

单词 fall
fall 1 ★★★
VERB  I   
1 to move quickly downwards from a higher position , usually by accident 下落;跌落

+off/through/out of etc Ann’ s just fallen downstairs and hurt her back. 安刚才摔下楼梯跌伤了背部。

I keep falling off my bike. 我老是从自行车上摔下来。

fall to your death A climber fell to his death today. 今天有个攀登者摔死了。

1a to come down towards or onto the ground from the sky (从空中)降落,落下

Snow began to quietly fall. 雪开始悄悄地落下。

Bombs fell on the city throughout the night. 这座城市一整夜都在遭受轰炸。

1b to move quickly down onto the ground from an upright or standing position 摔倒;跌倒;坍塌

I slipped and almost fell down. 我脚下一滑,差点跌倒。

We heard the crash of falling trees. 我们听到树倒下的轰隆声。

fall to the ground/floor He collapsed and fell to the ground. 他瘫倒在地上。

1c to let yourself drop onto a bed , chair etc because you are tired (因劳累在床或椅子上)倒下,躺下

+into/onto After work I just want to fall into bed and sleep. 下班后我只想倒在床上睡觉。

2 to become lower in level , amount , or value (水平、数量或价值)下降,减少,降低

The temperature has been falling steadily all day. 温度一整天都在平稳下降。

The programme was cancelled because of falling audience figures. 因为观众人数越来越少,节目被取消了。

+by Industrial production has fallen by 10%. 工业生产下降了10%。

3 to belong to a particular group or area of activity 属于

+within/into Those items fall into the category of luxury goods. 这些东西属于奢侈品的范畴。

+outside This question falls outside my area of expertise. 这个问题不属于我的专业知识范围。

4 to change into another state or condition 变成,进入(某种状态)

fall asleep/ill Shortly before Christmas she fell ill. 圣诞节前不久她生病了。

+into I climbed into bed and fell into a deep sleep. 我爬上床,酣然入睡。

fall into decay/disrepair/ruin/disuse The building gradually fell into decay. 大楼逐渐开始朽坏。

4a if something falls open , it opens accidentally 偶然开启;碰巧打开

The book fell open at a map of the city. 这本书碰巧在有一张那个城市地图的一页打开。

4b it becomes dark in the evening 黑暗/夜晚/黄昏降临
4c used for saying that a group of people suddenly become quiet 突然沉默/沉寂下来
5 to happen on a particular day or date 适逢

Christmas falls on a Saturday this year. 今年圣诞节适逢星期六。

6 to lose a position of power 失势;垮台

Divisions within the ruling party caused the government to fall. 执政党内部的分裂导致政府垮台。

fall from power The General fell from power in 1955. 这位将军1955年失势。

6a if a place falls in a war , a different army takes control of it 陷落;被攻克

The city is expected to fall within days. 这座城市有望在数天内被攻克。

6b if people fall in a war , they are killed 阵亡;战死
6c if an area falls to a political party during an election , a different party takes control of it (原来支持某一政党的地区在选举中)失守(转而支持另一政党)

+to In the last election, the constituency fell to Labour. 上次选举中,工党在该选区获得胜利。

7 mainly literary   to hang down 下垂

+over/onto/to Her long black hair fell over her shoulders. 她长长的黑发垂在肩上。

8 to slope downwards 向下倾斜

Here the land rises and falls in gentle hills. 这里的陆地是连绵起伏的山丘。

9 if someone’ s voice falls, it becomes quieter (声音)变低沉,减弱

His voice fell to a whisper. 他的声音越来越低,最后变成耳语。

10 mainly literary   if something such as a shadow or light falls on a surface , it goes over or onto the surface (光线等)照射;(阴影)落在
11 if your eyes fall on someone or something , you notice them (视线)落在…上
12 if the emphasis falls on a particular part of a word , you emphasize that part when you say or sing it (说话或唱歌时重音或强调部分)落在…上

In English, the stress in ‘Paris’ falls on the first syllable. 在英语中,Paris 的重音落在第一个音节上。

-   fall at the first/final hurdle
to fail at the beginning or near the end of something that you are trying to do
-   fall foul of
to get into trouble with someone or something
-   fall from grace/favour
to lose your position , or to lose the respect or approval of other people
-   fall in love
to start to love someone

+with Why do we fall in love with one person rather than another? 我们为什么会爱上某个人而不是另外的人呢?

