s arms. 我们飞跑上去相互拥抱。

Sheila flew along the corridor to the control room. 希拉沿着走廊朝控制室飞奔过去。

fly open The door flew open and the head teacher marched in. 门猛地打开,校长走了进来。

4  I  to be blown around in the wind 飘扬;飘荡

She stood on the clifftop, her grey hair flying in the wind. 她站在峭壁顶上,灰发在风中飘扬。

5  I/T  if you fly a flag or it flies , it is on the top of a pole or building (使)(旗帜)飘扬

Some of the buildings were flying the French flag. 有些大楼上飘扬着法国国旗。

Every American school has a national flag flying outside it. 美国每所学校外面都有国旗飘扬。

5a if you fly a kite or it flies , you hold it on the end of a long piece of string and it blows about in the wind 放飞(风筝)

perfect weather for flying kites 放风筝的绝好天气

6  I  if time flies , it seems to pass very quickly (时间)飞逝

+by Six months flew by, and it was time to come home again. 6个月飞逝而过,又到了回家的日子。

+past The weekend with her family seemed to fly past. 她和家人团聚的周末飞一样就过去了。

7  I  if ideas or opinions are flying , people are talking about them a lot 到处传播;散播

The fire was so suspicious that rumours started flying almost immediately. 这场大火非常可疑,几乎立刻就谣言四起。

+around/about There are a lot of wild theories flying around. 有许多荒诞不经的学说在到处传播。

8  I  informal   if an idea or a statement flies , people accept or approve of it (想法或陈述)被接受,得到赞成

It’ s a great idea, but will it fly? 这是一个好主意,但人们会接受吗?

9  I/T  formal   to leave a place suddenly in order to escape from a difficult or dangerous situation (使)逃离;(使)逃避

fly the country Thousands flew the country when he came to power. 他上台后成千上万的人逃往国外。

-   fly in the face of sth
to completely oppose or be completely opposite to something that most people believe or accept

Flying in the face of public opinion, the local authority has approved the demolition of the old theatre. 地方当局与公众的意见背道而驰,批准拆除这座古老的剧院。

-   flyinghigh
very happy or successful
-   fly into a temper/rage
to suddenly become extremely angry
-   fly off the handle informal
to suddenly become extremely angry without a good reason

He flies off the handle every time the mail is late. 每次邮件迟到,他都会无缘无故地大发脾气。

-   go flying informal
to move quickly through the air and fall to the ground

I tripped over a tree root and went flying. 我被树根绊了一下,跌倒了。

-   (I) must fly BRITISH informal
used for saying that you must leave quickly

I must fly, I’ ll see you later. 我得赶紧走了,回头见。

-   let fly
1 to shoot or throw something 射击;扔;投;掷

We waited until the enemy was within range and then let fly. 我们等敌人进入射程后才射击。

2 to criticize someone angrily 怒斥

+at The teacher really let fly at Jeff. 老师狠狠地训斥了杰夫一顿。

-   send sb/sth flying informal
to make someone or something move quickly through the air by hitting them

Steve came crashing into me and sent me flying. 史蒂夫朝我撞过来,把我撞得飞了出去。

ˈfly at
fly at sb: to attack someone violently 扑向;猛烈攻击

She suddenly flew at me, kicking and scratching. 她突然向我扑来,又是踢又是抓。

See also
nest 1




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