

单词 exception
exception ★★★
NOUN  C   
someone or something that is different in some way from other people or things and so cannot be included in a general statement 例外;除外

New technology stocks have done badly in recent months, but Autonomy has been an exception. 新的科技股近几个月表现很差,但自主公司是个例外。

notable/rare exception Most nurses are women; the most notable exceptions are psychiatric nurses. 大多数护士都是女性,但精神病科护士是最明显的例外。

+to There are some exceptions to every grammatical rule. 每条语法规则都有一些例外的情况。

-   be no exception
if someone or something is no exception , they are the same as all others so they can be included in a general statement

Climbers are brave people, and Robert is no exception. 登山者都是勇敢的人,罗伯特也不例外。

-   make an exception
to deal with something in a different way than usual on a particular occasion only

I don’ t usually lend people money, but in your case I’ ll make an exception. 通常我是不借钱给别人的,但对你我将破一次例。

-   take exception to sth
to dislike something because you feel annoyed or offended by it
-   with the exception of
used for saying that a person or thing is not included in what you are saying

The players should all be fit for Saturday’ s game, with the possible exception of Davis. 就队员的身体状况而言,参加星期六的比赛应该都没问题,但戴维斯可能例外。

-   without exception
used for emphasizing that what you are saying applies to everyone or everything




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