

单词 escape
escape 1 ★★★
1  I  to get away from a place where you are in danger 逃离,逃脱(危险)

Three people died in the fire, but John escaped through the bedroom window. 3人在火灾中丧生,但约翰从卧室的窗户逃脱。

+from His family escaped from Germany and arrived in Britain in 1938. 他们一家于1938年从德国逃到了英国。

1a  I/T  to get away from a very unpleasant situation 摆脱

people trying to escape poverty 努力摆脱贫困的人们

+from She saw university as a way to escape from her oppressive home life. 她把大学看作是摆脱压抑的家庭生活的一种方法。

1b  I  to get away from a place that you are not supposed to leave such as a prison 逃跑

She was shot while trying to escape. 她在试图越狱时中枪。

1c  I/T  to get away from an embarrassing or annoying situation 逃避;躲避

Maggie started talking to me and I thought I’ d never escape. 玛吉开始和我讲话,我想我决不会逃避。

escape sb’ s clutches He was trying to escape the clutches of two amorous young girls. 他正试图摆脱两个多情女子的纠缠。

2  I/T  to avoid being killed or seriously injured in an accident or attack (在事故或攻击中)幸免

Two security guards escaped injury in the attack. 两名保安在这次袭击中没有受伤。

+with Mr Smith escaped with cuts and bruises. 史密斯先生逃了出来,浑身是割伤和擦伤。

escape unhurt/unharmed/unscathed Her two-week-old baby escaped unscathed. 她两周大的婴儿也活了下来,毫发无损。

escape with your life (=avoid being killed) He was lucky to escape with his life. 逃生

2a  T  to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation 避开

The area has escaped the ravages of war. 这个地区得以免受战争的破坏。

Hughes seems certain to escape punishment. 看来休斯肯定可以逃脱惩罚。

narrowly escape Durham narrowly escaped defeat in their first match of the season. 德拉姆在这个赛季的第一场比赛中险些落败。

2b  I/T  to avoid thinking about or dealing with an unpleasant situation you are in 逃避(现实)

+from The cinema allowed people to escape from the depressing realities of their lives. 电影院使人们能够逃避生活中令人沮丧的现实。

3  T  if something escapes you , you cannot remember it or you do not notice it 被遗忘;被忽略

His name escapes me right now. 他的名字我一时想不起来。

It seems to have escaped him that I was the one who first introduced him to her. 他似乎已经忘了是我把他介绍给她认识的。

escape your attention/notice It had not escaped my attention that Joseph was absent. 我注意到约瑟夫没有来。

4  I  to come out of a container , usually by accident (意外)泄漏,流出

How will we know if there’ s any gas escaping? 如果有气体泄漏,我们怎么知道?

About five tonnes of crude oil had escaped into the sea. 约5吨的原油泄漏到了海里。

4a to come out of your mouth , although you did not intend it to (不自觉地)发出,说出

A weary sigh escaped from her lips. 她不禁叹了一口气,显得很厌倦。

5  I  informal   to go away on holiday 去度假

We’ re hoping to escape to the Algarve in May. 我们希望5月去阿尔加维度假。

-   there’ s no escaping the fact that
used for saying that something is definitely true or important , even though you may prefer to think that it is not




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