

单词 above
above ★★★
  Above can be used in the following waysabove 有以下用法:
  as a preposition (followed by a noun)用作介词(后接名词): The birds were flying high above the trees. 鸟儿在树丛上方的高空飞翔。
  as an adverb (without a following noun)用作副词(后不接名词): She stared up at the stars above. 她凝视着天上的星星。
  as an adjective 用作形容词: Please reply to the above address. 请回信至以上地址。
1 used for saying where sb/sth is
1a at a higher level than something or directly over it 在…上方;在…之上

We lived in the room above the shop. 我们住在商店楼上的房间里。

Curran’ s leg was broken above the right knee. 柯伦的右大腿骨折了。

the snow-covered hills above the village 村庄上方积雪覆盖的群山

1b in an earlier part of a piece of writing or higher up a page 在上文

Many of the documents mentioned above are now available on the Internet. 上文提到的许多文件现在在因特网上可以找到。

David and Brenda Mitchell, pictured above, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last weekend. 上图中的戴维和布伦达·米切尔夫妇于上周末庆祝他们的金婚纪念日。

Interviews will be held at the above address on 2 December. 面试将于12月2日在上述地址进行。

2 higher in amount or standard
2a more than a particular number , amount , or level 高于;多于;大于

The company’ s profits were 23% above the previous year’ s. 公司的利润比前一年高出23%。

Temperatures climbed to 31 degrees Celsius – 10 degrees above normal. 气温攀升至31摄氏度,高出正常水平10度。

2b better than a particular standard 好于;优于

In most subjects the students scored well above average. 在大部分科目中,这些学生的得分高于平均分。

3 more than anything else
3a used for saying that something is considered more valuable or more important than other things (在价值或重要性方面)先于

In their society, honesty was prized above all other virtues. 在他们的社会中,诚实被认为比其他任何品德都更为重要。

We value our independence above anything that you can offer us. 我们认为独立自主比你能提供给我们的任何东西都更有价值。

3b used for referring to something that is more important than any of the other things you could mention 首先;首要的是

He will be remembered above all as a loving husband and family man. 他首先是作为一个深情的丈夫和喜欢家庭生活的人而被人所铭记。

above all else Above all else, the government must keep the promises it has made. 首先,政府必须恪守它所作出的承诺。

3c to love/hate/fear something more than anything else 最爱/恨/怕某事物

Don’ t let them take the children away – I fear that above anything. 不要让他们把孩子带走。我最怕那个。

4 with a higher rank
used for saying that someone’ s rank is higher or their job is more important than someone else’ s (军衔或职衔)高于

As a major, Stuart was a rank above me, but we remained good friends. 作为少校,斯图尔特军衔比我高一级,但我们一直是好朋友。

5 louder or higher than another sound
if you can hear one sound above other sounds, it is louder or higher than the other sounds (声音)盖过

Bret shouted, but it was impossible to make himself heard above all the noise. 布莱特喊起来,但喊声盖不过吵闹声,不可能被人听见。

6 too good or proud to do sth
6a if you are above a particular type of behaviour , you are such a morally good person that you would not behave in that way (道德高尚得)不屑于,不至于

Jack was cheating? I thought he was above that sort of thing. 杰克在作弊?我想他不至于干那种事。

6b to not be too proud to do something 不会(高傲得)不屑于

Lady Travers was not above helping with the housework when necessary. 必要时,特拉弗斯夫人会屈尊帮着做家务。

-   above and beyond
apart from something , or outside the normal range of something

The agency is asking for $2 million above and beyond the $16 million it has already been given. 代理行拿了1600万美元后,现在还要200万美元。

Rescue teams had worked above and beyond the call of duty during the hurricane. 飓风期间,救援队所做的远远超越了其职责的要求。

-   get above yourself BRITISH
to start to think that you are more important than you really are

Ever since they made her assistant manager, she’ s been getting above herself. 自从他们让她当了助理经理后,她就开始自命不凡了。

Both above and over can be used to mean ‘at a higher level than something’ 单词above 和over 都能用来表示“在…上方”: the light above/over the door. 门上方的灯。Use above when something is not directly over something else当表示某一物不在另一物的正上方时用above: on the hillside above the river. 在河岸边的山坡上。Use over when something moves or stretches across the space above something当表示某物在另一物的上方空间移动或伸展时用over: flying over London 飞越伦敦上空 the bridge over the river. 河上的桥。Use over when something covers something else当表示某物覆盖另一物时用over: She put a scarf over her hair. 她把围巾戴在头上。Do not confuse see above look at something mentioned earlier with see over look at the next page.不要混淆see above (见上文)和see over (见下页)。




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