

单词 fine
fine 1 ★★★
1 if something is fine , it is good enough and acceptable to you 很好的;不错的;可以接受的

‘Is your room all right?’ ‘Yes, fine, thanks.’ “你的房间还好吧?”“是的,很好,谢谢。”

‘Is it okay if we join you later?’ ‘Yes, that’ s fine.’ “我们晚些时候加入你们行吗?”“行,可以。”

+for I’ m not very hungry. A sandwich will be fine for me. 我不是很饿,给我一块三明治就可以了。

fine by sb (=acceptable to sb) If that’ s what he wants, that’ s fine by me. 某人可以接受的

1a of very good quality 优质的;优秀的;出色的

one of the city’ s finest Victorian buildings 该市最好的维多利亚时期的建筑之一

She has a remarkably fine singing voice. 她有一副非常好的歌喉。

fine clothes/food/wine 华丽的服装/精美的食品/优质葡萄酒

1b a fine person is good and honest 好的;诚实的

Mr Huddlestone was a very fine man. 赫德尔斯通先生人很好。

1c if you are fine , your health is good and you have no problems 健康的;身体好的

‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’ “你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”

Sarah’ s been quite ill, but she’ s fine now. 萨拉生过重病,但现在已经好了。

Your blood pressure is absolutely fine. 你的血压绝对正常。

1d if the weather is fine , it is sunny and not raining (天气)晴朗的

a fine summer’ s afternoon 晴朗的夏日午后

We’ ll go to the beach tomorrow if the weather’ s fine. 如果明天天气晴朗,我们就去海滩。

2 very thin and narrow , not thick or heavy 纤细的;细小的

I’ ve got very fine hair. 我的头发很细。

Everything was covered in a fine layer of dust. 所有东西上面都覆盖了一层薄薄的尘土。

The rain had slowed to a fine drizzle. 雨减弱成了毛毛细雨。

2a a fine substance is made up of very small pieces 细的;颗粒微小的

fine sand/gravel/soil 细沙/细碎的砾石/细土

2b if someone has fine features, their eyes, nose , etc look small and delicate 娇小的;纤巧的

an attractive girl with fine features 娇小迷人的姑娘

2c fine details are small and sometimes difficult to notice 细微的;难以觉察的

It seems a very fine distinction to make. 差异似乎微乎其微。

fine details/points He spent hours explaining the finer details of the scheme. 他用了好几个小时解释这个方案的细节。

-   a finefigure of a man/woman
a man or woman with a strong attractive body
-   a fineline between
if there is a fine line between two things, they seem very similar and it is difficult to see a difference between them

There’ s a very fine line between personal ambition and ruthlessness. 个人野心和冷酷无情之间几乎没有差别。

-   finerfeelings
your finer feelings are feelings such as love , loyalty , and care for others

Matthew knows how to appeal to people’ s finer feelings. 马修知道怎样博取人们的好感。

-   not to put too fine a point on it
used before saying something in a very direct way that may seem rude

Emily is, not to put too fine a point on it, a liar. 埃米莉,直说了吧,就是在撒谎。





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