

单词 excuse
excuse 2 ★★
VERB  T   
1 to forgive someone for something bad they have done , especially something that is not very serious 原谅,谅解(尤指某人的小错误)

Please excuse my untidy handwriting. 请原谅我字写得潦草。

excuse sb for (doing) sth I hope you’ ll excuse us for leaving so early. 请原谅我们这么早离开。

2 to provide a reason or explanation for something bad that someone has done , in order to make it seem less bad 为…开脱;成为…的理由

I know he’ s over 70, but that doesn’ t excuse his sexist attitudes. 我知道他70多岁了,但那也不能成为他歧视女性的理由。

3 often passive to give someone permission not to do something that they usually have to do 免除(某人的责任等)

excuse sb from (doing) sth You’ re excused from doing the washing up tonight. 今晚你可以不洗碗。

3a to give someone permission to leave 准许(某人)离开

Now if you’ ll excuse us, we have to get going. 如果你允许的话,我们得告辞了。

-   excuse me spoken
1 used for politely getting someone’ s attention 劳驾,对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人的注意)

Excuse me, do you know what time it is? 对不起,请问现在几点了?

2 used for showing you are sorry because your body has made a rude noise 请原谅(用于对自己的身体突然发出不悦的声响表示歉意)
3 used for showing you are sorry for interrupting someone 打扰一下(用于对打断某人表示歉意)

Excuse me, but there’ s a phone call for you. 打扰一下,有电话找您。

4 used for politely asking someone to move so that you can get past them 借光,借过(用于礼貌地请某人让路)
5 used for politely telling someone you are leaving 抱歉,失陪(用于礼貌地表示要离开)

Excuse me for a moment – I have to make a phone call. 失陪一下,我得打个电话。

6 used for politely disagreeing with someone 对不起(用于礼貌地表示不赞成)

Excuse me, but I never said I’ d pay for everything. 不好意思,我从来都没有说我会为所有的东西买单。

7 AMERICAN  used for asking someone to repeat something 请再说一遍

‘How old are you?’ ‘Excuse me?’ “你多大了?”“对不起,你说什么?”

-   excuse the expression
used for saying you are sorry for saying something rude
-   excuse my ignorance
used for asking a question that someone might expect you to know the answer to
-   excuse yourself
to politely say that you are going to leave a place

+from She excused herself from the table and went back to work. 她礼貌地告辞后便离开桌子,回去工作了。





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