

单词 among
among ★★★
1 included in a larger group
1a used for saying that someone or something is included in a particular group of people or things (用于提及一群人或物中的某人或某物)在…之中,在…之间

His family connections helped ensure his position among the elite. 他的家庭关系有助于确保他在精英阶层中的地位。

from among (=from a group of) The Scottish Labour Party will appoint a committee from among its own members. 从…中

1b used when you are mentioning a particular person or thing in relation to the rest of the group they belong to (用于提及与所属团体其他成员有关的人或事)在…中

Robert was the only one among them who had ever ridden a horse. 罗伯特是他们当中唯一骑过马的人。

Most important among the country’ s problems is the lack of health facilities. 这个国家的问题中最重要的就是缺少医疗设施。

1c used when you are mentioning one or more things out of a larger number (用于提及大量事物中的一个或多个)除了其他事情之外

They discussed, among other things, the future of the oil industry. 除了其他事情,他们还讨论了石油工业的前景。

Among other things, Larsen was accused of attempting to bribe court officials. 除了其他罪行,拉森还被指控企图贿赂法庭官员。

2 happening or existing within a group
2a used for saying what happens within a particular group of people (发生)于…群体中

The suicide rate among young male prisoners is high. 年轻男性囚犯中的自杀率很高。

We want to encourage greater cooperation among the different departments. 我们希望鼓励不同部门之间展开更多的合作。

2b used for saying that many people in a group have a particular opinion or feeling (观点或情感)在…中

News of the invasion spread panic among the citizens. 入侵的消息在市民中引起了一片恐慌。

The general opinion among teachers is that small class sizes are important. 教师中的普遍看法是班级的小规模很重要。

2c with each other 在你们/我们/他们之间

Conservatives were arguing among themselves about minor policy issues. 保守党内部在争论一些无关紧要的政策问题。

3 shared between people or things
used for stating which people receive parts of something when it is divided up and shared out 在…之间(分享)

share/divide/distribute sth among The money has to be shared out among several projects. 这笔钱得在几个项目之间分配。

4 in the middle of other people or things
4a in a place surrounded by people or things 在…包围中

Robin’ s house was hidden among the trees. 罗宾的房子掩映在树木中。

Imran was standing among a crowd of admirers. 英朗站在一群崇拜者中间。

4b moving through a place where there are people or things around you 在…中(穿行)

It was pleasant strolling among the olive trees. 漫步穿行于橄榄树丛中很惬意。

4c searching through things 在…中(寻找)

I found Michelle rummaging among the papers in my drawer. 我发现米歇尔在我抽屉的文件中翻找东西。

5 with people
with a group of people of a particular type 在(某一人群)中

I was never happier than when I was among these familiar faces. 我感到再没有比置身于这些熟人中更快乐的事了。

among friends Oh come on, Arthur, you can speak freely – you’ re among friends. 得了,亚瑟,你想说什么就说什么吧,大家都是朋友。

When just two people are mentioned, you can say something happens between them仅提到两个人时,两人之间发生某事可以用between: It was an agreement between Carl and me. 这是我和卡尔之间的协议。When three or more people are involved, you can use either among or between 涉及3个或3个以上的人时,可用among 或between: The money was divided up among/between the four children. 钱在这4个孩子之间平分。But if each individual person is mentioned, between is used但是如果提到了其中每一个人,则用between: The money was divided up between Sally, Janet, and Susan. 钱在萨莉、珍妮特和苏珊之间平分。If the people are mentioned as a single group, among is used如果提及的人作为一个整体,则用among: I shared out the food among the family. 我给家人分发食物。 Between is used for saying that there are separate people or things on two sides of someone or something 表示某人或某物两边分别有人或物时,用between: I sat between my parents. 我坐在父母之间。 Among is used for saying that someone or something is in the middle of a group of people or things表示某人或某物在一群人或一组东西之中,用among: We were walking among the trees. 我们在树林中散步。




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