

单词 eye
eye 1 ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 one of the two body parts in your face that you use for seeing 眼睛

Close your eyes and go to sleep. 闭上眼睛,睡觉吧。

He stared into her eyes as she spoke. 她说话的时候,他直视着她的眼睛。

The suspect is in his twenties, with blonde hair and blue eyes. 嫌疑犯二十几岁,金发蓝眼。

1a your ability to see things 眼力;视力

These bacteria are invisible to our eyes. 我们的眼睛看不见这些细菌。

1b the human eye alone , without special equipment such as a telescope 肉眼
2 used for talking about the expression on someone’ s face 眼神

He spoke to her with slight amusement in his eyes. 他对她说话时,眼睛中流露出些许愉快的神情。

She smiled excitedly, her eyes gleaming. 她激动地微笑着,眼睛闪闪发光。

3 used for saying that someone is looking at a person or thing 目光

+on I fixed my eye on the clock. 我盯着时钟看。

4 the calm area at the centre of a storm 风眼;气旋中心
5 the hole at the top of a needle 针眼
6 one of the spots on a potato that new growth comes from (马铃薯的)芽眼
7 the part into which a hook fits to fasten clothing (用在服饰上的)钩扣,钩眼
-   all eyes are on
used for saying that everyone is paying attention to a particular person , event , or situation

All eyes were on Carla as she completed her final dive. 当卡拉完成最后一跳时,所有的目光都聚集在她身上。

-   be up to your eyes in sth informal
to have a very large amount of something to do or deal with

I can’ t come out tonight. I’ m up to my eyes in schoolwork. 我今晚不能出来了。作业太多了。

-   can’ t take your eyes off
to be unable to stop looking at someone or something that is attractive , surprising , or interesting
-   catch sb’ s eye
1 to get someone to look at you 吸引某人的注意

I’ ll try to catch his eye as he leaves the meeting. 他离开会场时我会尽力吸引他注意的。

2 if something catches your eye , you suddenly notice it 吸引某人的目光

Something shiny in the grass caught my eye. 草丛中某种闪亮的东西吸引了我的目光。

-   close/shut your eyes to sth
to refuse to accept or consider something
-   an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)
the idea that someone who has harmed another person should be punished by having the same thing done to them
-   sb’ s eyes are bigger than their stomach/belly informal
used for saying that someone has taken more food than they can eat
-   sb’ s eyes meet
if two people’ s eyes meet , they look at each other and have the same feeling or thought
-   for your eyes only
used for saying that only one person is allowed to see a document , letter etc
-   give sb the eye informal
to look at someone in a way that shows you are sexually attracted to them
-   have an eye for
1 to have a natural ability for seeing or finding something 对…有识别力

Proofreaders need to have a good eye for detail. 校对者需要对细节有很好的识别力。

2 to consider a particular type of person sexually attractive 认为…很性感;对(某类型的人)感兴趣

He’ s always had an eye for redheads. 他一贯对红发女郎感兴趣。

-   have an eye for/to the main chance BRITISH
to be ready to use any possible opportunity to succeed
-   have/keep your eye on sb
to be watching someone carefully, especially because you think they are going to do something wrong
-   have/keep your eye on sth
to keep looking at something , especially to avoid making a mistake

It’ s important to keep your eye on the ball at all times. 眼睛要时刻盯着球,这很重要。

-   have your eye on sb
1 to be considering trying to start a sexual or romantic relationship with someone 看上某人
2 to consider someone appropriate for a particular job , position , or activity 相中某人(认为其适合某工作、某职位、某活动等)
-   have your eye on sth
to have seen something and want to have it or buy it

I’ ve got my eye on a new DVD player. 我看中了一款新的DVD播放机。

-   have an eye to sth
to be considering something for the future

It is clear that the novelist has an eye to a Hollywood adaptation. 很明显,这位小说家有打算将自己的小说改编为好莱坞电影剧本。

-   have eyes in the back of your head informal
to notice everything that is happening around you
-   have one eye on sth
to keep looking at or paying attention to something while you are doing something else

I had one eye on the clock the whole time. 整个期间我都不停地看表。

-   in the eye of the storm
in the middle of a difficult situation
-   in sb’ s eyes
according to what someone thinks or feels

In his mother’ s eyes, the boy can do no wrong. 在他的母亲看来,她的孩子不会做坏事。

-   in the eyes of the law/world etc
according to the law , what other countries believe is right etc

In the eyes of the law, theft is a less serious crime than handling stolen goods. 从法律的角度看,偷窃比买卖赃物罪行轻些。

-   in front of sb’ s (very) eyes
in a place where someone can clearly see something

It happened right in front of my eyes. 事情就是在我的眼皮底下发生的。

-   keep an eye on
to look after someone or something

Will you keep an eye on things here until I get back? 你能在我回来前替我照看一下这边的事情吗?

-   keep your eyesopen/peeled/skinned (for sth)
to keep looking for something that you hope to find

Keep your eyes open for a petrol station. 留心看一下有没有加油站。

-   keep an eye out for
to keep looking for someone or something , especially when you are doing something else

He asked me to keep an eye out for any houses to rent. 他让我留意要出租的房屋。

-   look sb in the eye/eyes
to look directly at someone , especially as a way to show that you are being honest

Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’ t do it. 看着我的眼睛,告诉我那不是你做的。

-   one in the eye for sb BRITISH
something that spoils someone’ s plans or is a disappointment for themThis expression usually shows that you are pleased about this .
-   only have eyes for sb
to only like or love a particular person
-   open sb’ s eyes to sth
to make someone realize the truth about a situation

It was this incident that opened my eyes to her true character. 正是这件事让我看清了她的真实性格。

-   open your eyes to sth
to allow yourself to accept or consider something

He refused to open his eyes to the truth. 他拒绝接受事实。

-   run/cast your eye(s) over sth
to look at or read something very quickly
-   see eye to eye (with sb)
to agree with someone or have the same opinion as them

+with I don’ t see eye to eye with my father on many things. 在很多事情上,我和父亲的看法都不一致。

-   set/lay/clapeyes on
to see someone or something , especially for the first time
-   take your eyes off
to stop looking at someone or something

She only took her eyes off the child for a moment. 她只是有一小会儿没看着那个孩子。

-   there is more to sb than meets the eye
used for saying that someone has qualities or experience that someone else does not know about
-   there is more to sth than meets the eye
used for saying that a situation is more complicated than it seems
-   through sb’ s eyes
as though a particular person is seeing or experiencing something

The story is told through the eyes of a child. 故事是以一个小孩的视角来讲述的。

-   under sb’ s eye
with a particular person watching or taking care of someone or something

The girls sat on the ground under the watchful eye of their aunt. 女孩们坐在地上,她们的姨妈在留神看护着。

-   with your eyes (wide) open
knowing that there could be many problems in a situation

I went into the job with my eyes open, fully knowing what it would involve. 我开始干这项工作时是心中有数的,很明白会涉及什么。

-   with your eyesshut/closed
used for saying that it is easy to do something

I could do his job with my eyes shut. 他的活儿我闭上眼睛也能做。

See also
blind 1




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