

单词 fact
fact ★★★
1  C  a piece of true information 事实

They have simply attempted to state the facts. 他们只想陈述事实。

+about Here children can discover basic scientific facts about the world. 孩子们在这里能够发现关于世界的基本的科学事实。

+of He wrote an article explaining the main facts of the case. 他写了一篇文章来解释这个案件的主要事实。

hard/plain facts (=ones that people may find unpleasant) We want the hard facts about what the project is going to cost. 真相;实情

1a  U  things that are true or that really happened, rather than things that are imaginary or not true 事实;实际

The story is based on historical fact. 这个故事以历史事实为基础。

Margaret does not yet seem to have learned the difference between fact and fiction. 玛格丽特似乎还没有学会区分事实和虚构。

2 the fact used for talking about a situation that is real or true , especially when you want to emphasize this 事实,实际情况(尤用于强调)

It’ s obvious you’ re angry, so why deny the fact? 显然你生气了,那为什么否认呢?

+that He has never hidden the fact that he’ s gay. 他从不隐瞒自己是同性恋的事实。

-   after the fact
after something has happened, when it is impossible to change

On some vital decisions, ministers were only informed after the fact. 关于一些重大决策,大臣们只是事后被告知。

-   the fact (of the matter) is
used for emphasizing what you think is the true situation or the most important point

The fact is, he lost because he didn’ t try very hard. 事实上,他因为不够努力而失败了。

-   a fact of life
something that you may not like but have to accept because it is always there or always true

The need to ration healthcare resources is a fact of life. 需要配给保健资源是一个客观事实。

-   the factremains that
used for emphasizing that something is still true despite what people have said or done

Everyone talks about sexual equality, but the fact remains that women are paid less than men. 每个人都在谈论性别平等,但事实上女性得到的报酬仍然低于男性。

-   the fact that
used after expressions such as ‘due to’ or ‘in view of’ when you are giving some extra information
  (由于、关于)…的事实(用在due to, in view of 等短语后补充信息)

The increase in divorce may be partly due to the fact that people live longer. 离婚率增长也许部分是由于人们寿命更长了。

I don’ t like early mornings anyway, quite apart from the fact that I hardly slept last night. 撇开我昨晚没怎么睡不谈,我压根儿就不喜欢清晨。

-   facts and figures
pieces of information about something , rather than opinions or ideas
-   the facts of life
the facts about sex and how babies are made
-   the facts speak for themselves
used for saying that the facts of a particular situation provide all the necessary , true information about it

We do not have to defend our record: the facts speak for themselves. 我们不必为我们的记录辩护,事实本身就能说明问题。

-   get your facts straight/right
to have the correct information about something , especially before criticizing someone or arguing with them

Before you start blaming us, you should get your facts straight. 在开始责备我们之前你应该把事实弄清楚。

-   in (actual) fact
1 used for saying what is really true , when this is surprising or different from what people think 其实,实际上(用来表示令人惊奇或与人们的看法相左的事实)

In actual fact, she was quite right. 其实,她是完全正确的。

He was paid money for a job that did not in fact exist. 他以一份实际上不存在的工作为名领取报酬。

2 used when you are adding something to what you have just said , especially something surprising 其实,实际上(用于补充信息,尤其是令人惊奇的信息)

I haven’ t seen him for years. In fact, I can’ t even remember what he looks like. 我好多年没有见过他了。实际上,我甚至记不起他的模样。

She’ s a friend of mine, a very close friend in fact. 她是我的朋友,实际上是非常亲密的朋友。

-   is that a fact? spoken
used for answering someone when they have told you something that you consider surprising or unlikely to happen
-   it is a fact that
used for emphasizing a statement

It is an undeniable fact that most people break the speed limit. 无可否认的事实是大多数人都会超速行驶。

-   know for a fact (that)
used for emphasizing that you are sure something is true

I know for a fact that he was lying. 我确信他在撒谎。

-   that’ s a fact
used for emphasizing that you know something is true or agree that it is true

We’ re all getting too old for this and that’ s a fact. 我们都太老了,不适宜做这样的事了,这是事实。

See also
face 2 3a
matter 1




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