/ɪkˈspəʊʒə/ |
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1 | C/U the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful or dangerous might affect you 暴露 |
| radiation exposure 暴露在辐射下 |
| +to information on how prolonged exposure to the sun affects your skin 关于长时间晒太阳对皮肤会有何影响的信息 |
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2 | C/U the act of making something publicly known because you believe it is wrong or illegal 揭露;揭发 |
| +of a journalist famous for his exposure of corruption within the government 因揭露政府腐败而出名的记者 |
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3 | U things that are written or said about a person , product , event etc that make them well known 宣传;报道 |
| Both candidates are getting a lot of exposure in the press. 双方候选人都在媒体上得到了很多宣传。 |
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4 | U the harmful effect of very cold weather on your body 暴露在寒冷之中 |
| Two of the climbers died of exposure. 两位登山者被冻死。 |
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5 | C/U the act of allowing something that was covered or hidden to be seen 重见天日;露出 |
| the exposure of the old carvings 古老雕刻的重见天日 |
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6 | C/U the act of introducing someone to new ideas, activities etc 经历;接触 |
| +to the children’ s exposure to new ideas 孩子们对新思想的接触 |
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7 | singular technical the direction in which a room , building , hill etc faces 朝向 |
| a southern exposure 朝南 |
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8 | C technical the amount of film used for taking one photograph (底片的)一张 |
| 8a | C/U the amount of time that you allow light to reach the film in a camera when taking a photograph 曝光时间 | |