-   fall into place
1 if the details of a problem or puzzle fall into place , you suddenly understand how they are connected and can solve the problem (问题或难题的细节)变得明朗,变得清楚
2 if things fall into place , events happen in a way that is satisfactory for you 按令人满意的方式发生

When you are playing well, everything falls into place. 你表演顺利时一切都从心所愿。

-   fall over yourself to do sth
to be very enthusiastic about doing something
-   fall short
to not reach a particular level or to fail to achieve something you were trying to do

+of The party is likely to fall short of a parliamentary majority. 该党可能无法成为议会的多数党。

-   fall to bits/pieces
1 to be in a very bad condition because of being old or badly made 破碎;散架

The furniture’ s falling to pieces. 这件家具就要散架了。

2 to be so upset or unhappy that you cannot behave normally 心烦意乱
3 if a theory , system , or relationship falls to pieces, it no longer works (理论、制度或关系)崩溃,破裂
-   fall to doing sth literary
to start doing something
-   fall under sb’ s influence/sway
to be strongly influenced by someone
  Words frequently used with fall
  fall 的常见搭配词
  adverbs   dramatically, rapidly, sharply, slightly, steadily, steeply,
ˌfall aˈbout
if you fall about or fall about laughing, you laugh a lot at something 捧腹大笑
ˌfall aˈpart
1 to break because of being old or badly made 破碎;散架

I’ ve read this book so often it’ s falling apart. 我经常读这本书,它都快散架了。

2 to lose control of your emotions and become unable to deal with a difficult situation 情绪失控;崩溃
3 if something such as an organization , agreement , or relationship falls apart , it no longer continues (组织)解体;(协议、关系)破裂
ˌfall aˈway
1 if something falls away , it breaks off from the thing it was fixed to 脱落

Plaster was falling away from the walls. 灰泥从墙上脱落下来。

2 to become smaller or lower in amount , level , value etc (数量、水平、价值等)减少,下降,降低

Sales have fallen away sharply. 销售量急剧下降。

3 if land falls away , it slopes down suddenly from a particular point 突然向下倾斜
4 BRITISH  literary   if something such as a sound or feeling falls away , it becomes weaker and disappears (声音、感情等)减弱,消失
ˌfall ˈback
1 to move so that you are behind someone or something 后退;退却

Oliver and Sara fell back and started talking. 奥利弗和萨拉退到后面讲起话来。

2 to become smaller or lower in amount , level , value etc (数量、水平、价值等)减少,降低,下降

Profits fell back slightly this month. 本月利润略有降低。

ˌfall ˈback on
fall back on sth: to use or do something else after other things have failed (退而求其次地)借助;(做某事失败时转而)依靠

She always has her teaching experience to fall back on. 她总还有教学经验可以依赖。

ˌfall beˈhind
1  I/T  fall behind sb: to move more slowly than other people so that you are behind them 落在(…)后面

After five miles Tara was tired and started to fall behind. 走了5英里以后,塔拉累了,开始落在后面。

2  I/T  fall behind sb: to make less progress or be less successful than other people who are doing a similar job or activity (工作或活动)落在(…)后面

My daughter is falling behind with her school work. 我女儿在学校的功课落后了。

3  I  to fail to do something or pay something at the time that you should 不能按时完成;拖欠

We started to fall behind with the rent. 我们开始拖欠房租。

ˌfall ˈdown
1 fall11b

I fell down and hurt my knee. 我摔倒弄伤了膝盖。

2 if something such as an argument or system falls down , it fails because a particular part of it is weak or not correct (论据或系统因某部分有弱点或不正确而)失败,站不住脚

