

单词 find
find 1 ★★★
VERB  T   
1 to discover something or see where it is by searching for it 发现;找到

Police have found a weapon. 警察发现了一件武器。

Illegal drugs were found in the singer’ s luggage. 在这位歌手的行李中发现了违禁药物。

I can’ t find my shoes! 我找不到鞋了!

1a to discover something by chance (偶然)发现

Everyone dreams of finding a valuable old painting in the attic. 大家都梦想着在阁楼里会发现一幅值钱的古画。

I found a ten pound note on the pavement! 我在人行道上捡到了一张面值10英镑的钞票!

1b to discover or notice something 发现;注意到

We arrived to find the house in darkness. 我们赶到时发现房子里一片漆黑。

find sb doing sth I found her wandering the streets in a complete daze. 我发现她恍恍惚惚地在街上游荡。

1c to discover a fact or piece of information 找到,查明(事实或信息)

We hope to find the answers to some of these questions. 我们希望找到其中一些问题的答案。

No explanation for this phenomenon has yet been found. 这一现象还没有找到合理的解释。

1d to suddenly discover or realize something 突然发现;突然发觉

+(that) I put my hand into my pocket and found I’ d left my keys at home. 我把手伸进衣兜,突然发现把钥匙忘在家里了。

1e if something is found in a particular place , it lives , grows, or exists there 生长;存在;有

a rare flower found only in the French Alps 一种只在法国境内阿尔卑斯山中生长的稀有花卉

The lowest rates of smoking are found in people aged over 60. 人们发现60岁以上的人群吸烟率最低。

Specialist foods can be found at your local delicatessen. 在你们当地的熟食店可以买到特色食品。

2 to get something 找到;得到

Have you found accommodation yet? 你找到住的地方了吗?

find work/employment/a job It is very difficult for young people in this area to find work. 这个地区的年轻人很难找到工作。

3 to experience an emotion that you have not experienced in the past 感到;觉得

He found happiness late in life with his second wife. 他晚年和第2任妻子生活在一起感到很幸福。

Doug finally found the courage to speak. 道格终于鼓起勇气开口说话了。

3a to experience something in a particular way 觉得

find sth difficult/frightening/relaxing etc William now finds walking very difficult. 威廉现在觉得走路很困难。

find sb attractive/irritating etc Men always found her extremely attractive. 男人们总是觉得她特别有魅力。

4 to have something as an opinion because of things you have noticed or experienced yourself 认为;发觉

+(that) I find that children need a lot of encouragement. 我发觉孩子们需要多加鼓励。

5 to make a formal decision about something after listening to all the facts 裁决;判决;判定

+(that) The court found that the company was in breach of its contract. 法庭裁决该公司违反了合同。

find sb guilty/not guilty He was found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison. 他被裁定有罪,判了3年监禁。

find in sb’ s favour (=decide that someone is right) The industrial tribunal found in our favour. 作出有利于某人的裁决

find against sb (=decide that someone is wrong) The court found against the plaintiff. 作出不利于某人的裁决

6 if you find the time or money to do something , you have enough time or money to do it 有,找到(时间或金钱做某事)

We’ ve got to find an extra £200 by Friday. 我们星期五之前必须再弄到200英镑。

I never seem to find the time to read these days. 最近我似乎没有时间读书了。

-   find its way
if something finds its way somewhere , it is in that place but you do not know how it arrived there

Somehow the letter had found its way onto my boss’ s desk. 这封信不知怎么搞的竟到了我老板的办公桌上。

-   find your feet
to start to feel confident and able to deal with something
-   find yourself somewhere
to realize that you are in a place or doing something without really intending or planning to

Later that evening I found myself back at Jason’ s flat. 那天晚上晚些时候,我发现自己回到了贾森的公寓。

I found myself agreeing with everything she said. 我发现自己同意她所说的一切。

-   find your way
if you find your way somewhere , you manage to get to that place

She managed to find her way home. 她设法回到了家。

ˌfind ˈout
1  I/T  to discover a fact or piece of information 发现,查明,弄清(事实或信息)

We may never find out the truth about what happened. 我们也许永远无法弄清发生了什么事。

+who/what/why The police are determined to find out who killed Louise. 警方决心查明是谁杀害了路易丝。

+(that) Her parents found out that she had a boyfriend. 她父母发现她有了男朋友。

+about I don’ t want anyone else to find out about this. 我不想让其他任何人发现这件事。

2  T  find sb out: to discover that someone has been dishonest or deceitful 发现,查出(某人不诚实或欺骗他人)

It was only a matter of time before someone found him out. 他被人发现只是个时间问题。





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