

单词 error
error ★★★
1  C/U  a mistake , for example in a calculation or a decision 错误;差错

+in an error in our calculations 我们计算中出的差错

make an error If you make a typing error, you can correct it using one of these keys. 如果打错字,你可以用这些键中的一个来修改。

clerical/factual/grammatical error A simple clerical error meant that your order was posted to the wrong address. 一个小小的笔误就意味着你的订单被发送到了错误的地址。

human/pilot/driver error The accident is thought to have been a result of pilot error. 这次事故被认为是飞行员的过失造成的。

2  C  a failure in a computer process (计算机程序的)错误
-   error of judgment
a bad decision

Keeping quiet turned out to be a serious error of judgment. 保持缄默证明是个严重的判断失误。

-   in error formal
1 by mistake , not deliberately 错误地

The computer had been switched off in error. 电脑被错误地关机了。

2 wrong in what you say or have decided 说错地;做错地

He would not admit he had been in error. 他不愿承认自己错了。

-   see the error of your ways humorous
to realize that you are wrong in what you have done or believed
  Words frequently used with error
  error 的常见搭配词
  verbs   commit, contain, correct, detect, introduce, make, rectify, spot,
See also
trial 1




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