

单词 fit
fit 2 ★★
1 healthy , strong , and able to do physical exercise without getting very tired 健康的;强健的

Running around after the kids keeps me fit. 追着孩子们到处跑使我保持健康。

+for McCarthy hopes to be fit for the match on Saturday. 麦卡锡希望能保持身体强健以参加星期六的比赛。

fit to do sth You have to be reasonably fit to do this job. 你的身体得足够健壮才能胜任这份工作。

get fit I need to get fit before the football season starts. 我得在足球赛季开始以前恢复健康。

2 in a good enough physical or mental condition 健康的;健全的

fit to do sth The accused was declared fit to stand trial. 被告被宣布其健康状况可以接受审讯。

not in a fit state/in no fit state You are in no fit state to drive. 你的健康状况不适合开车。

3 of a good enough standard for someone or something 适合的;胜任的;相称的

+for He seems to think that typing documents is all I’ m fit for. 他似乎认为打印文件便是我所适合的全部工作。

fit for sth The house was not fit for human habitation. 这房子不适合住人。

fit to do sth He is not fit to be a teacher. 他不适合当教师。

fit to eat/drink That wine is not fit to drink. 那种葡萄酒不宜饮用。

fit for a king/queen (=of very high quality) She made me a dress fit for a queen. 适合国王/王后的;高档的

4 informal   sexually attractiveused mainly by young people 性感的;有魅力的
-   fit to drop BRITISH
extremely tired from physical exercise or work
-   laughing/crying/coughingfit to /bust/burst BRITISH informal
to be laughingcrying etc a lot
-   see/thinkfit
to decide that something is the best thing to doYou often use this expression to refer to decisions or actions that you do not agree with

She did not see fit to apologize for her behaviour. 她认为不必为自己的行为道歉。

The court will deal with the matter as it thinks fit. 这件事法庭觉得该怎么处理就怎么处理。





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