

单词 enter
enter ★★★
1  I/T  to go or come into a place 进入;进来

Soldiers entered the houses, apparently searching for weapons. 士兵们进到了房子里,好像是在找武器。

The man had entered through the back door. 那个人已从后门进去了。

The bullet missed his kidney because it entered his body at an angle. 子弹没有打中他的肾,因为它是斜着进入身体的。

They were imprisoned for illegally entering the country. 他们因非法入境被关押起来。

1a  T  to start or reach a particular period of time in a process or activity 进入,到达(某一时期)

The war had already entered its third week. 战争已经进入第3周。

1b  T  to begin to affect someone’ s actions or behaviour 开始影响(某人的行动或行为)

A hint of emotion entered his voice for the first time. 他的声音第一次开始有了一丝感情色彩。

2  T  to start to take part in a particular activity or work in a particular job 开始做(某事);开始从事

There are dozens of new companies entering the software market. 有数十家新公司开始进入软件市场。

She had hoped to enter the legal profession. 她曾希望能从事法律工作。

2a  I/T  if you enter a race or competition , or someone enters you , you put your name on the list of those taking part (使)参加;(使)报名

She’ s entered several poetry competitions. 她已经报名参加了好几次诗歌大赛。

Each owner can enter a horse for a maximum of three races. 每人最多可以为自己的马报名参加3场比赛。

The competition is free, and anyone over the age of 18 can enter. 本次竞赛不收参赛费,任何年满18周岁的人士都可参加。

3  T  to write something somewhere , for example in a book , on a form , or on a computer 写入;输入

You enter the customer’ s name on this line. 你把客户的名字写在这一行。

Enter your user name and password. 输入你的用户名和密码。

3a to state something officially 正式提出

A number of complaints have been entered by senior members. 高级会员们已经提出了数起投诉。

enter a plea of (=say formally whether you are guilty of a crime) The defendant entered a plea of ‘not guilty’ . 提出…的申辩

-   enter your mind/head
if a thought enters your head , you think about it or consider it

Why such a bizarre notion should have entered her head I cannot imagine. 我无法想象为什么她会有这么奇怪的念头。

It never entered my head to do anything else. 我从未想过要做别的事情。

ˌenter ˈinto
1 to start to take part in an official discussion or other formal activity 正式开始;正式参加

The government had entered into a genuine dialogue with the terrorists. 政府已经开始和恐怖分子进行真正的对话。

1a to agree to be part of an official agreement or contract 加入(协议);订立(合同)

In 1986, the organization entered into an agreement with a private firm to operate the security system. 1986年,该组织和一家私人企业达成协议,共同经营这一安全系统。

2 to be an important aspect of a situation 构成…的重要部分

When companies are trying to save money, loyalty to workers doesn’ t enter into it. 当公司企图省钱时,对工人的忠诚就不重要了。

-   enter into the spirit (of sth)
to behave in the enthusiastic way that people expect in a particular situation , for example in a game or at a party
ˈenter on or ˈenter uˌpon 
enter on/upon sth: to begin something or begin to take part in something 着手做(某事);开始参与(某事)




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