

单词 fall
fall 2 ★★★
1  C  an occasion when someone or something falls to the ground 落下;跌倒;倒下

She was taken to hospital after a fall. 她跌倒后被送往医院。

+from The Major was killed in a fall from a horse. 上校从马上跌落身亡。

break sb’ s fall (=stop them from landing on something very hard) Luckily her fall was broken by soft snow. 阻止某人的跌落

2  C  +of an occasion when something falls to the ground from the sky or from a high place (从高处或天空的)坠落

There had been a fall of rocks on the road. 路上有岩石坠落。

a heavy fall of snow 一场大雪

3  C  an occasion when the amount , level , or value of something falls (数量、水平或价值的)减少,下降,降低

Analysts are expecting a fall on Wall Street. 分析家们预计华尔街的股票价格会下跌。

+in There has been a sharp fall in unemployment. 失业人数急剧下降。

+of We have seen a fall of 5% in sales this month. 我们这个月的销售额下降了5%。

4  singular  someone’ s defeat or loss of power 失败;下台;垮台

+of Khomeini came to power after the fall of the Shah. 霍梅尼在伊朗国王被推翻后掌权。

the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的兴衰

the fall of sth to sb Thousands fled after the fall of the city to rebel forces. 成千上万的人在城市被叛军占领后逃离。

5  singular  the downward slope or movement of something 向下倾斜;向下运动

She watched the steady rise and fall of his chest. 她看着他的胸部平稳地起伏。

6 falls  plural  a waterfall
7  C  an act of pushing your opponent to the ground in the sport of wrestling or judo (摔跤或柔道项目中的)摔倒,压倒
8  C  usually singular AMERICAN  the season between summer and winter 秋天;秋季
-   the Fall
in the Jewish and Christian religions, the story of how evil came into the world because Adam and Eve did not obey God
-   fall from grace/favour
an occasion when you lose the respect or approval of other people




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