+on Their argument falls down on several important points. 他们的论点在几个要点上站不住脚。

2a to do a particular job or activity in a careless way so that you are not successful (因为马虎而)失败
3 always progressive if a building is falling down , it is in very bad condition (建筑物)快要倒塌,破败
4 if something you are wearing is falling down , it is slipping down your legs (衣服)滑落,脱落
ˈfall for
1 fall for sb: to fall in love with someone 爱上
2 fall for sth: to believe that a trick or a joke is true 受…的骗;上…的当;对…信以为真

How could you fall for such an obvious trick? 你怎么会对这么明显的诡计信以为真?

ˌfall ˈin
1 if a roof or wall falls in , it falls to the ground (屋顶或墙)坍塌,垮掉
2 literary   if you fall in behind or beside someone , you start walking behind or beside them 落后
ˈfall into
fall into sth: to start doing something by chance (偶然)开始

She fell into modelling quite by accident. 她很偶然地当了模特。

-   fall into conversation
to start having a conversation with someone , especially someone you have just met
-   fall into sb’ s hands
1 to be caught by someone or come under their control 落入某人之手

All the western provinces had fallen into enemy hands. 西部各省全部落入敌人手中。

2 if something falls into someone’ s hands, they get it , usually by chance (偶然)得到

We don’ t want this information to fall into the wrong hands. 我们不想让这条信息误入他人之手。

-   fall into step
if you fall into step beside someone , you start walking beside them
ˌfall ˈin with
1 fall in with sth: to accept or agree with someone else’ s ideas, way of behaving etc 接受;赞同

I tried to fall in with the general mood of celebration. 我设法融入这欢庆的气氛。

2 fall in with sb: to become friends with someone 结交;结识

She fell in with a group of troublemakers. 她结交了一帮捣蛋鬼。

ˌfall ˈoff
if the amount , level , or value of something falls off , it gets smaller (数量、水平或价值)减少,降低,下降

Sales always fall off in the winter months. 冬季几个月的销售额总是会下降。

ˈfall on or ˈfall uˌpon  MAINLY LITERARY
1 fall on sth: to start eating food or start using something as soon as it arrives, in a way that shows you want it very much 马上开始吃;马上开始享用
2 fall on sb: to take hold of someone suddenly , either to attack them or to hug them 突然抱住(某人)

She was so grateful she fell on him and kissed him. 她非常感激,突然抱住他吻了一下。

3 fall on sb: if something falls on someone , it is their responsibility to do it (责任)落在…身上,由…承担

The burden of caring for elderly parents often falls on women. 照料年长的父母的责任常落在女性身上。

ˌfall ˈout
1 informal   to stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them 失和;闹翻

Have you two fallen out? 你俩闹翻了吗?

+with I’ d fallen out with my parents. 我和父母闹翻了。

2 if something such as your hair or a tooth falls out , it comes out (头发或牙齿)脱落
ˌfall ˈover
1  I  if something falls over , it falls so that its side is on the ground 跌倒;倒下
2  I  BRITISH  informal   if a computer program falls over , it stops working (电脑程序)失灵,出故障
3  I/T  if you fall over or fall over something , you fall or almost fall to the ground (被)绊倒

The room is full of boxes and people keep falling over them. 房间里满是盒子,人们不时被绊倒。

ˌfall ˈthrough
if something such as a deal , plan , or arrangement falls through , it fails to happen (交易、计划、安排等)失败,告吹,成为泡影
ˈfall to
fall to sb: if a particular job or duty falls to someone , it is their responsibility 由…负责

fall to sb to do sth It fell to me to explain to him what happened. 由我负责向他解释所发生的事。

See also
foot 1
prey 1




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